Saturday, July 30, 2016


I'm in such a mood of blah right now I can't even come up with an appropriate title for this blog. I just feel...meh.

I hate being in limbo. Looking for another job. Waiting to move to another place. Waiting for small groups to start back. Waiting for grad school to start back. Waiting to move babygirl to the dorms. Waiting waiting waiting. I hate waiting. Patience has never been my thing and I have learned not to ask God for patience because He keeps giving me opportunities to learn patience--which I never do--instead of the actual patience.

Waiting stresses me out and makes me lazy for some reason. I have not exercised (except for dance and self-defense class) in months. All I tend to do is lie around and watch Netflix or get on social media. That can't be good. I'm not even reading. And my prayer life is at a less than stellar status. I have managed to make it to work every day, keep the house clean and laundry done. And I've managed to serve at some events--cokes on the lawn, SERVE T-shirt handout, SERVE day, Hope for the Homeless and Motion 16. But I've got to muster up some motivation to do better. I have a lot to look forward to. But I need to focus on the present and make each day count.

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