Friday, July 9, 2010

I love my church...

Love love love it! Our pastors, our praise & worship team, atmosphere, presence of the Holy Spirit, the people, the coffee! lol

But one thing I have been blessed immeasurably by are the resources they provide. The One-year bible and accompanying devotionals are just amazing. Today's spoke volumes to me! If you are so inclined, check it out at

I'm going through a season of life right now where there are so many unknowns and it's just not something I'm used to. I am a planner--"annoyingly organized" (lol, love you Jenn!) and am not often unsure of things or indecisive. It's not that I dont like spontaneity or surprises...I just want to know when they're coming and they better be good ones! haha

It's not that I always have it all together either--I've been through lots of transitions in life, some bad, mostly good. But it's usually been a "one-thing-at-a-time" kind of deal. I've NEVER had so much hit me at once--my son becoming a man (an awesome young man) and making plans to leave the nest, being without a job and at a crossroads in my career, a struggling's a lot to handle at once and I know there are people who have handled MUCH worse and MUCH more. I admire their resolve to keep at it. But it's new territory for me...not being in control.

But I am take it not just one day at a time but one hour at a time. And in doing so, I'm finding that God is reassuring me of the things I've learned--that He will always love me no matter what. That He wants the very best for me and wants me to choose good and flee from evil but delights in me anyway, even when I'm naughty. Thank you, God for your grace and thank you for catching me when I fall and bringing me "back in your arms again" (Mark Schultz) Thank you for leading me to a church and to friends that truly "get" it. You know who you are! And I love you more than you can imagine!


  1. I so love reading your blog updates !! Thanks for being willing to share your life, your thoughts, and your heart with all of us, love you for it =)

  2. I love that God has placed you in a church home that you love so much and are being so greatly fed!

    Praying for you!

  3. Ditto what Donna said !!! Your blogs ALWAYS put a smile on my face ! :o)
