Saturday, May 17, 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 12 Someone I miss

My Maw Maw. Every. Day. She passed away almost 17 years ago and there still is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her. I don't always say so and I don't cry much anymore unless I just sit and think about nothing else. I try not to do that because that is not what she would want. She was the most unselfish and giving person ever. I know if it had not been for her, we would not have had a lot, not that we had a lot anyway. But she gave so much of herself to make sure we had some great childhood memories.

My earliest memories are staying with her, eating Booberry cereal out of the box and watching Hee Haw. She also liked Mountain Dew. She loved to sew and crochet and read and she would show me sometimes how to sew and I would try to make little things out of the enormous box of fabric scraps she kept in her room. She lived with us from the time I was three up until I had already moved out and was married.

She loved her family, especially her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And I would give anything if she were here now to see the wonderful young man and young woman they have grown up to be and to meet Brooke, the baby I believe she sent me from Heaven. She would also be thrilled to get to see the five great-grandchildren that my cousins gave her and the three more from my sisters. Eleven great-grandchildren, nine of which she never got to meet. She would have been so thrilled to watch them all play ball, dance and do all the things they love to do. And they would love her. I never met anyone who didn't.

We miss you, Maw Maw. Every day. Always will.

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