Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday morning random thoughts and updates...

About to hit the shower and go meet my prayer partner and bff, Donna for breakfast and some MUCH need prayer time together. I LOVE LOVE LOVE our prayer times. They are so special and I am so thankful that God answered my prayer for such a friend. Don't know what I'd do without her! I just hope I'm half the friend to her as she is to me!

It's been a pretty boring week overall. Memorial Day was fun. We went to the pool for a few hours, I finished a book and we threw some ribs on the grill. I was off Tuesday so I hit the gym hard, tanned, cleaned house (not that you can tell it now) and then we went to my other Donna's house for swimming. I love Tuesday afternoon pool parties. The kids play, the moms talk and sip! Love love love it!

Wednesday it was back to work and o....m....g....!!! Boring. Boring boring boring! I only have 9 kids (which is the same number I've had all year) but these are 3's & 4's combined. There is a LOT less structure and a LOT less noise. Now for those of you who don't teach and aren't called to be around children, you probably think that's a blessing. I don't. It's just not right! I guess it's just gonna take getting used to but it's really depressing. What once was a place of such love and an open example of God in action is now stark, cold and sad. I am trying to make it fun for the babies we have left and I do love them. I do find small glimpses of God during each day telling me, "No, I'm not in this PLACE but I am in You and these children if you just look..." I love the smile on little Donald's face now that he's been moved up to the big class. I am very thankful to have Aaron still with me. I am enjoying getting to know Anna, Madison and the others and I'm very impressed with the progress Sam (slightly autistic) has made. But I would be remiss if I said I did not miss my other babies. I just hope I get to see them again once in a while. I did get a Gracie fix this week!

I'm doing very good at the gym. I love going early in the mornings and working out before work. I take my time getting ready and have gotten to know a few of the other ladies that go early like me. And I'm happy to report it's officially time for smaller pants! Just gotta keep going...

I applied for two more jobs--Director positions--this week. I'm gonna keep my thoughts to myself for now. I am just willing to go where God wants me to be. I'll keep waiting for Him to open those doors and pray I have the good sense to walk through them!

I am deeply saddened by seeing the oil finally wash up on my beloved beaches. I feel like part of my childhood has been messed with. I cannot remember a summer growing up that we did not go to the beach at least once...sometimes many times. And I've been all over the world--there is no other place on earth like it. I would LOVE to move down there this summer and help with cleanup. I just hope it doesn't last long. I will never again buy gas from BP. It may or may not make a difference but I just can't stomach the thought.

I am so looking forward to this weekend. It's actually the first one in a while I haven't been running running running from one thing to the next. Wish I could get some things done around the house but most likely, I will just catch up on a LOT of reading!

Be blessed!

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