Friday, February 27, 2015

30 Day Letter Writing Challenge Day 4--my siblings

Dear Melanie, Mia, Misti and Wayne,

I hope you all know that I feel blessed to share blood with you. I am so proud of each of you.. Melanie, Mia and Misti you are all fabulous mothers! Wayne, I'm sure you will be a great dad.

Mel and Mia, I can't think of too many childhood memories that you were not a part of and I treasure each one. Mel, I played with you and grew up with you. Mia, you were my "first baby", the one I got to practice on. Misti and Wayne, I hate that we did not get to be raised together but I know and hope that you know as well that that was not our fault. I wish we lived closer and could spend time together now. I need to make a better effort at spending time with all of you!

But I do want you all to know that I love each one of you dearly!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

30 Day Letter Writing Challenge Day 3--my parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

I probably don't tell you enough, in fact I'm sure I don't. But I love you both SO much! I could not ask for better parents. You both always put us first and it always costed you so much. Not just in money but in emotions and mental stability. I know that now more than ever as my own kids have been born and grown up.

I know at times you were disappointed in me and that hurt my heart. But I always knew that you loved me. You are not religious people but through your unconditional love, I came to know and understand the love the our Heavenly Father has for His children because the way you raised us and continue to love us is a shining example of how He always loves us no matter what. Sometimes we face consequences for the decisions and choices we make but nothing can take away the love.

Thank you for giving us great memories and happy childhoods. Things weren't always perfect. We didn't always have the best of everything. But you made experiences and memories your priority over houses, cars, clothes and toys and that is something I will always treasure and tried to replicate with my own kids.

Thank you for being amazing grandparents. I'm so glad the bigs and the littles have such a close relationship with you. I remember when Dylan got his first cell phone at the age of 14 and the first person he called with it was you, Mom! I love how their eyes all light up whenever we mention "Deb" or "Pop".

Thank you for instilling in me determination. Determination to be a good parent even when I've messed up. Determination to finish college. Determination to turn my life around after I made a mess of it. Determination to have a strong faith and to always finish what I start.

Thank you for raising me to keep an open mind and always see the other side of things like politics. It used to bother me that I never feel strongly conservative or liberal (who came up with those labels anyway?) but to use common sense and to put myself in other peoples' shoes.

Thank you, Mom for giving me a strong sense of what a true feminist is--someone who wants the best for BOTH men and women and for helping me to see that other women are not my competition nor am I theirs.

Thank you, Dad for showing me that regardless of how old a person gets, he/she can change their mind and learn to love someone very different.

Thank you both for knowing that love is color blind and for rarely judging anyone at all but when we do, we judge not by a person's appearance but by their character.

Thank you for opening your home to so many and for making me want to do the same. And for giving me the courage to do it when the opportunity arises, even when everyone else thinks its asinine.

In short, thank you for being the center of our entire family. Thank you for being you and for being my mom and dad!



30 Day Letter Writing Challenge Day 2--My Crush

Dear crushes...

Hmmm, this is difficult because I don't really have a crush that isn't a celebrity. Maybe just one but I don't know that I would call him a crush. I'm just more of an interested party. I've always thought he was cute but I don't think we really have anything much in common. He expressed an interest at a time when I wasn't ready to date and then when I was open to the idea I think he'd lost interest. I see him making a lot of facebook posts about not liking being alone but he never makes contact with me anymore. Perhaps I've put on a bit too much weight. I wouldn't be attracted to me right now either! I'm trying. And that's another letter for another day. But I guess those that say timing is everything are right. Timing in my life isn't always perfect.

Now, I'm back to being completely happy with my life the way it is and for some reason, that tends to make people uncomfortable or even angry. I get told things like, "Oh you'll find someone", "you'll regret being alone one day" or "you'll change your mind when you meet the right person". I may concede the last one but here's the thing: I'm determined NOT to be one of those needy women that HAS to have a man. And in becoming so determined I've actually discovered a truth about myself. I'm completely fine without one. If I don't make my bed, there's no one to complain. If I want cereal for dinner I don't have to worry about whether my husband eats. I don't have to share the remote, the covers or my ice cream! And I don't have time to worry about spending much with anyone else. I just started a new job, I'm trying to get my weight under control (yes, I should probably not have ice cream!), I'm in graduate school for an MBA, my teenage daughter takes a lot of my time and I'm very involved in my church. I also like to make time for hobbies--crochet, reading, painting, spending time with friends and trying new things. I don't have to be accountable with my finances to anyone but God. I love my single life.

Don't get me wrong--I love men. There has been a time or two that I loved a man deeply and at other times, I have loved LOTS of men. And neither situation was good for me.

Since my divorce I have learned more about marriage than I ever did when I was actually married and I have a deeper reverence for it. If I ever do it again, I want to make sure I have the things inside myself that are required to be a good help mate to my husband. Until that time comes, I don't really want to hear about marriage. If you are married, I'm happy for you. Go forth and prosper. But don't try to tell me or other singles that we need to be married. Don't try and make us feel like we are less that a complete person because we feel content and fulfilled as singles.

I do feel that certain churches in their attempts to preserve and support the family have gone so far as to neglect their single members. This is a tragedy. In fact, the Bible even says in 1 Corinthians 7:7-8 that it is better to remain single. Some are given a great gift of marriage but others are given an even greater gift of being single. Paul did not have to worry about the added stresses of marriage and as such, he was an incredible messenger for God, devoting his life to spreading the gospel.

So stop trying to hook me up. I've given God complete control. If He decides to bring another into my life for the purposes of another marriage, then He can flat out deliver the man to my doorstep! And before you tell me to do "my part" let me tell you, my part is to prepare myself by focusing on Him. By dancing with the Lord, He may let the perfect man cut in. But if He chooses to finish the dance Himself, what could be better?


Daughter of the One True King

Sunday, February 22, 2015

30 Day Letter Challenge Day 1--my best friend


I realize it's been over a month since I last blogged. I've been even more busy than usual. For one, I have an amazing new job that I think I'm going to love. I've been trying to stay focused on learning the terminology as well as the procedures and getting to know my co-workers. Two, graduate school is really kicking my butt! I'm taking three classes one of which is Cost Accounting, another is Corporate Governance that I don't understand at all, and the last is a very demanding class on Special Topics in business. I'm doing my best just to keep my head above water! And most importantly, I'm dealing with major issues involving one of my children. That's all I'm going to say for now. Close friends know what's going on and so does God so if you are a praying person, please pray that the Lord will answer our prayers quickly!

So I'm going to try this 30 day letter writing challenge to try and get myself back on track with my writing/blogging. Hope you enjoy!

Day 1--Your best friend.

Dear Jesus,

Throughout my life I have been blessed with many friends and even "best friends" from time to time. My closest friends usually change with my environment but there are also those lifelong friends that even though I may not see all the time are still special because we've been bonded together by amazing experiences of childhood, teenage years or something else extraordinary. I love them all dearly and as I get older I understand that not all people we love are meant to stay in our lives in the same way they once where. People change. We all grow, we move on and that's okay. I'm content to take people as they are, to do what I can for them when I can and to accept whatever love they have to give at the time.

I used to long for that one special best friend that I would talk with daily, spend time doing fun things, share my deepest secrets, and be in my life throughout its entirety. In the flesh, it's always been a different person. Sometimes my mom. Sometimes my husband. Sometimes my cousin. Sometimes a co-worker. Sometimes a schoolmate. Sometimes another. But no one has been that constant confidant, that "lifelong best friend" because like I said before, circumstances and people change. Only You have been my best friend throughout my entire life. And it's only been lately that I realize I couldn't have ever had a better one.

You always love me unconditionally. You are never surprised by the bone-headed things I do. You are always there. You are not only my Savior but also my comforter, my strength, my peace, my wisdom (when I choose to listen), my laughter, the One I can trust with anything.  You care more about me than I care about myself. You love what I love more than I do. You know what I feel because You experienced everything I have experienced. You never doubt me. You always want the best for me. Nothing surprises You. You are not repulsed by anything I've done but You are also not afraid to discipline me so that I will learn. You are patient. You are kind. You are forgiving.  You are love.

Thank you, Jesus for being my best friend! I love you!