About to hit the shower and go meet my prayer partner and bff, Donna for breakfast and some MUCH need prayer time together. I LOVE LOVE LOVE our prayer times. They are so special and I am so thankful that God answered my prayer for such a friend. Don't know what I'd do without her! I just hope I'm half the friend to her as she is to me!
It's been a pretty boring week overall. Memorial Day was fun. We went to the pool for a few hours, I finished a book and we threw some ribs on the grill. I was off Tuesday so I hit the gym hard, tanned, cleaned house (not that you can tell it now) and then we went to my other Donna's house for swimming. I love Tuesday afternoon pool parties. The kids play, the moms talk and sip! Love love love it!
Wednesday it was back to work and o....m....g....!!! Boring. Boring boring boring! I only have 9 kids (which is the same number I've had all year) but these are 3's & 4's combined. There is a LOT less structure and a LOT less noise. Now for those of you who don't teach and aren't called to be around children, you probably think that's a blessing. I don't. It's just not right! I guess it's just gonna take getting used to but it's really depressing. What once was a place of such love and an open example of God in action is now stark, cold and sad. I am trying to make it fun for the babies we have left and I do love them. I do find small glimpses of God during each day telling me, "No, I'm not in this PLACE but I am in You and these children if you just look..." I love the smile on little Donald's face now that he's been moved up to the big class. I am very thankful to have Aaron still with me. I am enjoying getting to know Anna, Madison and the others and I'm very impressed with the progress Sam (slightly autistic) has made. But I would be remiss if I said I did not miss my other babies. I just hope I get to see them again once in a while. I did get a Gracie fix this week!
I'm doing very good at the gym. I love going early in the mornings and working out before work. I take my time getting ready and have gotten to know a few of the other ladies that go early like me. And I'm happy to report it's officially time for smaller pants! Just gotta keep going...
I applied for two more jobs--Director positions--this week. I'm gonna keep my thoughts to myself for now. I am just willing to go where God wants me to be. I'll keep waiting for Him to open those doors and pray I have the good sense to walk through them!
I am deeply saddened by seeing the oil finally wash up on my beloved beaches. I feel like part of my childhood has been messed with. I cannot remember a summer growing up that we did not go to the beach at least once...sometimes many times. And I've been all over the world--there is no other place on earth like it. I would LOVE to move down there this summer and help with cleanup. I just hope it doesn't last long. I will never again buy gas from BP. It may or may not make a difference but I just can't stomach the thought.
I am so looking forward to this weekend. It's actually the first one in a while I haven't been running running running from one thing to the next. Wish I could get some things done around the house but most likely, I will just catch up on a LOT of reading!
Be blessed!
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