Thursday, June 15, 2017

June blog challenge--multiple days because I'm catching up!

Day 5--What is your go-to Summer snack?

Usually, ice cream or a popsicle. Something cold. After all, I live in hot-ass, ALA-FREAKIN-BAMA! As for flavors, it depends but there must be some kind of chocolate in it somewhere. It doesn't have to be completely chocolate. Chocolate chip, moose tracks, turtle tracks, french silk, I don't care.  But for the last 10 days I've been on a sugar detox. So I'm not even snacking.

Day 6--Tell us about your wedding anniversary plans.

Haha! I'm not married so I have none. What a dumbass question. Whoever came up with these must be one of those smug married people who assumes everyone is married. Moving on.

Day 7--What movie are you most looking forward to seeing this Summer?

I can't even remember what is currently playing or what is supposed to be coming out. I like movies but I don't plan my life around seeing them.  Everyone keeps telling me I need to see The Shack but I've been resisting because I don't like to cry and that's all I've heard about it so far--it makes you cry. I think I'll pass.

Day 8--What books are on your Summer reading list?

The same ones from last summer! haha.  I do love to read but whilst in the middle of trying to get my MBA, which I just did, I didn't have much time for pleasure reading. Right now I'm reading, How to Date Like a Grown-up and I'm enjoying it very much. I do plan to go through my list and reorder it soon.

Day 9--We're halfway through the year! How are your 2017 goals coming?

Actually pretty well. I was unemployed at the beginning of the year and not done with grad school. I also had quite a few things on my list. Here is what I have accomplished and what I am still working on:
  • As of right now I have a full-time job that I enjoy as well as some other prospects. 
  • I finished grad school (just waiting on a final grade and some administrative things to be straightened out) and have my MBA. 
  • I have resumed writing and reading for pleasure.
  • I redecorated my bedroom and redid my patio.
  • I ended a relationship (if you can even call it that) and am dating.
  • I am working on getting myself in better health, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially and have made some good progress.
  • I have severed contact with my ex-husband. I haven't yet decided or know if this will be a good or bad thing. But it is what it is.
  • I am spending as much time as possible with family and friends.
  • I have increased my involvement in the homeless ministry and consider one of those we serve a really good friend. I think I may have found my calling.
  • I am making plans to have some cosmetic surgery within a year.
  • I am making plans to travel next year (beyond the beach!). 

Day 10--What is your Summer workout routine?

Haha. I actually stopped working out and went through a mild depressive state between April and May. I hate that I did that. Exercise is good for depression--why can't we ever get that? So I am starting to be more active again. Ideally, this is what I want to work up to:

Monday-Friday a.m. increase cardio from 30 minutes to 1 hour, plus weights.
Monday evenings--either return to ballroom dance class or belly dance
Tuesday evenings--zumba or kickboxing/mma
Wednesday evenings--hot yoga (except 1st Wednesdays when I have church)
Thursday evenings--zumba or kickboxing/mma
Friday evenings--rest
Saturdays--pool, hiking or biking or combination
Sundays--pool, hiking or biking or combination

I know it won't always happen that way but that's what I would love to do. Of course I have to find time to cook, clean, shop, yardwork, etc. so....I'll do as much as I can.

Day 11--Create a picnic date for you and someone special and tell about the experience

We picnicked for Easter and we grilled out for Memorial Day. There will be more cookouts and things for family but what I really want to do is start taking lunch once a week to my downtown friends at Linn Park. I'll definitely write about that when it happens.

Day 12--What advice do you have for beating Summer blogging burnout?

Aside from the very over-used Nike slogan, "Just Do It", keep looking for challenge ideas when you can't think of anything on your own.

Day 13--Where would you go if you could travel anywhere in the world this Summer?

Right now, I would be satisfied with a weekend at the lake! So many of my friends have been traveling this Summer--Mexico, Israel, Africa, Chicago. I'll just about go anywhere. But this Summer I just hope to make it to the beach for however long I can stay. There is no place in the world as beautiful as the Gulf. I really wish I could move there.

Day 14--Create a Father's Day Gift Guide

My parents are the hardest people in the world to shop for! They are picky about their clothing. No, they don't care about labels. But for example, my dad's T-shirts. They have to be a certain size and they to be V-neck. He cannot stand anything touching his neck! Do you have any idea how hard they are to find?

They are also always dieting and right now, my Dad has done so well sticking to his diabetic diet and he absolutely refuses to cheat. So gift cards to restaurants are out as well.

I don't know what we'll do this year. But we'll spend time together and that's the most important gift of all.

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