Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday afternoon random thoughts...

I had planned on making a great big update to our blog featuring pictures and everything from our Spring Clean--Go Green event we had at our house yesterday but I got so wrapped up in what we were doing that I actually forgot to take very many pictures and now...well, I'm just too tired! We accomplished a LOT but we're still not done.

I've been reading Sara Snow's Living Fresh. I first heard about her on Jon & Kate plus 8 but just happened to come across her book at the library last week and it has already changed my life! I am thoroughly convinced that all the hormones and pesticides and preservatives and addititives and things in our food is causing a lot of our problems! Sara has also reinforced my initial belief that living green IS Christian! God gave us a wonderful gift of His creation. We should WANT to take as good care of it as possible and leave it for future generations. It isn't "worshiping" the Earth or anything like that. It's about being good stewards of God's world.

I'm on day 3 and I can already tell a difference. I feel better (except for being tired from all that we did yesterday and having this nagging cough!), I have more energy and a clearer mind. I actually WANT to get up and exercise and do something productive. When I need to rest, I rest with purpose and not just to veg out in front of the tv (though that's not all that bad! lol)

And it isn't as expensive as you might think, which is one reason I have resisted all this until now. I am still getting used to the new meal planning and trying to find the various ingredients and I've had to make more trips to more places than I'm used to but I think once I get a handle on everything that won't always happen. And yes, I can actually TASTE a difference in the food and it doesn't take as much to satisfy me either. Guess it gives credit to the old saying "quality and not quantity".

Another thing I love about Sara is that she doesn't advocate an "all or nothing" philosophy to greener living. You can do what's easiest for your family to do and it still makes a difference. You don't have to rush out and install solar panels or buy a hybrid (though I do wish that I could!)

So here's what the Quick family is doing to live greener:

1) recycling--I've made several attempts at trying to do this and we always tend to get lax with it. But this time I set up a "recycling station" in the garage where we can put our plastics, paper/cardboard and glass/aluminum. Looks like we have a LOT of plastics! And thankfully, the City of Clay has a recycling bin we can conveniently drop these items off at that is not too far from where we live. (before I had to drive it all downtown!)

2) energy-efficient light bulbs--I began installing these yesterday in the rooms of the house that are most often lit. I can already tell a difference in the temperatures of the rooms and I can't wait to see a difference on my power bill. As all my old bulbs in other places burn out, I will replace those with these and recycle.

3) No more harsh chemical cleaners. I spent part of yesterday making my own cleaning supplies, naturally. For window cleaner I use a mix of water and lemon juice, for all purpose disinfectant--water and vinegar. I use baking soda as a deodorizer and an abrasive cleanser and we made our own laundry detergent. I've actually done that before (thank you, Duggars!). It's easy and very inexpensive, I just got out of the habit.

4) No more styrofoam plates. Paper or real dishes only!

5) We now have a compost bin underneath the kitchen sink for food scraps. When it's full, it will be taken to the compost heap in the backyard.

It may not sound like a lot, but we're working baby steps here! I have plans to do much more as soon as we're able and it's practical.

I will not buy anymore meat or produce from Walmart--local farmers markets and organic farmers only and if I can't get there, Publix carries a pretty good selection of these items.

I am going to learn to can fruits and vegetables.

Jeff is growing tomatoes and I plan to grow herbs and start learning about using herbs medicinally.

As for getting more exercise, Kayti is my inspiration. That girl loves to run and is constantly asking if I can take her to the track! When I take her, I usually walk, too. If I can't, she's content to walk around the neighborhood and take everything in. I hope soon that we can join the Y.

I'm doing a total body cleanse and it feels great. I'm ridding my body of toxins and pollutants and ridding my mind and soul of busy-ness and time wasters (and things that are not...well, I won't say "trash" but definitely not good to feed your mind and soul with.)

As for our spring cleaning yesterday, I got rid of a LOT of junk. I'd been saving it to have a yard sale but the city wide yard sale I was supposed to participate in yesterday was cancelled because of the weather. And I'm sick of looking at all this junk piled up in the garage. I may lose out on making a few bucks but it really wasn't enough to mess with anyway and I feel better when I purge!

We reorganized our laundry room, kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets, scrubbed our walls & baseboards, washed all linens (including curtains) and windows and much more.

Someone else bought the house we were wanting so it looks like we may be here a while longer. Sometimes I get discouraged about this but then I think back to how wonderfully God provided for us the last time we needed to move and I know He has some place special picked out just for us. It's all on His timing and I just have to keep reminding myself that.

The job hunt is still on also. Please pray for God to reveal to me where to I'm supposed to be. I'm so thankful to have finally found my calling, I just need to know where God wants me to serve Him.

Pray for Jeff to get some more overtime. We are not back where we started (yet) but we have some financial obligations that we have to meet in the next few months that will be difficult without the extra income. But I know from watching my friends live by faith in this area that God is a gracious provider.

I'm gonna relax and enjoy the rest of the day hopefully getting to see my baby Cooper later.

Be blessed!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy 100th Birthday Camp Fire!!!

This past weekend, my kids and I had the privelege of attending the 100th Birthday party reunion campout for Camp Fire, USA. If you are not familiar with this organization, you can get more information at and I urge you to do so. My girls have had the honor of being part of a local club for several years of their lives. Why we stopped, I don't even remember. I think it was because of scheduling conflicts and I sure regret that. I hope Tina keeps doing it because I would definitely like to try again next year. But anyway...

through their participation in this club, my girls have made so many friends, learned so much and had so many wonderful experiences. I, too, have made great friends as a mom and this is just such an awesome group of people. We had a really good time (even though I DID come home sick!)

Dylan even tagged along as well because he may be working out at Camp Fletcher this summer and he was using that time to get in some training. Here are a few pictures from the weekend:

Kayti is at the age where she does NOT like having her picture taken. She thinks she doesn't look good in pictures. I dont understand that at all--she's GORGEOUS!!! But I remember feeling that way as a teen so I'll let her be for now and just put up with the frowns! I'm hoping it's just a phase!

Brooke, on the other hand, LOVES the camera!

An AWESOME group of kids!!! I mean--amazing!!!

in the cabins!

Now, singing, dancing, telling stories--that is NOT Dylan's forte! But he was a good sport when he DID get picked and I'm proud of him for not acting like a doofus and cowering down when put in the spotlight!

There was some kind of relay--I dont even know what you would call it, it was sort of a three legged race but with jump rope and their legs weren't tied together???? But Dylan was partnered up with Candie Ferrill. Candie is the 7th child of some dear friends of ours who had 4 biological children and then adopted 4 more from China! Their story is an amazing story of faith and trusting God and I urge you to go get to "know them" through their blog at We are blessed to call them friends.

Great times!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A great week...

So far, turning 40 has been pretty good! LOL

We made it to church Sunday morning and the whole time we were driving there I was thinking..."this is nuts! There is too much traffic, this place is too big, it's overwhelming and it's crazy. We need to try somewhere else." And I KNOW that's what Jeff was thinking! I don't know what it's gonna take for him to figure out somewhere where he'll be happy. I've offered to TRY the Church of Christ (even though I *KNOW* it wouldn't make ME happy) and he declines (maybe he knows that). Ugh! Just keep praying that God will speak to him someway, somehow and draw him closer to HIm.

Anyway, getting back to my story...we finally made it inside the building and I looked in the usual spot where my friend was supposed to be saving us some seats and I couldn't see her! Yes, it's that huge. So I gave up and let an usher take us to the very top and I actually think I like it up there better. More leg room...I can see just as good and it feels like I'm at a concert! How cool is that?

The music was awesome as usual and by the way, after being in church with Gary Morgan, it takes a LOT to impress me with worship. Yes, Gary is THAT good. So that should give you some idea of what worship is like at the Highlands.

But boy did God ever deliver a message to me! The Holy Spirit--your best friend. I learned SO much that I never even knew about the Holy Spirit and it just confirmed to me that, at least for now, this is where I'm meant to be. We just need to find a small group to plug in to.

Monday was a typical day and Tuesday was a little chaotic with a teacher being out and having to combine classes AGAIN!! I swear some people just really irritate me. But I digress...I went to pick Kayti up from CORE and she had had to meet with Karen Krienke, the Math Advisor about her placement test and it turned out to be good news--she had upped her score to an 80%! Thank you, Lord. Kayti has always struggled with math until these last few years and Wendy Riley has just turned her completely around. So we were thrown for a loop when we found out she'd failed the placement test for next year! Fortunately, Karen suggested that she meet with Kayti and see if she may have misunderstood something. She did. Go figure.

Today, I only had 6 kids and they were all very good. We did some new centers, including our new computer center and they had a ball. Yes, I know, I'm easily entertained! Then I got treated to lunch at Guadalajara by Liz, Casey, & Baby Rae for my birthday! Velletta, Lura and Jami came, too! We had SO much fun we were gone for 1 1/2 hours! LOL I'm sure we'll be in the doghouse for a few days but I don't care. We NEVER get to do stuff like that and it was so good to catch up with good friends. Hope we get to do it again, soon.

Hopefully I get to see baby Cooper tomorrow night because Friday I have to leave for Camp Fletcher with the girls! I think I'm as excited as they are--more reunions with old friends.

I DO have two prayer requests:

1 is for my sister and mother. We have more drama. Please pray for God's wisdom AND His mercy.

2 I am jsut not ready to share yet but it's huge! And it's a good thing (I hope) but I'm still afraid to say it out loud but it's in the works and if it's what God wants, I know it will come to pass. Just pray that He will show us what to do and that if He needs to move a few mountains, He will be willing.

Have a great week!

PS I had a change of heart and am staying on at the daycare through the summer--unless someone calls about an application I've put in at MANY other places. I think the schedule will work out well and give me some time with the kids this summer and I do have bills! May as well stay on the sinking ship as long as I can! :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Turning the big 4-0!

It was a whirlwind of a birthday yesterday or so it seemed with my surprise party at work and the "pre" celebration with my family (we are doing the big thing tonight) so I didn't really have much time to be depressed and the more I think about it anyway--why should I be? I have a WONDERFUL life! I am very blessed and don't think for one minute that I don't know that.

Has life turned out the way I thought it would? Well, in many ways yes and in some ways no. Do I have any regrets? I don't know that I would say "regret"...there are some things I wish I'd have handled differently or that wouldn't have happened at all but each has been used by God to teach me something and make me the person I am today and I like who I am. You might not, but I do! LOL

So let me take a minute to reflect on the things I'm thankful for and state out loud some goals for the next 40 years!

I am thankful that I married my best friend. We married young (19 & 20) and I KNOW everyone was thinking, "It'll never last." And it hasn't always been easy--still isn't sometimes. We've been through some pretty unimaginable things that often do and have split a lot of couples up. We still fight, get on each others' nerves and there are times when I think--"we are SO completely different." But our differences have served us well and there is love and a mutual committment. I am thankful that my husband supports me no matter what--spiritually, emotionally and financially. He's a hard worker and a good provider for our family. He's always in my corner and I am very proud of our marriage.

I am thankful to call three of the best kids in the world my own. They are happy, healthy, well-adjusted and continually amaze me. I am thankful for so many experiences with them--nursing, teaching them to read, homeschooling, cheering them on, even the up-all-nights and ER visits. Have I always been the perfect parent? No way, who is? But I can honestly say that my kids have always been my top priority, no matter what. Every decision that I made (good or bad) was done with their best interests at heart and though I'm not done yet, they are old enough for me to see that my efforts have been worth it. They are growing up to be awesome people and I am truly proud to be their mom.

I am thankful for my family. My mom is one of my best friends and I love the relationship we have. She is my confidant, my mentor, my buddy, and at times, she even lets herself be my venting ear and punching bag! Wow! My dad is one heck of a man. Not many men will give their all to raise someone else's child like their own. He has sacrificed SO much and continues to that it brings tears to my eyes. The sun truly rises and sets in him. I have three sisters that are wonderful women. One I'm not as close to as I'd like to be but that's no fault of hers or mine and we are working on it. Two of them are amazing mothers and all three are my "sister mafia"! LOL All my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. --they are a fun bunch of people and I love them dearly!

I have some amazing friends. I used to get upset that God never gave me a life-long "best friend" (except for the one I married) but the older I get the more I realize that the way my friendships developed over time has been an even greater blessing. Those that I "hang out" with have changed as my environment has changed (employment, moving, etc.) but they've never been broken. I'm thankful for technology allowing all of us to reconnect in a way that we otherwise wouldn't have and I know that almost ALL of them would go out of their way if I needed them as would I for them. Those that I'm close to at the moment are some awesome people, mostly parents of my kids' friends and I'm grateful for that as well. The Bible says "bad company corrupts good character" and I think the opposite must also be true as I am definitely a better person for the great people God has brought into my life.

I am thankful to be attending an awesome church as a family. If God reveals that it is the right place for us, then I can't wait to become more involved. I am thankful for the relationship I have with my Lord & Savior. He is my friend as well as my master and His grace and mercy is overwhelming.

I am thankful to finally know my calling. It's been a fabulous seven years as a teacher and my life has been richly blessed by some precious kids and their families.

I am thankful to have graduated college and though I have a student loan that doesn't look like it's every going to go away, nor am I actually employed for my major, I regret not a thing! I learned SO much, not just from my professors and classes but from people I met and about myself having to dredge through some of the rough spots. I had a great time as well and some of my fondest memories are from the hilltop!

I am thankful that I've been able to travel to places many people only dream of. I once "dreamed" of it as well and still do! I guess my spirit takes the Lord at His literal Word when He said, "Go!" I love to go! Anywhere, anytime. And I'm glad I got the chance.

I am thankful to be healthy. Yes, I have a few (okay several) pounds to lose and I'm not as young as I used to be (obviously). But I have seen chronic illness up close and personal and it ain't pretty! I don't take for granted one minute being able to do the things I do.

I know that there is SO much more that I have to be thankful for but they are mostly just "things". And while I appreciate having them, it's the above that I value most--really!

As for my goals for the "next 40 years"--number one is to keep valuing and nurturing all the relationships I mentioned, first and foremost.

The rest--in no particular order:

Make healthy living a priority.
Get out of debt!
See all three kids off to college.
Adopt/foster more children. (yes, I WILL do this!)
Put others needs first through giving and missions.
Travel more
Open up my own preschool
Live greener

(just to name a few! lol)

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes! It was a blessed day yesterday and will be another one today! As for all my friends who have yet to turn 40 and are dreading it, look at it this way--(except for the fact that you would get to see Jesus) it's better than the alternative!

Have a blessed day (week, month, year, life!)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We had a great Easter and I hope all of you did, too. We met my mom, dad, sister, Cooper and cousin's family at Joe's Crab Shack for a nice lunch. They tried to embarass me by telling the staff it was my birthday which it was NOT--not until Thursday! But I don't embarrass easily and I'm trying to teach Kayti not to get embarrassed so easily so I demonstrated courage by getting up and rolling with it instead of cowering down like a doofus! I had to ride around the restaurant with a cowboy hat and a play horse while everyone else got to sing "Happy Birthday"! Too bad for my family, the place wasn't that crowded!

Then we retreated to my cousin's lovely home to just relax for the day and pass Cooper around!

I confess, I am SO in love with that baby! And he's a good baby, too--just like all of mine were. And I am so proud of my little sister! She is such a good mommy!

Today I am at home with what started out to be a killer headache but has now subsided a little bit--enough for me to hold my head up anyway. I'm going to go lie back down for a little bit while I finish reading some books I found--SAHM I am! These are so right up my alley as I used to belong to quite a few online email loops and message boards and these women remind me so much of myself, some very dear friends I've been blessed to meet through technology and even a few I'd rather forget but truth be told, have taught me something so I guess nothing is ever a total waste. And I'm hear to tell you--God can speak to us through ANYTHING.

One passage in particular that caught my attention was this:

"We are not supposed to have "quiet time". Not at all! We are supposed to have a love relationship with the God of the universe, who adores each of us as individuals. Do you force yourself to spend a certain block of time with [your husband] every day, where you engage in intense sutdy of something somebody else wrote about what he said? Where you deliverately work at memorizing a letter he wrote to you? Where you rattle off a honey-do list of needs you or other people have? How fun would that be for either one of you?

I would imagine when you spend time with your husband, you laugh and talk together, show affection and listen to each otehr. It's not "quiet" at all!

Don't you think God would rather have that sort of natural, spontaneous relationship with you, instead of some regimented, formulaic ritual?

Oh what a relief! I'd never thought of it that way. It's not that I dread my quiet times (well, sometimes I do if I'm being totally honest) or that I hate studying God's Word. But I think sometimes we put TOO much emphasis on making "quiet time" a habit when God wants ALL of us, every day and then we fret on how to balance doing that with all the other demands on us. After reading this, I've determined that Satan was trying to use the very thing we should treasure against us by making us feel guilty when we are unable to accomplish it. No more! I shall now look upon my "quiet times" (when I get them!) as a treat and a treasure, rather than a chore and will continue to have the kind of relationship with my redeemer that I've ALWAYS had--ongoing and mutual throughout each day and night, sharing my thoughts, joys and concerns with Him just like I do others that I love.

So I'm off to read and relax and try to make the rest of my headache go away so I can get up this afternoon and bust my hiney doing all the things that need doing around here so I can get back to my babies tomorrow! I really miss them and HATE HATE HATE missing work, even though sometimes, it's just plain necessary!

Have a blessed week, my dear friends!