Share one thing/event/ time in your life that God has taken to make and mold a part of who you are today
It's really hard to narrow it down to ONE thing. My childhood and family relationships have been a definite plus in my life. Knowing financial hardship has made me a more compassionate person and living with a husband who is chronically ill has definitely made me more patient (usually LOL).
But I guess motherhood is the biggest thing. Knowing that unconditional love and what real sacrifice is can only come through being a parent. It's the closest thing we have on earth to the way our Heavenly Father feels about us. Whenever I feel like questioning that aspect of my life, I remember how I feel about my children and I realize that's how He feels about me. It is, in the words of Chris Tomlin, "indescribable".
Uncondtional love is something that is very difficult to understand, but once you grasp it you want to share with the world. Thanks for blogging with me!