Wednesday, December 10, 2008

*yawn *stetch *sigh

I'm sitting here trying to think of ways to postpone the inevitable. I MUST get up and clean this house. Funny thing is, I just did that YESTERDAY!!! I do not know how five people who are all old enough to pick up after themselves can make SUCH a mess. Maybe if our house was larger and we could spread it out a little...but I digress.

I have grounded the girls AGAIN today. They are not allowed to watch TV or play on the computer and as soon as I am done playing on the computer, I'm going to make them help me with this house. I am SO sick of their seemingly endless squabbles and I feel like I am the only mom in the world whose children are constantly at each others' throats! I know that is not the case but I'm honestly at my wits end. I don't know what else to do with them. I keep threatening to send them back to school but I shouldn't do that because I know I'm not going to (and they probably know it, too) I love homeschooling. But maybe they are sick of being around each other all the time? And it's complicated by the fact that they share a room. I'd give ANYTHING to separate them for awhile.

We just got home from CBS and we all had our little parties and luncheons so we are kind of full and content for now. Yesterday was Kayti's last day of CORE until after the holidays (she is so glad! She enjoys it but it's very demanding!) and Brooke and I helped 75 preschoolers make no-bake spiced dough Christmas ornaments. I think I got some cinnamon stuck up my nose, I keep smelling it! But the kids had a good time.

Tonight is the party at Shalita's and tomorrow night is the party at work and I'm still trying to figure out all the logistics of who is taking who where and who is picking who up from what!

I'm hoping to get the check from Jeff's 401k this week so we can pay some things and knock a dent in our Christmas shopping. It's going to be another tight year but I'm not complaining. We have been blessed far beyond what we deserve.

Last night Mom and Mia came over and we went riding around looking at Christmas lights (there are a lot of homes that don't seem to have their stuff up yet) and I showed them the subdivision I want to move to (Lord willing and the creek don't rise!) and we got all caught up on family news.

I discovered I cannot upload pictures from Brooke's camera because my cord doesn't fit her camera (and hers was bought second hand without a cord!) so I will have to go to Walmart and get all my pictures printed and then scan them! What a pain. I miss my camera already.

Guess that's it...time to go clean!


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