Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week of September 24-28

Another typical week. A bit more lax than most due to the fact I am still battling insomnia. It's slightly better so thanks for the prayers--keep 'em coming!

I did manage to get Brooke's 50's costume done. Take a look:

The girls have a "sock hop" on the 18th of October with the homeschool group. They are so excited. These costumes are also going to double as Halloween costumes! I have to start on Kayti's soon. She wants to be a car hop girl!

But I need to concentrate on costumes for the play. I have to have those done by October 12 and it's slowly sneaking up on me.

What God is teaching me

I am reading through the Psalms still but taking a break from my regular reading to reread A Postive Plan for creating more calm, less stress by Karol Ladd. She is one of my favorite authors and we definitely can use some calm! I started reading this book a few years ago but never got quite finished with it so I'm just starting over!

So far, it's things that I know but have a hard time remembering or putting into practice sometimes. Such as:

Psalm 37 Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.

I DO trust God. But I also know that trusting God doesn't mean we just sit back and watch stuff happen. We still have to do some work. I sometimes have a hard time figuring out when I'm supposed to do something and when I need to let Him take over. As such, I'm still waiting for my "prosperity"! LOL I'm just kidding. I know very well how blessed I truly am!

We're sometimes so impatient. Me especially. Even though I know when He promises something, He really delivers! I gotta concentrate more on really letting go. One of the 500+ things He's still working on with me, I guess! So here goes:

Lord, I'm trusting that you will lead us to a new church home and church family. We want to be happy worshiping and serving you but more than that we want to be where you want us.

I'm trusting that you are going to see us through the end of the year with our finances. You promise that all our needs will be met and they are. But sometimes it's scary--it looks like it won't last much longer but I know better so I'm gonna hold you to this, Lord!

I'm trusting that you will continue to give me your power and wisdom and strength, especially during the times I have none of my own, which seems pretty often here lately.

I'm trusting that you, as my Heavenly Father, know why things happen the way they do and I needn't waste time trying to make sense of absolutely everything. All I need to know is that you love us and are doing what you think is best, just as I do what I think is best for my children.

In Jesus name,

Blessings for a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Michelle! I've gotten some relief from insomnia by taking Tylenol PM. I take Tylenol for arthritis anyway, and the PM part makes me sleep through the night. Sure feels good to wake up after a full night of sleep. Just a suggestion.
