But I DID get some time to reflect on what I'm thankful for, so let me share a few things, just briefly:
1) I'm thankful for my messy kitchen because that means we have most likely had something to eat and made a mess doing it!
2) I'm thankful for my tiny little house that is crammed full of stuff because we are safe, warm and dry and all the "stuff" are mostly treasures to us, even though it may look like junk to someone else.
3) I'm thankful for my bickering, arguing, complaining kids because it means they are healthy and spirited!
4) I'm thankful for the piles of laundry because it means that my family is clothed and has either had fun or worked hard dirtying up their clothes.
5) I'm thankful for the taxes I've paid because at least I'm employed and I just so happen to be employed doing something I LOVE!
6) I'm thankful for God's grace and that all I have to do is ask for it because He certainly knows I need it--daily!
7) I'm thankful for my hectic schedule because it means that we have things that we enjoy and people who want to spend time with us.
8) I'm thankful when I encounter rude and ugly people because it makes me ever so thankful for my wonderful friends and family and it reminds ME not to be that way.
9) I'm thankful for having to hear all the people gripe about politics, religion, football games, gas prices and the sorry state of some of our country's affairs because it means we have free speech.
10) I'm thankful for the wet wash cloths that are left in the shower, the empty hangers left in the closet, the keys and change left on the piano and the dirty clothes left on the floor because it means that God answered my prayer and I married the love of my life and he turned out to be a MUCH better husband than anyone ever thought--even me!
We went to the inlaws to have our Thanksgiving Dinner and then to my aunt's for dessert. Then we officially kicked off our Christmas season by putting up our tree!!! Oh was that ever and endeavor!
We decided not to put up our tree this year but instead, we borrowed one of Mom's that she decided not to put up. My tree is over 9 feet tall and while it is beautiful and I love it, this house is so tiny it literally takes up half the living room AND I can't put the topper on it because these ceilings are too low--I have to bend the branches to shape it to make it look right!!!
Even so, the tree we borrowed may be a few feet shorter, but it still sticks out pretty far. It took some doing trying to arrange everything so that it fit, especially since I moved the computer and bookshelf back into the living room. Oh and I repainted the kitchen and hallway last week. Nothing extravaggant--just a spackle job and a coat of paint. You'd be surprised what a simple coat of paint can do for your mood!
Everything finally got situated for the most part so the girls and I went shopping yesterday with Mom & Mia. We had a blast and Mom took us out for Mexican for lunch at Don Pepe in Greystone. Yum!!!
I didn't buy much, broke as usual but I did pick up some fabric for the girls' Christmas Eve outfits and some fabric for some other projects I'm working on. I make most of my Christmas gifts so I'm not worried about getting a whole lot of shopping done (and boy does that take the stress off trying to find the "perfect" gift for someone that fits within your budget! Just give from the heart. If the person doesn't appreciate it--pray for them!) But it adds some stress because I have got to get started on this stuff!
While we were gone, our elves arrived! Twinkle and Amber joined us last Christmas season--Santa was pretty much done with his work and gave them some much needed time off so they came to spend the holidays with us. They had to return to the North Pole immediately on Christmas Eve so we haven't seen them for awhile. They certainly didn't waste any time getting into mischief!
Best I can tell, they were trying to figure out how to make hot cocoa. But what they made was a big mess!!! Hopefully they'll settle down tonight because we are whooped after today. I just need to remember to hide the keys because last year they took Jeff's jeep for a spin and ran it into the ditch in front of the house!
This morning was spent doing some more cleaning and laundry that has been neglected lately and I rearranged the furniture in my bedroom and finished decorating for Christmas in there. Yes, I am one of those goofy people that decorates every room in the house, even the bathrooms. It used to be MUCH worse when we were in our old house but this house being so small, I have had to pare it down a bit. There simply isn't room for all that I had.
Then we went to my moms to watch the ball game! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! I honestly wasn't as excited about this win as I'd hoped to be. I expected it to be MUCH closer. Oh well, we'll take it and now we get to be as obnoxious as Auburn fans have been for the last 6 years. I find it funny they keep telling us that WE are living in the past whenever we talk about our legacy but any mention of how terrible things have been for them this year and that's all you hear from them "we've beat ya'll for the last 6 years" Woohoo! Good for you. Quit living in the past, why don't ya! LOL
Tomorrow is church and church again as the girls have drama/choir practice. Sometime in between, I want to get Dylan's room rearranged, his closet cleaned out and get a nap. I'm not so sure that'll all happen. But that's the goal.
I'm subbing again on Monday and we have to get back to the books! Kayti is supposed to return to CORE on Tuesday but we haven't paid her tuition yet and I quite honestly don't know where we will get the money. We have a few ideas but I'm not crazy about either one of them. I'm trying not to worry--in the grand scheme of things, if she has to drop out, she just has to drop out. It's not a big deal. But she loves it and I would hate to have to do that. And we have a few other things we need to pay, too (like dance and wrestling) so we do need to figure out which of those "ideas" we'll do but all the bills-bills are paid so I'm thankful. Whatever God wants to work out for the rest of it will be just fine with me. We'll get there eventually and it'll be okay. I certainly can't complain when so many have it so much worse.
I'm posting a few pictures from our Thanksgiving Feast with the homeschool group. We had a great time and we're really looking forward to our Christmas party coming up next week. We have the best homeschool friends!