Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy 100th Birthday Camp Fire!!!

This past weekend, my kids and I had the privelege of attending the 100th Birthday party reunion campout for Camp Fire, USA. If you are not familiar with this organization, you can get more information at and I urge you to do so. My girls have had the honor of being part of a local club for several years of their lives. Why we stopped, I don't even remember. I think it was because of scheduling conflicts and I sure regret that. I hope Tina keeps doing it because I would definitely like to try again next year. But anyway...

through their participation in this club, my girls have made so many friends, learned so much and had so many wonderful experiences. I, too, have made great friends as a mom and this is just such an awesome group of people. We had a really good time (even though I DID come home sick!)

Dylan even tagged along as well because he may be working out at Camp Fletcher this summer and he was using that time to get in some training. Here are a few pictures from the weekend:

Kayti is at the age where she does NOT like having her picture taken. She thinks she doesn't look good in pictures. I dont understand that at all--she's GORGEOUS!!! But I remember feeling that way as a teen so I'll let her be for now and just put up with the frowns! I'm hoping it's just a phase!

Brooke, on the other hand, LOVES the camera!

An AWESOME group of kids!!! I mean--amazing!!!

in the cabins!

Now, singing, dancing, telling stories--that is NOT Dylan's forte! But he was a good sport when he DID get picked and I'm proud of him for not acting like a doofus and cowering down when put in the spotlight!

There was some kind of relay--I dont even know what you would call it, it was sort of a three legged race but with jump rope and their legs weren't tied together???? But Dylan was partnered up with Candie Ferrill. Candie is the 7th child of some dear friends of ours who had 4 biological children and then adopted 4 more from China! Their story is an amazing story of faith and trusting God and I urge you to go get to "know them" through their blog at We are blessed to call them friends.

Great times!

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