Saturday, December 27, 2008

Out of commission for awhile...

Don't worry if you don't see me on here for awhile. Everything is okay, at least I think it will be. The bible says not to worry so I'm trying not to even though I do have a lot to worry about right now. More drama with my sister, a death in the family and some personal drama have me totally drained and I'm learning even MORE what it's like to depend totally on God to just sustain me--heck with the strength! I would covet your prayers--TIA!

We did have a good Christmas and I hope you all did as well! I'll post some pictures soon.

Love ya,


Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's almost here...

are you ready? I so am not but I don't even care. I am just not stressing about it this year. We've cut WAY back on gifts and everything else. I'm not even making much Christmas candy this year. I've already made two batches of fudge and the only other thing I plan to do is our traditional Martha Washington candy--it's mine and Brooke's favorite.

We are doing some baking today but only cupcakes for the dance Christmas parties tonight and cookies because our elves surprised us with some cookie dough and new Christmas cookie cutters.

But back to being ready..I do have 2/3 of the kids done and everyone else on the list is taken care of except for our Dirty Santa gifts, cousins kids, my BIL, my dad and Jeff's dad.

I spent yesterday cleaning house again and I couldn't resist...I rearranged furniture in the living room AGAIN. Is there like a rehab for this or something? I think I need some serious help here! But I like it MUCH better. Much more space in here and I don't know why I didn't think of this configuration sooner.

Last night, we took our annual trip to the Alabama Theatre to see my all-time favorite movie It's a Wonderful Life. Yes, I cried at the end, I always do. I'm so thankful my kids look forward to that event as much as I do. I'm sure it's not their favorite movie but I'm glad they have an appreciation for historic buildings and even more--an appreciation for something their mom enjoys!

All my bloggy friends must be busy--no one has updated lately. Don't sweat that small stuff, people! Journal! Inquiring minds want to know what's up with you!

Tomorrow, I'm spending the morning with my mom and her daycare kids. Guess where we are going? Bass Pro! LOL They have a Christmas village with fun things for the kids to do and so I talked her into doing that instead of the freakin' Galleria! Afterward we'll have lunch and then it'll be time to teach dance.

Gotta run and get cupcakes out of the oven!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sharing some pictures...

In case you haven't heard, my digital camera died and I am using Brooke's until I can get a new one. Won't happen before Christmas. But I don't have the cord that goes with hers to upload pictures from the camera so I have to go to walmart, print them and then scan them back in. Here are a few from the last few weeks:

watching the Nutcracker that Lauren and Ashley were in

Telling Lauren and Ashley how well they did

Kayti going to her first "teenager" party

Sitting on Santa's lap at the homeschool Christmas party

All the kids at the homeschool Christmas Party

All the moms with Santa at the party

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Do you know me?

I'm still getting responses back but I wanted to go ahead and post the answers anyway! Some were SO hysterical! I'm glad I decided to participate in this one! And just so you know--I try to be selective about which of these type things I bother everyone with. But don't feel like you ever HAVE to do them. They are just for fun. If you have time and want to, great. If not, don't worry about it. You won't hurt my feelings at all. But like I said, this one I could not resist--I knew I would get some funny responses! But here are the correct answers:

Where did we meet?

Okay, this varied depending on the person. Most of us met through church or our children. I met some through jobs that I had and still others through family or friends of friends.

Take a stab at my middle name?

Michelle. Yep. I go by my middle name. My first name is Lori. I'm named after two songs. Lori--you probably have never heard of. It's about some guy that goes out with a ghost! And of course, Michelle, my bell by the Beattles, I think everyone has at least heard of that one. I always hated that I went by my middle name, it's sort of inconvenient at times and I swore I'd never do that to my kids. Wouldn't ya know--I did it to ALL THREE OF THEM! Never say never is the lesson there. But the older I get the more I am finding the good in all things and it does have it's advantages. For one thing, I can screen my phone calls and my mail by it. If someone calls for "Lori", I know it's most likely a bill collector or a telemarketer! If I get mail for Lori, it's generally a bill or junk. So I'm cool with it now.

Do I speak a second language?

I don't speak another language fluently (and someone PLEASE tell my kids I do NOT speak "whinese"!!!) The one I come closest to is Spanish. I've taken a few classes in it--one in college that kicked my butt and another little conversational course for people who work with the public. When I was working at Compass, they had a huge presence in Texas & Arizona and a very large Hispanic customer base and employee base so I needed to know a few phrases. I think I do okay until I get around Brooke's little Mexican friend and/or her mom and then I'm like "huh?" LOL I also know a few phrases of French and German thanks to a class I took in college about Switzerland. French and German are the two primary languages spoken there (no, it's not 'Swiss'! lol) But again, I'm no expert on any language, not even the English one!

Am I a cat lover or dog lover?

Both but my preference is for dogs since my husband and son both hate cats, I've kind of gotten detached from liking them somewhat. Dogs are definitely friendlier.

Do I smoke?

No. I did in High School or when I would drink alcohol but I don't drink much anymore and when I do, it's not to "get buzzed" or "hold a buzz" so no need to smoke. Plus it's too darned expensive. I can think of better things to spend my money on. And the residual smell is AWFUL!!! (hello, Melanie and Mia!)

Color of my eyes?

Green. They look like a dark midnight blue sometimes but when you look closely, they are more greenish than blue. They kind of remind me of a mood ring.

Do I have any siblings?

Yes. I have two of the best sisters in the world who I love dearly. Melanie is 32 and Mia is 24. We are kind of spread out in age but couldn't be closer if we were all triplets. I also have a half sister and a half brother by my dad but I've only laid eyes on them in person once in my whole life. Kind of sad but that's the way it goes sometimes.

What's one of my favorite things to do?

I have way too many interests--that's a big problem for me. I love to read, organize things, do crafts and artsy-fartsy things, sing loudly in the car to embarass my kids, bellydance (especially in Walmart to embarass my kids into behaving!), write, travel, hang out with friends, cook (and obviously eat!), get my toes done (when I have money which is almost never!), walk barefoot on the beach with freshly done toes, listen to good music, take pictures, scrapbook, plan fun things to do, watch Jon & Kate plus 8, The Duggar family, Cold Case, Judge Judy and King of the Hill.

What's my favorite type of music?

I don't have a favorite. I like it all and I generally go through phases of what I'm "hooked on". I'm trying to pare down some of my listening though to things that are more appropriate and pleasing to God (like no more Soldier Boy or any Ludacris! LOL) but I still can't resist a good Gretchen Wilson song, even though she says H-E-double hockey sticks and talks about doing some things I know God wouldn't approve of. Work with me here, baby steps, baby steps.

Am I taller than you?

I think I'm taller than most of you which isn't saying much--I'm only 5'4"! I never noticed I have a lot of short friends before. My sisters are both taller than me so I definitely got the short gene. Maybe a little Freudism going on here...(me picking friends shorter than me! lol) I'm just kidding...

Am I shy or outgoing?

Generally, I'm pretty outgoing but I do have my shy moments. I also have my lack-of-prozac moments.

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?

I do have a rebellious streak meaning I would LOVE to actually BE a rebel but for the most part, I follow the rules. It really depends on what the rules are. Some rules are just stupid and I do believe in civil disobedience.

What is my birth month?


Do I want to see a woman or man as next president?

I don't care if it's a man or a woman or what color they are or what party they belong to. It depends on the person.

I am a member of which political party?

I'm not a member of any political party. I vote my values (which may or may not be the same as yours and that does NOT make mine LESS than yours!) and I vote for the person I think will do the best job. Sometimes it's a Republican, sometimes it's a Democrat. They're both flawed because they're both made up of human beings who are, well, flawed!

Am I Liberal? Moderate? or Conservative?

The answers to this were hysterical! But very demonstrative of the truth--that there is no such thing as either! My so-called conservative friends and family think I'm too liberal and my so-called liberal friends and family think I'm too conservative. Don't ya just hate labels? How about we all go back to using common sense?

Have you ever heard me sing?

Some of you probably have and I deeply apologize!!! I love to sing but I realize it's not my gift.

How many children do I have?

Most of you nailed this one. Three here, two in Heaven.

Have we taken photographs together?

Some of you, yes--some of you, no.

When is the last time you saw me?

Most of you I saw this morning and/or this evening at church. Some of you, it's been a while--we need to get together!

When will I see you again?

Hopefully soon!

Have we ever had a falling out?

I don't think I've ever had what I would call a "falling out" with any of you (and hope I never do). You are all precious to me!

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I would bring?

I would bring a toothbrush. I should probably say something noble and godly like the Bible or a picture of my kids but I think I know enough Scripture to hopefully tie me over until I'm rescued and hopefully I wouldn't forget what my kids look like. But go without brushing my, not gonna happen. Sorry for being practical.

Am I right handed or left handed?


What type of work do I do?

Again, too many interests! I dabble in a little bit of everything. My calling right now is to homeschool my girls. I love that I get the chance to work with preschoolers, to dance and to write. One day I hope to be involved with missions in some way. I also wouldn't pass up the chance to have my own business if I could do something cool--like run a bookstore or a family pub/diner.

Thanks for playing along! I enjoyed reading your responses! Blessings!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Aha! I'm in LOVE!!!

I knew they were out there--other Christian women who love to bellydance and don't think it's "sleazy". I just had to find them! I have a new bff!!! LOL And I am SO inspired to keep dreaming my dream!

Zepporah Rose

Friday, December 12, 2008

What The Holidays Mean to You

For you, the holidays are about emotional connections and bonds. You are happiest being around those you love.

You celebrate the holidays in a minimalist style. You are likely to only give one great present and decorate your house with a few special items.

During the holidays, you feel magical. You love all of the decorations and how happy people are. You like to sit back and take it all in.

You think the holidays should be nostalgic and sweet. The holidays bring out your inner child.

Your best holiday memories are of childhood foods and traditions. You secretly still wish you believed in Santa Claus.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

*yawn *stetch *sigh

I'm sitting here trying to think of ways to postpone the inevitable. I MUST get up and clean this house. Funny thing is, I just did that YESTERDAY!!! I do not know how five people who are all old enough to pick up after themselves can make SUCH a mess. Maybe if our house was larger and we could spread it out a little...but I digress.

I have grounded the girls AGAIN today. They are not allowed to watch TV or play on the computer and as soon as I am done playing on the computer, I'm going to make them help me with this house. I am SO sick of their seemingly endless squabbles and I feel like I am the only mom in the world whose children are constantly at each others' throats! I know that is not the case but I'm honestly at my wits end. I don't know what else to do with them. I keep threatening to send them back to school but I shouldn't do that because I know I'm not going to (and they probably know it, too) I love homeschooling. But maybe they are sick of being around each other all the time? And it's complicated by the fact that they share a room. I'd give ANYTHING to separate them for awhile.

We just got home from CBS and we all had our little parties and luncheons so we are kind of full and content for now. Yesterday was Kayti's last day of CORE until after the holidays (she is so glad! She enjoys it but it's very demanding!) and Brooke and I helped 75 preschoolers make no-bake spiced dough Christmas ornaments. I think I got some cinnamon stuck up my nose, I keep smelling it! But the kids had a good time.

Tonight is the party at Shalita's and tomorrow night is the party at work and I'm still trying to figure out all the logistics of who is taking who where and who is picking who up from what!

I'm hoping to get the check from Jeff's 401k this week so we can pay some things and knock a dent in our Christmas shopping. It's going to be another tight year but I'm not complaining. We have been blessed far beyond what we deserve.

Last night Mom and Mia came over and we went riding around looking at Christmas lights (there are a lot of homes that don't seem to have their stuff up yet) and I showed them the subdivision I want to move to (Lord willing and the creek don't rise!) and we got all caught up on family news.

I discovered I cannot upload pictures from Brooke's camera because my cord doesn't fit her camera (and hers was bought second hand without a cord!) so I will have to go to Walmart and get all my pictures printed and then scan them! What a pain. I miss my camera already.

Guess that's it...time to go clean!


Friday, December 5, 2008

Some peace and quiet!!!

Everyone is gone but me! LOL

Kayti had her first teenager party tonight with the teens from the homeschool group. Jeff took her and then he, Dylan and Brooke went to hang out at the Bass Pro Shop until time to pick her up. Beats driving back and forth and Bass Pro is awesome!! I'm so glad Alabama finally got one and I'm doubly glad that it's not far from us! I would be there but I'm exhausted. I'm coming down with the crud again and I may be headed into another funk. I'm out of prozac again but I'm hoping to get to the doc soon--before it throws me into the last funk I was in. I think I'll be able to make it a few days. I just have to remember not to start believing I can do without it forever.

I took advantage of the time alone in the house, though and got some sewing done! I made the girls two shirts each and cut out the fabric for some gifts. I only came to the computer to print something for another sewing project and figured I'd catch up while I'm here.

We went to see the Nutcracker today. Our homeschool group got cheap tickets and our dear friends, the Sizemore girls were in it so we had to go! It was awesome!!! I saw the Alabama Ballet's Nutcracker years ago and it wasn't nearly as good as this one. Birmingham Ballet rocks! Of course my favorite part was the little girl dressed like a bellydancer, even though she didn't technically bellydance. Her arm movements were pretty close! LOL

I will gladly post pictures....someday! My digital camera finally bit the dust and I'm commandeering Brooke's (hers is actually more megapixels than mine was) but until I figure out all the buttons and how to upload pictures, you will all have to wait.

While we were gone, Jeff took Dylan to take his driver's license test but he couldn't because he couldn't pass the vision test! I knew his eyesight had gotten worse since last year but I had NO IDEA it had gotten that bad. Please pray that we can come up with some money to get him to the eye doctor soon (no vision insurance). Kayti needs to be retested as well, I'm sure. She has glasses that she wears for reading. I don't know where my kids inherited this terrible eyesight from! Jeff and I have both always had 20/20. But I feel bad for my poor baby! He had been waiting patiently for weeks to go take that driving test and now he has to wait even longer! Oh well! I guess I should be praising the Lord that right now I don't have to worry about him being on the roads just yet! What's that Scripture--in all things be thankful!? Well, okay, I am!

After the Nutcracker, we went to the Trussville Christmas Village Express. What a waste of time (and $9!). Then we came home and chilled until time for dance class, which went great.

Wednesday at Community Bible Study, the girls did their little "Christmas program". Kayti recited Scripture and Brooke sang and danced. They did really good.

Tuesday, I had to work and we made angels with handprints and footprints. I painted approximately 80 feet and 160 little hands!! I was covered in paint when we left but they turned out really cute! I just love my job! I can't wait until Tuesday when we make no-bake spiced dough ornaments and then the next week after that we'll be doing Christmas shirts.

Then I had to go work for CORE which enabled me to get my Community Bible Study homework done. I am SO glad we decided to give CBS another try. I'm REALLY loving it this year. My core group is awesome and this study has helped me SO MUCH. God is really speaking to me about so many things. I'm not ready to share it all just yet but if you pray, please pray that He keeps moving in my life. I am not foolish enough to take for granted how blessed I am in so many ways. But I've been wanting to move to the next level spiritually for quite sometime. It's difficult for me to do this though for many reasons. I can't really explain it right now but just remember me in your prayers.

Please also pray for my sister, for Barbara (mom of a good friend) who is having some health issues and for Joyce (mother-in-law of a friend) who has cancer.

Have a blessed week!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

An update, finally! ha ha

I don't know why I want to keep a separate blog for their stuff when I can just include it on my regular blog...I'm just nerdy, I guess!

But Kayti is trucking right along with CORE. She has struggled some this quarter but still hanging in there and I'm proud of her efforts.

Brooke is currently taking a break from the workbooks and doing a unit study on Christmas. We are studying the symbols of Christmas, doing some in-depth Bible reading, Christmas-related math, spelling, reading and journaling and LOTS of crafts! I've even found some Christmas related Science! How cool is that?

This break in the curriculum gives me a chance to figure out which direction I want to go with her next semester. I'm thinking of taking a few different approaches and broadening our horizons a little bit more. Well, that's the theory anyway. You know the month of December will give me SO much time to figure all this out, right? Ha!

Co-op finished up the week before Thanksgiving (for us, anyway) and I have decided to do Felicity next semester and that's IT! I sort of feel guilty for not teaching a class for Kayti but God has really been dealing with me about cutting back some of our "stuff". I knew I would not be able to get away with not teaching another American Girl class. But I'm not offering to teach anymore than that. Pray for me--this not volunteering to do anything and everything is new territory for me!

Kayti is planning to audition for the Spring play and the Broadway revue so she has her little plate full, too. I almost didn't say anything to her about it but guilt got the better of me since Brooke did the play this year, I didn't want to deny her the opportunity. And there are so few FREE activities, I hate not to take advantage of the experience. Our homeschool group is awesome!

Tomorrow, we have a field trip! We are going to see the Nutcracker! Our dear friends, the Sizemore girls are performing and we are so excited for them. It's also been several years since Kayti and I have seen it and Brooke never has. Kayti was 3 when I took her and she sat there mesmerized. All she would say is "she's beautiful!" and that sealed her fate as an aspiring dancer! I can't wait for us to see it again!

I finally got the blog for the homeschool group updated and done the way I want it. I hope this improves communication for our sub-group! We had the best time at our "feast" and are looking forward to our Christmas party next week. Check it out HERE if you are so inclined!

Kayti has a party tomorrow night with the "teens" and surprisingly, she wanted to go! I can't believe my daughter is almost a teenager. God help me!

I probably won't update again before the New Year so have a blessed holiday!

Merry Christmas from the crazy Quick girls!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

More elfcapades!!

We really do love our elves! Night before last, they got into the underwear drawer and put all the panties on the tree! I guess they figured since they missed out on helping us put the tree up this year, they would just do some on their own! Sure wish they could have found some more appropriate ornaments! LOL

Yesterday, I had to sub and the girls came with me. They brought along Twinkle and Ember! While I took the kids to the gym for some playtime, the elves had big fun tumping all the chairs over on the floor, playing in the grocery cart and climbing up the flagpole!

This morning, they left a note apologizing for all the trouble explaining that they were only having a little fun and promised to make it up to us! Wonder how they'll do that.....

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rammer Jammer Woohoo!!!

Say whatever you want to say about me because I am posting something with a "curse word" in it. I no longer care what everyone else thinks! You cannot be a 'bama fan and NOT love the Rammer Jammer! How awesome it must have been to be there!

Hope we get to do it again this Saturday and again for the National Championship!

The last time we shut out Auburn, we also won the SEC and the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Additionally, it was the same year I was blessed with my little man and became a mom! Things that make ya go "hmmmmm"......