Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Pictures

We had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you all did as well. I am so very blessed! I got a decal for my new (whenever I get it) car that says A-mom (A being for Alabama of course!) and a pink coffee mug. Got a coffee maker for my classroom, a silver dress watch, a sportswatch that records calories burned, heartrate, miles walked/ran, etc., new kitchen knives, some Bath & Body Works stuff and Jeff and I loaded up on camping/tailgating supplies! Got a tent, table, grill, air mattress...can't wait to try it all out!

The kids got pretty much what they asked for and I am grateful not to have spoiled kids that ask for things they can't possibly use or need and know what Christmas is really all about. Takes the stress off the holiday!

We all enjoyed watching Cooper unwrap his presents and dance around with all the electronic lights and noises that came with just about every one of his toys! Dylan finally finished the toybox he'd been working on for him for months and it is beautiful! He put a lot of time, money and effort into it and it shows.

Here are some pictures...

Christmas morning

My cousin Annette and son, Zac

Me and Kayti

me and Dylan

our little man

Kayti and Tabitha

The Henderson's

Dylan and my bff Shari's son, Taylor

my dad, Randy and Jeff

The toybox...

Noisy toys

A few days before Chistmas, I hosted dinner for my bff's. They all came except for Christy--she was sick, it was her birthday and she had to finish up her Christmas shopping. We missed you, Christy!!! But we had a GREAT time. Jeff was good enough to take the kids over to my sister's house so we would have the (small) house to ourselves! I made my famous lasagna and we ate, drank and were merry! Very merry!

That's Shari, Kim & Donna! I could not have made it through this year without all of them (and Christy, too!)

Today, I'm meeting Christy for lunch out in her neck of the woods. Can't wait to see her, it's been a few weeks at least, if not a month! Then taking the girls to the library and Walmart (they have Christmas money that's burning a hole in their pockets!)

Tomorrow, I go back under the knife for surgery on my left knee this time. Melanie is taking me. I wanted to get it in before the end of the year so I wouldn't have to pay another deductible and also get it done while I'm off work anyway. Problem was, Jeff was out of vacation time until 1/1...so he's going to work as usual and Mel is going with me and driving me home. I'm not jazzed about having it done but I know it has to be done and I'd rather get it over with so I can do my therapy and get back to my exercise asap and be in good shape for the summer. I have set goals, baby!

And at least I know what to expect this time and things are better in other areas of my life so hopefully the depression won't sink in too bad. I've lined up a lot of activities to keep me busy and with it being my left knee instead of my right, hopefully I can get back to driving a LOT sooner. Anyway, trying to look at the bright side!

Got my bedroom repainted last week also! I LOVE it. It's the color of coffee (if you drink it with cream and sugar!) and matches my comforter but can also be neutral if I ever decide to change decor. I hung up my pictures and artwork and the curtains that used to hang in the living room. It's a nice little love nest/sanctuary!

But we still want to move! However, first things first. Got to replace Merc. He died a few weeks ago on the side of I-59 and I dont think there's going to be any reviving him this time. *sigh* Aint life grand? So as soon as I'm able to after my surgery, we will be doing some car shopping...not looking forward to it. I'm excited about getting a new(er) car but not excited about having a payment and I definitely hate the haggle with the salesmen. But what are ya gonna do? Gotta have wheels...

Hoping that knee surgery goes so well that we'll be able to go watch Roger play Friday night for New Year's Eve. Between Jeff, Shari, my cousin Annette and her friend Jenny...maybe I'll have enough help to make it! And I won't be dancing (bummer) but I can still sit, sip and listen! Should be fun!

Hope you and yours have a safe and Happy New Year! Welcome 2011--kiss my foot, 2010--glad to see you go!

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