Saturday, March 29, 2014

It's been awhile...

I can't believe it's been more that two months since I last blogged! Well, actually yes, I can. I have thought about blogging several times but either there wasn't time or I felt like I should be "still and quiet". Or maybe I was just procrastinating. But there has been a LOT that has happened!

We celebrated Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, I joined the Events Team at church, went to DivorceCare Leader Fellowship, LIFE group is going well (even though I overslept and missed leader training for retreat today--I'll make it up in a few weeks) I have started training for prison ministry and I'm still working at Compass for now. I paid off my car and bought some things for the house and the kids. I've been trying to work out more and lose weight but it's just not happening quickly and it's getting me frustrated.

Graduate school is going well--I have all A's right now but my Systems Analysis class is literally kicking my butt! I have NEVER worked so hard for anything in my LIFE! But I absolutely love my teammates. We work well together and I know this grade is going to mean something in a few weeks! I have decided to take the summer off. In the first place, my financial aid doesn't cover the summer term so I would be out of pocket the tuition. But mainly I just want to enjoy the summer. I want to take day trips, enjoy the warm summer evenings and read for pleasure for a change. It'll go by quickly enough without all the studying.

I took Super Cooper to see his first movie which just happened to be in 3D! I think it may have been a little over his head but he seemed to enjoy it. He kept reaching his little hand out to try to grab everything!

Jeff and I also drove up to Athens to see Steven Curtis Chapman (no we are not back together, just hanging out) and I went to see Kari Jobe with my best Donna!

We went to Chattanooga for Kayti's clogging competition and they took home 1st place and Platinum! We also went to Rock City while there and had a fabulous weekend.

And then I took the kids to Orlando! We had a blast!

 I love my three "things" more than anything else in the world! I am so blessed to be their mom and to have the relationship with them that I do in spite of everything. I am so proud of all three. They are truly amazing kids. When I think about the troubles some others have with their children, I realize how truly great I have it with these three!

I guess perhaps the best news of all is that my case was dismissed! All charges dropped, it's completely over. I am so thankful to God and to my attorney, Ezra Jordan, who happens to be a Church of the Highlands member also.  I did my part also by completely turning everything around. I didn't sit around and wait for all the breaks to come to me. I made a list, I set goals, I prayed and God opened all the doors which I proudly and excitedly walked through. I do not take any of it for granted and will not ever go back to the lifestyle that landed me in that dark place (literally and spiritually). I have quite a few friends that do not understand that. I've even been accused of "not being myself". But this is my true self. I didn't like the person I was and perhaps that was the reason for the self-destructive behavior. I just didn't realize it at the time. I thought I was "having fun" but I was truly dying inside. Now I am alive and living in freedom everyday!

I can see others doing the same things and I feel so powerless to stop them from going down the same path. They seem oblivious to the things that are destroying them. They want things to change but they don't seem to understand that for things to change, they have to start making different and better choices. And I don't yet have the gift of telling them without sounding judgmental. So I pray. And I pray hard.

So that's all the news for me right now! Be blessed!

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