Sunday, December 14, 2008

Do you know me?

I'm still getting responses back but I wanted to go ahead and post the answers anyway! Some were SO hysterical! I'm glad I decided to participate in this one! And just so you know--I try to be selective about which of these type things I bother everyone with. But don't feel like you ever HAVE to do them. They are just for fun. If you have time and want to, great. If not, don't worry about it. You won't hurt my feelings at all. But like I said, this one I could not resist--I knew I would get some funny responses! But here are the correct answers:

Where did we meet?

Okay, this varied depending on the person. Most of us met through church or our children. I met some through jobs that I had and still others through family or friends of friends.

Take a stab at my middle name?

Michelle. Yep. I go by my middle name. My first name is Lori. I'm named after two songs. Lori--you probably have never heard of. It's about some guy that goes out with a ghost! And of course, Michelle, my bell by the Beattles, I think everyone has at least heard of that one. I always hated that I went by my middle name, it's sort of inconvenient at times and I swore I'd never do that to my kids. Wouldn't ya know--I did it to ALL THREE OF THEM! Never say never is the lesson there. But the older I get the more I am finding the good in all things and it does have it's advantages. For one thing, I can screen my phone calls and my mail by it. If someone calls for "Lori", I know it's most likely a bill collector or a telemarketer! If I get mail for Lori, it's generally a bill or junk. So I'm cool with it now.

Do I speak a second language?

I don't speak another language fluently (and someone PLEASE tell my kids I do NOT speak "whinese"!!!) The one I come closest to is Spanish. I've taken a few classes in it--one in college that kicked my butt and another little conversational course for people who work with the public. When I was working at Compass, they had a huge presence in Texas & Arizona and a very large Hispanic customer base and employee base so I needed to know a few phrases. I think I do okay until I get around Brooke's little Mexican friend and/or her mom and then I'm like "huh?" LOL I also know a few phrases of French and German thanks to a class I took in college about Switzerland. French and German are the two primary languages spoken there (no, it's not 'Swiss'! lol) But again, I'm no expert on any language, not even the English one!

Am I a cat lover or dog lover?

Both but my preference is for dogs since my husband and son both hate cats, I've kind of gotten detached from liking them somewhat. Dogs are definitely friendlier.

Do I smoke?

No. I did in High School or when I would drink alcohol but I don't drink much anymore and when I do, it's not to "get buzzed" or "hold a buzz" so no need to smoke. Plus it's too darned expensive. I can think of better things to spend my money on. And the residual smell is AWFUL!!! (hello, Melanie and Mia!)

Color of my eyes?

Green. They look like a dark midnight blue sometimes but when you look closely, they are more greenish than blue. They kind of remind me of a mood ring.

Do I have any siblings?

Yes. I have two of the best sisters in the world who I love dearly. Melanie is 32 and Mia is 24. We are kind of spread out in age but couldn't be closer if we were all triplets. I also have a half sister and a half brother by my dad but I've only laid eyes on them in person once in my whole life. Kind of sad but that's the way it goes sometimes.

What's one of my favorite things to do?

I have way too many interests--that's a big problem for me. I love to read, organize things, do crafts and artsy-fartsy things, sing loudly in the car to embarass my kids, bellydance (especially in Walmart to embarass my kids into behaving!), write, travel, hang out with friends, cook (and obviously eat!), get my toes done (when I have money which is almost never!), walk barefoot on the beach with freshly done toes, listen to good music, take pictures, scrapbook, plan fun things to do, watch Jon & Kate plus 8, The Duggar family, Cold Case, Judge Judy and King of the Hill.

What's my favorite type of music?

I don't have a favorite. I like it all and I generally go through phases of what I'm "hooked on". I'm trying to pare down some of my listening though to things that are more appropriate and pleasing to God (like no more Soldier Boy or any Ludacris! LOL) but I still can't resist a good Gretchen Wilson song, even though she says H-E-double hockey sticks and talks about doing some things I know God wouldn't approve of. Work with me here, baby steps, baby steps.

Am I taller than you?

I think I'm taller than most of you which isn't saying much--I'm only 5'4"! I never noticed I have a lot of short friends before. My sisters are both taller than me so I definitely got the short gene. Maybe a little Freudism going on here...(me picking friends shorter than me! lol) I'm just kidding...

Am I shy or outgoing?

Generally, I'm pretty outgoing but I do have my shy moments. I also have my lack-of-prozac moments.

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?

I do have a rebellious streak meaning I would LOVE to actually BE a rebel but for the most part, I follow the rules. It really depends on what the rules are. Some rules are just stupid and I do believe in civil disobedience.

What is my birth month?


Do I want to see a woman or man as next president?

I don't care if it's a man or a woman or what color they are or what party they belong to. It depends on the person.

I am a member of which political party?

I'm not a member of any political party. I vote my values (which may or may not be the same as yours and that does NOT make mine LESS than yours!) and I vote for the person I think will do the best job. Sometimes it's a Republican, sometimes it's a Democrat. They're both flawed because they're both made up of human beings who are, well, flawed!

Am I Liberal? Moderate? or Conservative?

The answers to this were hysterical! But very demonstrative of the truth--that there is no such thing as either! My so-called conservative friends and family think I'm too liberal and my so-called liberal friends and family think I'm too conservative. Don't ya just hate labels? How about we all go back to using common sense?

Have you ever heard me sing?

Some of you probably have and I deeply apologize!!! I love to sing but I realize it's not my gift.

How many children do I have?

Most of you nailed this one. Three here, two in Heaven.

Have we taken photographs together?

Some of you, yes--some of you, no.

When is the last time you saw me?

Most of you I saw this morning and/or this evening at church. Some of you, it's been a while--we need to get together!

When will I see you again?

Hopefully soon!

Have we ever had a falling out?

I don't think I've ever had what I would call a "falling out" with any of you (and hope I never do). You are all precious to me!

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I would bring?

I would bring a toothbrush. I should probably say something noble and godly like the Bible or a picture of my kids but I think I know enough Scripture to hopefully tie me over until I'm rescued and hopefully I wouldn't forget what my kids look like. But go without brushing my, not gonna happen. Sorry for being practical.

Am I right handed or left handed?


What type of work do I do?

Again, too many interests! I dabble in a little bit of everything. My calling right now is to homeschool my girls. I love that I get the chance to work with preschoolers, to dance and to write. One day I hope to be involved with missions in some way. I also wouldn't pass up the chance to have my own business if I could do something cool--like run a bookstore or a family pub/diner.

Thanks for playing along! I enjoyed reading your responses! Blessings!

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