Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A great week...

So far, turning 40 has been pretty good! LOL

We made it to church Sunday morning and the whole time we were driving there I was thinking..."this is nuts! There is too much traffic, this place is too big, it's overwhelming and it's crazy. We need to try somewhere else." And I KNOW that's what Jeff was thinking! I don't know what it's gonna take for him to figure out somewhere where he'll be happy. I've offered to TRY the Church of Christ (even though I *KNOW* it wouldn't make ME happy) and he declines (maybe he knows that). Ugh! Just keep praying that God will speak to him someway, somehow and draw him closer to HIm.

Anyway, getting back to my story...we finally made it inside the building and I looked in the usual spot where my friend was supposed to be saving us some seats and I couldn't see her! Yes, it's that huge. So I gave up and let an usher take us to the very top and I actually think I like it up there better. More leg room...I can see just as good and it feels like I'm at a concert! How cool is that?

The music was awesome as usual and by the way, after being in church with Gary Morgan, it takes a LOT to impress me with worship. Yes, Gary is THAT good. So that should give you some idea of what worship is like at the Highlands.

But boy did God ever deliver a message to me! The Holy Spirit--your best friend. I learned SO much that I never even knew about the Holy Spirit and it just confirmed to me that, at least for now, this is where I'm meant to be. We just need to find a small group to plug in to.

Monday was a typical day and Tuesday was a little chaotic with a teacher being out and having to combine classes AGAIN!! I swear some people just really irritate me. But I digress...I went to pick Kayti up from CORE and she had had to meet with Karen Krienke, the Math Advisor about her placement test and it turned out to be good news--she had upped her score to an 80%! Thank you, Lord. Kayti has always struggled with math until these last few years and Wendy Riley has just turned her completely around. So we were thrown for a loop when we found out she'd failed the placement test for next year! Fortunately, Karen suggested that she meet with Kayti and see if she may have misunderstood something. She did. Go figure.

Today, I only had 6 kids and they were all very good. We did some new centers, including our new computer center and they had a ball. Yes, I know, I'm easily entertained! Then I got treated to lunch at Guadalajara by Liz, Casey, & Baby Rae for my birthday! Velletta, Lura and Jami came, too! We had SO much fun we were gone for 1 1/2 hours! LOL I'm sure we'll be in the doghouse for a few days but I don't care. We NEVER get to do stuff like that and it was so good to catch up with good friends. Hope we get to do it again, soon.

Hopefully I get to see baby Cooper tomorrow night because Friday I have to leave for Camp Fletcher with the girls! I think I'm as excited as they are--more reunions with old friends.

I DO have two prayer requests:

1 is for my sister and mother. We have more drama. Please pray for God's wisdom AND His mercy.

2 I am jsut not ready to share yet but it's huge! And it's a good thing (I hope) but I'm still afraid to say it out loud but it's in the works and if it's what God wants, I know it will come to pass. Just pray that He will show us what to do and that if He needs to move a few mountains, He will be willing.

Have a great week!

PS I had a change of heart and am staying on at the daycare through the summer--unless someone calls about an application I've put in at MANY other places. I think the schedule will work out well and give me some time with the kids this summer and I do have bills! May as well stay on the sinking ship as long as I can! :)

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