Also had Dylan's scholarship recognition ceremony and I finished his announcements--now just gotta get them mailed out! I am so proud of my son and excited for him, too! He really does have the world at his feet!
I was also offered full-time for the summer at the daycare. I'm going to be doing the 2's and some 3's that arent potty trained! Not too excited about that but I am excited about a change of pace for the summer and of course about more hours and consequently more money. Maybe I'll be able to actually get a car soon!
I also have an interview with a recruite this Tuesday. I'm excited about that also.
Craig was finally arrested last week and boy is he ever pissed. I knew he would be and I really do wish I didnt have to do it but I've already explained my reasons to him and everyone else and I'm standing by my decision. The thought of us actually hating each other bothers me in a lot of ways. One, it's just not in me to hate. I think someone would have to do harm to one of my children for me to actually feel real hatred toward anybody. I'm just not wired that way. Even after all he's done, I still pray for him and care for him a great deal. Part of me wishes things would have gone differently but the rest of me knows it was for the best and it never would have worked. I'm not looking forward to facing him in court but will do what I have to do.
My workouts are going great..have increased miles, weight and reps and am feeling great. Trying not to pay too much attention to the scales because I know I'm building muscle and muscle weighs more but I can tell a difference in the way my clothes fit, or rather are NOT fitting! Everything I own is almost two sizes too big! yeah! I so need to go shopping...but I HATE shopping! And I still have a long way to go before I'll be satisfied with my body, if I ever am!
I have a new best friend that I absolutely...well love! No, Shari has not been replaced but this friend is a godsend in so many ways. I hope we will always be friends, he is an amazing person.
My divorce is officially final. Jeff and I are getting along--a little too good sometimes! No, there will not be any reconciliation. Too much has happened but I'm enjoying being on friendly terms with him again. It makes things a LOT easier, especially for the kids.
I guess I'm finally settling into my new life and getting used to all the changes...and actually enjoying it. I may have messed up but I'm so glad God (and others) are merciful. I still have a lot going for me and a lot to look forward to!
Be blessed!