Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Quick Family

Welcome to my new blog!

I have decided to start a "family" blog here. This will serve as our "family news" webpage so to speak, where I can share pictures and news with friends and family easier than mass emailing. I still maintain blogs at and myspace. But the homeschool blog is, of course, specific to our homeschooling and myspace is a private journal, reserved for my most intimate thoughts and only a select few are able to access it. It also requires that a person join myspace to do that and since so many have the "myspace is evil" attitude.... we are. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Finally got around to ready some of your stuff. I know...I know...not taking care of the important things that I should!
    Very cool. I can't see the pics, but maybe that is because of our firewall at work. I'll check again at home. I have been thinking about doing this myself.
    Better get back to work. Talk to you soon. Love..abg
