Sunday, April 27, 2014


I am not normally a person who is into concerts. The crowds used to irritate me, someone was always rude and of course, me being feisty would be rude back and I'd end up in a fight, someone would drink too much or I'd get it spilled on me and smell like that for the rest of the night. The sound is either too loud or not loud enough. The show can be disappointing and then I regret paying the ridiculous amount for that I paid for tickets.

Concerts. Just not my thing. Until this year.

I have been making the rounds at some really GREAT Christian music concerts and have had an absolute blast!

I started out with Steven Curtis Chapman. I LOVE his music, love that he is a champion of adoption, love his testimony and love the fact that he came with The Afters. So when I found out he was coming in concert to Athens, I bought tickets and made the ex go with me. It was good.  I was a little disappointed in the lack of worship of the crowd. I mean, when you go to a church like Church of the Highlands, you just get to where you expect that level of worship all the time. You forget that some churches/people aren't "there yet" and so even though it was a good concert, I felt like I couldn't enjoy myself like I could have.

Then I went to Kari Jobe at Gardendale First Baptist. A little better. She is so beautiful and talented and even though I'm not a huge fan of Rend Collective, they really helped get the crowd fired up. I also loved Warren Barfield and his testimony. And it's just not humanly possible to listen to Kari and NOT get up and lift your hands high! If you can sit still during that, I would have to question a lot of things about you!

And then here comes MercyMe with Jamie Grace and Citizens Way at the Tuscaloosa Amphitheatre! I originally though I'd go with my son but he wasn't interested. :( And then I almost did not get to go because I could not find ANYONE that wanted to go or could go with me! I contemplated just selling my tickets and staying home to study. But at the last minute, my friend from DivorceCare, Leslie said she could go. So I picked her up in McCalla and we went and had an amazing time! The weather was perfect for an outdoor event and everything about it was just great.

Loved hearing Jamie Grace's testimony and she is incredibly talented! Citizens Way---what cuties! Made me wish I was a younger, single woman!

But MercyMe...I knew they'd be good but oh my! They blew me away. Most people know them by their crossover song, "I can only imagine...". It's a song they refer to as the song that won't go away. It was just so good that they were getting asked to play it all the time and I'm sure they got a little bored with it. But there is so much more to this group of musicians.

Bart Millard's testimony is so much like many Christians that still don't get it. They keep living their lives trying to "do everything right" and feeling so lost inside because they don't realize there is NOTHING they can do to make God love them anymore than He already does! It's truly indescribable for me but Bart does a great job of it so if you ever get to hear him, don't pass up the opportunity.

I'm sure most people came wanting to hear the song that does not go away and MercyMe did not disappoint. But their other stuff, especially the new album, is so much better! The range of talent these guys have..they can do it all--country, hard rock, soul, jazz--they even had a disco sounding song!

And Bart, if by some small chance you happen to be reading this, I think the suits WERE a good idea! You guys looked great! Thank you for such a great show! Truly a blessing!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

He is risen!

No other gods in any other religions offer a solution to the sin problem. No other gods in any other religions offered to step down from their thrones to offer themselves as a sacrifice FOR ME! And FOR YOU! Only Jesus! Only Jesus went down into the depths of hell, stole the keys, conquered the grave, rose again and ascended to Heaven leaving behind the Holy Spirit to live in each of us who believes! I believe! And I am SO THANKFUL for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Forever He is glorified!
Forever He is lifted high!
Forever He is risen!
He is alive! He is alive!

So thankful for Church of the Highlands that truly teaches what living in the freedom that was purchased for us by His blood is all about!

And so thankful to spend the day worshiping with my church family and spending time with my earth family! Love them so much!

 My cousin Annette
 Sissypants (Chloe)
 Kayti and Mia
 Pop and Deb
 Cooper, Chris, Chloe and Mia
 Thomas, Liam and Mel
 Sister Mafia!
 Thomas and Liam
 Me and my offsprings!
 Dylan and me
 The Bigs and the Littles
 Chloe cracking up!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

I press on...

Building 429 has a song out right now that fits me perfectly at this season of life. It's called "Press On".

Sometimes this world starts breaking me down
I get so lost I think I’ll never be found
And there are moments of fear and doubt
Even the best fall to the ground

I am a mess, I am a wrecking ball
I must confess that I still don’t get it all
Lord I believe that all Your words are true
Doesn’t matter where I’m going if I’m going with You
I press on, I press on, I press on
When I still don’t get it

I see the world through my jaded eyes
I get frustrated when there is no Why
I put my focus on worthless things
Even the strong fall to their knees
God only knows what we all need

I am a mess, I am a wrecking ball
I must confess that I still don’t get it all
Lord I believe that all your words are true
Doesn't matter where I’m going if I’m going with You
I press on, I press on, I press on
When I still don’t get it

Life goes on, life goes on
But Your love will prove
All I need, all I need
I will find in You
Life goes on, life goes on
But Your love will prove
All I need, all I need
I will find in You
I press on

I am a mess, I am a wrecking ball
I must confess that I still don’t get it all
Lord I believe that all Your words are true
Doesn’t matter where I’m going if I’m going with You
I press on, I press on
I press on, I press on
When I still don’t get it

Life goes on, life goes on
But Your love will prove
All I need, all I need
I will find in You
Life goes on, life goes on
But Your love will prove
All I need, all I need
I press on
I have been a MESS lately!!! I'm super stressed, the girls have been driving me nuts, I miss my son, I'm bored at work, worried about finances again and just seem to have too much to do and not enough time to do it! There's been drama with the ex and so many distractions.
But I finally realized what it was last week. Spiritual warfare. You see, I'm getting ready to be an intercessory prayer team member at the upcoming LIFE retreat the first weekend in May. For those of you that do no know what that is, I'm basically a keeper of the gate. All intercessory prayer members are positioned up above and around the sanctuary where the teaching and worshiping is happening and we are constanting covering every person leading the retreat and attending the retreat in prayer. Some of us serve as worshipers. Some serve as warfare wagers. I'm more of a worshiper by nature so that's what I intend to do. But the enemy knows that so many people will be led out of bondage, delivered from strongholds, saved, recommitted, etc. etc. at this retreat that it makes him nervous. He knows because it happens every time. It happened to me last December! Soul ties were broken, forgiveness given and received, a release of so many bad things and an infusion of the Holy Spirit like I have never in my life ever experienced. It's HUGE. And I am taking the responsibility of serving as an intercessor VERY SERIOUSLY. So seriously, that the enemy is trying to distract me from focusing on preparing for it!
He has thrown so much at me lately (as if I needed his help!) that it's been extremely difficult for me to walk and live in the freedom that I know I have. Thankfully, I have surrounded myself with some awesome prayer partners and have been equipped with tools that help me battle. Day by day, I have to fight.  I put on the full armor of God that I may stand against the enemy and his schemes because whether or not you believe it, folks, our battle is NOT against flesh and blood. It it against the rulers of darkness and evil! Some days have been VERY bad, so bad that I have, regretfully, cried out in anguish and felt like giving up. Other days have been better. But I know how clever he is and I know he'll keep trying.  
But I can see the bigger picture. I'm aware. That doesn't make it easy. But it does make it endurable. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Two more weeks of this semester, resumes are out and people are calling, God is providing, grace is being shown and ground is being taken. 
I am SO thankful for the love of my Savior, my family and friends! I am thankful for those who have been praying me through this time and I and praying that I won't let anyone down. Pray that we are able to keep fighting the good fight! We'll press on!!!


Kayti reluctantly went to her Senior prom. She is so much like her brother--just not into high school. Ready to be done with all of it and get on with real life! Ha! If they both only knew...LOL

But considering she is following in his footsteps and headed to Bama, she has a few years of fairly carefree fun before real life of jobs, mortgages, and responsibilities begins! I'm so excited for her.

Jeff did not go to either of his proms. I went to my Senior prom--stag! LOL Had several girlfriends that went partner-less also and we had a great time!

Dylan did not go to either of his proms and I told her there was no reason to go if she really didn't want to. But I think a part of her was afraid she would someday regret it if she didn't.  Just for added fun--she couldn't stay out very late anyway because of an early compete time for clogging the next day. But she decided to go a few months ago and we bought her a ticket and I took her dress shopping when we got back from Orlando.

We couldn't get an appointment with our favorite hair stylist, Katie and we decided no one else is worthy of being paid to put up hair. So we did it ourselves. She eventually decided not to do an up-do anway! I took her and got her nails and toes done and had someone come and professionally do her makeup.  She had a tiny little come apart just before time to go but pulled it together eventually.

With other drama going on, the only male relative around to put her corsage on her was her 2 yo cousin, Liam and what do you know? He did a FABULOUS job!  She was BEAUTIFUL and she ended up staying longer than she'd planned.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Quotes and thoughts of others that I like

10 Things God Wants You to Know

  1. I am for you.
  2. I love you.
  3. I believe in you.
  4. I will not fail you.
  5. I will be with you.
  6. I will provide for you.
  7. I will bless you.
  8. I will give you rest.
  9. I will strengthen you.
  10. I will answer.

Well behaved women seldom make history. (seldom women credited with this quote)
Faith in God includes faith in His timing.--Neal A. Maxwell
Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and twice as beautiful as you've ever imagined. (unknown)
I am still determined to be cheerful and to be happy in whatever situation I may be. I have also learnt that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions and not our circumstances. --Martha Washington
It is easier to be wiser for others than for ourselves. --Francois de la Rochefoucould
There is not a righteous man on Earth who does what is right and never sins.--Ecclesiastes 7:20
Some of the best lessons are learned from past mistakes.  The error of the past is the wisdom of the future. --Dale Turner
 A sad soul can kill you far quicker than a germ. --John Steinbeck
Experience is a brutal teacher but you learn. My God do you learn. --C.S. Lewis
I have always found that mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice. --Abraham Lincoln