Sunday, July 19, 2009

More updates from us...

Where oh where to begin...

I have been so busy this summer writing curriculum. I couldn't find anything that I really wanted for Language Arts or Bible so I decided to write my own for both! It has been no small undertaking but it has been both fun and rewarding and I have learned so much in doing it! I am very proud of myself for attempting to do this and for actually completing it. Now I just hope the girls get as much out of using it as I did in creating it!

I only wrote one course for Bible and I actually titled it Spiritual Studies. Both girls will be doing the same thing--studying through the book, Beautiful Girlhood, learning character traits through fun activities, Scripture memorization, reading through the four gospels and studying different religions and denominations.

But I did do two separate Language Arts programs since one girl is in 6th and one is in 8th. I believe Donna is thinking about letting Abby do the same program as Kayti so I'm really exciting about that, too. The older girls will read Great Expectations, The Diary of Anne Frank, What Child Is This?, Lyddie, Tom Sawyer and Tales from Shakespeare. They have Spelling, Grammar and writing assignments as well as literature connections to the Holocaust, women's rights and 19th century England plugged in with all of that. Brooke is going to read The Breadwinner, Parvana's Journey, A Christmas Sonata, Heidi, That Girl Lucy Moon and Yankee Girl. She will be learning Spelling, Grammar, Handwriting and have literature connections on Afghanistan (which has become very near and dear to my heart), Switzerland and the Civil Rights movement.

I am just so jazzed about all of this, can you tell?

I've also begun getting my classroom ready for the Fall. I'm so excited to be back in the classroom and even though my favorite boss in the whole world ever has left the Academy and everyone is apprehensive about the changes that will inevitably be coming, I'm trying to keep my eyes focused on the Lord and not the water (He got through to me on that one when I was reading to the children about Jesus walking on water but Peter being unable to do it because he was watching the water and not Jesus!)

We are still surviving with no TV and actually loving it, though I will have to get the cable hooked back up soon because I will need the internet more when school starts back. Merc is still hanging in there. We got the window fixed at least. Jeff's hours have been cut back to 30 a week until mid-August but fortunately, he has enough vacation time saved up to see us through on that and hopefully, the work they are getting from the stimulus package (the one that naysayers say isn't working you know?) will kick in soon. They've won the bids, they are just waiting for the projects to get finished in the drawing phase as I do pretend to understand. All I know is that beginning sometime in August, I will supposedly not be seeing much of my husband.

My sister got her first ultrasound at 6 weeks 2 days. It's definitely a baby in there! I could not be more thrilled!

Dylan spent a few days at the beach with my cousin and her family. He had a blast and came back sporting a tan! As soon as she sends me pictures, I will post some.

We are feeling once again led to leave Clearview. This probably doesn't come as a huge surprise to some of you since we haven't been in a while and it doesn't have anything to do with anything or anyone there. I will always consider it my "home" in many ways. I just don't feel it's where we belong anymore. I do not know where God wants us but I do trust that He has a place already picked out and is just waiting to reveal it to us.

That's about it, I think! Blessings to all for a great week!

Things I have learned about myself from 4 year-olds...

1. No matter how many times I hear them, Bible stories STILL speak to me as I read them to children.

2. I can comfort and treat TWO bumped heads at the same time.

3. I can change 16 kids from clothes into swimsuits, slather them with sunscreen and take them outside to play in the water BY MYSELF!

4. And 30 minutes later, I can change 16 kids from wet swimsuits into clothes AND keep all their "stuff" together BY MYSELF!

5. I can fix 16 SEPARATE AND DIFFERENT lunches!!

6. I can get all 16 to take a nap!

7. I will go to the ends of the earth looking for "car pillow".

8. I can sing London Bridge 16 times in a row so that everyone gets a turn to be both the "bridge" and the "fair lady".

9. The words "dry erase" on a dry erase marker do not necessarily mean "dry" or even "erase".

10. Kids who happen to own the most expensive toys (we're talking 4 yo's with Nintendo DS here!) actually value a pair of old batting gloves in the dress up box enough to fight over them.

11. A laminator can actually swallow an entire 8 1/2 x 14 laminating sheet, complete with picture and you'll never see it again!

12. I need to repeat kindergarten and work on my coloring skills--I STILL color outside the lines (please don't tell Mrs. Wade--my kindergarten teacher!)

13. No matter how much flack I STILL catch from family and friends for leaving that lucrative job at the bank (yeah, whatever), I am totally blessed and completely happy to work where I do and do what I do. God has totally shown me that my mission field is young children. It may not be as dramatic as helping drug addicts and prostitutes or as exciting as serving in a far off land as a missionary but it is still important to God that I minister to families by taking good care of their precious children everyday.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Quick update...

Brooke and the ASAP kids got to dress up as cows and go to Chick Fil A! LOL

Hey, those costumes earned them all free lunch! She loves ASAP!!

I'll have to share more later, I'm almost out of computer time here at the library!


Monday, July 6, 2009


I would make everyone guess but I just can't wait to spit it out....






Okay, well *I'm* not but my baby sister is!!!

She's pregnant!!! The news I have waited so long to hear! I am SO excited!!!

Congrats, Mia! I love you!!!

A totally perfect 4th of July!

I think the 4th of July is my second favorite holiday--after Christmas. I'm not sure why. But ours was absolutely perfect and I hope yours was, too!

First, I let Brooke have company and we tie-dyed some festive shirts!

Then we did some fireworks...yes, I am one of those bad mothers who lets her children play with fireworks.

The next day (the actual 4th) we went to the pool and oh my goodness, it was SO much fun. It was not too hot, the water was perfect temperature and clean and there was a breeze!

Then we went to my sisters for a cookout where everyone and their brother was there! Lots of good food, good folks and fun!

Then Jeff, the kids and I headed back to Zamora for the most awesome fireworks show ever!!! Sure beats trying to grab a spot to see the ones over Vulcan! We just spread a blanket out on the grass and took it all in!

Happy Birthday, Kayti!

We celebrated the transition into teenagehood by going to Fronterra to eat and getting her an iPod. She also got to go get her toes done! A few days later when I could finally pull myself together enough to put my thoughts and feelings down, I left her this letter:

Dear Kayti,

I wanted so much to give you this letter and to make your 13th birthday something special. I know you are pleased with how we celebrated and what your gifts
were. But I do have one more "gift" for you that you may not treasure now in this moment but I hope that one day you will!

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a woman, I put away childish things. I Corinthians 13:11

Sweetie, you are no longer a little girl, but a young woman. Thirteen isn't just another birthday; it's a transition to another season of life. On this pivotal day (or a few days afterward, as the case may be!), I want to tell you that you have successfully completed your little girl years! So far, you have been in "private" school (Mt. Vernon & Deb's), public school (Tarrant and Clay) and homeschool and you have had many teachers, including me. I wanted the most important thing I have taught you to be is how to follow the Lord and obey His Word. I probably haven't set a very good example but I do believe that with all my heart and even though I may fail at times (as you will, too at times! Remember Romans 3:23 says we ALL sin and fall short of the glory of God. That's definitely true for your mother!), it is important to never keep trying! You have been an awesome "little girl" and "student". You have learned and obeyed (most of the time!) And I have enjoyed every minute of your childhood. I know that I have definitely made some mistakes as a parent. I truly hope that you forgive me those and understand that I have always done my best and had your best interests at heart. As I look at you now, watch all that you do, I know whatever mistakes I made couldn't have been too bad! I mean, just look at you! You are amazing and I have full confidence that as you leave these little girl years, you will live out what you have learned.

For if you just listen and don't obey, it is like looking at your face in a mirror but doing nothing to improve your appearance. You see yourself, walk away and forget what you look like. but if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law--the law that sets you free--and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.--James 1:23-25

The word "hypocrite" was originally used to describe actors who wore masks. Now is the time for you to choose whether or not you are going to put on that mask; will you authentically "walk the talk" or will you simply play the part you have been taught since childhood? You have listened to me and other "teachers" a lot. From this day forward, as you enter adulthood, you have the choice to either walk away from all you've learned or dig deeper into God's Word. It's difficult to "walk the talk" and heavens knows I've stumbled quite a bit trying to do just that. But God knows what's in your heart of hearts and as long as you continue to strive to obey Him, you will discover His blessings for your life.

If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to Wash one another's feet.--John 13:14

Sweetie, look for ways to serve others. Many people will look up to you because of your strong personality, confidence and every your appearance. That gives you an incredible opportunity to reflect Jesus by choosing to reach out to help other people. It's easy to think that the best way to serve God is to "do things for the Lord" through various ministry opportunities. Don't get me wrong--we can, and should serve God in that way. But true acts of service, those times when we reach down to help others, often take more work than seemingly harder ministry jobs. Remember God tells us that we serve Him best when we humble ourselves and serve others. One of the things your ol' mom has learned is that you don't have to travel far off or do dramatic things to serve Him. The important thing is to listen to the Holy spirit when He prompts us to serve and do it immediately (remember "obey quickly"!), no matter how small, hard, or ridiculous it may seem to you. Remember, God's ways are not our ways.

And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves. For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attract by the good things they do. --I Timothy 2:9-10

This one is going to be tough! Girlfriend, you are built like a brick house already (just like I was when I was your age!) Don't think that doesn't worry your dad!) You could wear a tent and still attract attention. And no, I don't mean that I want you to dress like the Duggars (though there's nothing wrong with that either!) Dressing modestly can't be about skirt lengths and the width of shoulder straps or bellies showing or whatever. There is also a time and a place for different items! True modestly is about attracting attention to your whole self--body, mind and spirit--and not just a part of your body (no matter how cutey-patooty it may be!) Aim to please God and attract His attention by the good things you do. Then you will be truly beautiful.

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him.--I Samuel 1:27

I wanted a daughter for as long as I could remember because I wanted no only a cutesy little doll I could dress up and put bows in her hair (and you definitely were!) but I wanted to have the same kind of relationship (yet, even better) that I have with my mother (Deb). Kayti, we are so much alike. So far, I think that is a good thing. (Though it has definitely been challenging trying to deal with my own stubborn carbon copy of me sometimes!) I appreciate your strengths and understand your weaknesses. I'm so glad we're friends as well as mother and daughter. I'm very thankful that you still like to spend time with me, your dad and your siblings (sometimes the siblings!) I don't take that for granted. I love you my beautiful daughter!

And even more pictures....

Brooke's 11th birthday fun!

She had a little sleepover and then we went to our favorite swimming hole--Zamora!

The kids are hanging up "lordy lordy look who's 40" signs for Jeff's birthday. Most blew down or were taken down by the city (Clay sucks!) before he ever got to see them.

I am so in love!

McWane Center fun!