1. No matter how many times I hear them, Bible stories STILL speak to me as I read them to children.
2. I can comfort and treat TWO bumped heads at the same time.
3. I can change 16 kids from clothes into swimsuits, slather them with sunscreen and take them outside to play in the water BY MYSELF!
4. And 30 minutes later, I can change 16 kids from wet swimsuits into clothes AND keep all their "stuff" together BY MYSELF!
5. I can fix 16 SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT lunches!!
6. I can get all 16 to take a nap!
7. I will go to the ends of the earth looking for "car pillow".
8. I can sing London Bridge 16 times in a row so that everyone gets a turn to be both the "bridge" and the "fair lady".
9. The words "dry erase" on a dry erase marker do not necessarily mean "dry" or even "erase".
10. Kids who happen to own the most expensive toys (we're talking 4 yo's with Nintendo DS here!) actually value a pair of old batting gloves in the dress up box enough to fight over them.
11. A laminator can actually swallow an entire 8 1/2 x 14 laminating sheet, complete with picture and you'll never see it again!
12. I need to repeat kindergarten and work on my coloring skills--I STILL color outside the lines (please don't tell Mrs. Wade--my kindergarten teacher!)
13. No matter how much flack I STILL catch from family and friends for leaving that lucrative job at the bank (yeah, whatever), I am totally blessed and completely happy to work where I do and do what I do. God has totally shown me that my mission field is young children. It may not be as dramatic as helping drug addicts and prostitutes or as exciting as serving in a far off land as a missionary but it is still important to God that I minister to families by taking good care of their precious children everyday.
AMEN! Preach on sister! I love teaching those babies too! I love even more what they teach me!