Friday, June 25, 2010

Killing time...

I got up early this morning, did a little of the cleaning I was supposed to do yesterday but didn't, went to workout and then I was supposed to meet with my prayer partner this morning. But she is home with a migraine so I had a few hours to kill. Decided to come to the library, type up a follow up letter for one of my interviews and now I'm just blogging...I have no thoughts in mind (well, that's not true, I actually have a LOT of thoughts) but no idea what will come out as I didn't exactly plan this post.

I took the day off from work yesterday. I had a very emotional morning and was just completely drained. I don't do that often (call in to work) but yesterday, it just had to be done. I went downtown and met Jeff for a few minutes during his lunch break and then I went shopping and got my toes done! Haven't done either of those in a long time. I'm not really much of a shopper...I like to go in, get what I need and get out as quickly as possible. Truth be told, I'd rather be home scrubbing toilets than at Walmart, especially on Thursday (that's when all the seniors go and I know that sounds ugly but I just don't have any patience when I have a list to markoff...I want to get it done and anyone who gets in my way, gets on my bucket list!) But yesterday I decided I was going to get a few items that had been on my "to get" list for a long time and just hadn't had the extra money to do it, the time to really look for what I want or whatever. Yes, I have a "to get" list. I am a listmaker. I have a "to do" list (actually two--one for the day and one for long-term), a wish list, grocery list, walmart list, bills to pay list, goals list...I cannot function with my notebook of lists!

So what was on my "to get" list? Well, workout clothes for starters. I actually only had one set that was halfway decent and I have been having to wash them every day since I have been working out so much. Since I'm apparently in the groove now, I thought it would be a good investment and not a waste of money like it would have been any other time. And here's the best part--I got in a size 12 pants!!!! I could not believe it. Granted, they are workout pants and stretchy but not too much...I am beyond tickled. But I still have a LLLOOONNNGGG way to go.

I also got a pool coverup. Since I got a new swimsuit last month, my old coverup no longer matched and you guys know--I MUST MATCH!!! I am no fashionista, but everything has to go together at least.

I got a wrap to wear while I'm getting ready at the Y (sort of like a robe), some new makeup, sunscreen, skin care products, new bath towels, steak knives, measuring cups, cake pans, etc. etc. etc. Just things we've been needing for awhile and like I said, I've just been putting off getting. It was good to be by myself for a few hours even if it did have to be shopping.

I also got my toes done which I haven't done in awhile. I usually do them myself to save money. But I was in need of some "therapy" and let me tell you, it was good! It's a good thing I do not have one of those chairs at home because if I did, I would probably never get out of it.

We all decided to go out to eat for dinner last night for Kayti's birthday, a belated Father's day and celebrate my slimdown. We let Kayti pick the place and she picked Logan's which was fine with me. Love love love their Roadhouse Tea! And our little waiter was cute as a bug! He was even flirting with Kayti a little bit which I think made her feel good! Then he let it slip that he liked to hunt and fish so wouldn't you know, my husband made a new best friend! Needless to say, this little guy got a nice tip and we had a good time.

Then we let the girls go to Wet Seal--their favorite clothing store and they each spent some of their birthday money on some cute clothes. I was tempted to try on a pair of shorts there but decided not to ruin my day by pressing my luck! One day....

I have no idea what we are doing this weekend. If the weather is good, I'm sure we'll be at the pool. If not, I got some spackling yesterday so I could start repainting the inside of the house! Yes, it's that time again...I'm feeling a major reorganization/redecorate coming on! I was trying to hold off to see if we were going to get to move but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon so...

I've been working on my writing and managed to get a few chapters finished in what I hope turns into some kind of book. It's mostly childhood memories, as I mentioned before, I've been reading about that and am learning a lot about myself.

I would very much appreciate everyone's prayers right now. I am seriously struggling in one area that I don't feel comfortable talking about right now (so please, don't talk about it amongst yourselves or feel the need to call my mom, for the love--it's not THAT bad! Please keep it to yourself and just pray!!! I am journaling and praying but I'm not really sure what to pray for...I either need redemption or closure, perhaps both. And it's really hard because I need to get all this stuff out and I just can't...not even here. I'm very afraid. So please pray that God will see me through all this. I know He will...but I very much need to feel some comfort and grace right now.

Guess I have killed enough time...better get to work. Thank God it's Friday! Have a great weekend and be blessed!

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