Sunday, November 29, 2009

What a week!

And this time, it's a GOOD "what a week" post!

Praise God for Drew's surgery going well. I get updates from his mom almost daily and he is doing great and should be back at school tomorrow! I can't wait, I have missed him so much.

Actually, I miss ALL my babies--I have been off work since Tuesday. The academy was only open half day Wednesday and we didn't have that many kids signed up to come for that half day so I got to take off. Dylan was supposed to have a wrestling tournament but he lost his exhibition matches the night before so he didn't get to wrestle Wednesday.

Me and the girls spent the day with my mom. We went thrift-store shopping and I got some books for my classroom (like I needed more books--but I have to feed my addiction) and a Christmas tree! Yes, we already had a tree--a HUGE, BEAUTIFUL tree that my mom bought us brand new several years ago and it is still lovely. But it's 9 feet tall and about 10 feet wide (okay not really but it looks like it in this cracker-jack box house) and my ceilings are 8 feet. We are never able to put the top piece on it and so that makes it look weird and then the topper is always a challenge and it takes up half the space in an already crowded living I found another one that is nice, smaller and only costed $20. And yet the thought of my big, beautiful tree sitting up in the attic just makes me cry! So guess what? It's going in my classroom! LOL Yes, it's pitiful I have more space in my classroom than in my house!

Anyway, we spent the rest of the day watching tv at her house--a rare treat since we still do not have a tv. We watched the last episode of Jon & Kate (I cried) and some Cold Case episodes and then came home to decorate some more.

Thanksgiving we went to my in-laws where I played with little Braden and then we went over to my aunt's for desert. I LOVE my family.

Friday, I got up early and went shopping with my mom and sister and we had a BLAST! We went to lunch at Habeneros and then my sister pooped out and went home to watch the game. I chose my mommy over football, sue me. I set my phone to get alerts on the game, though! lol And mom and I stayed out shopping until 7 pm when we finally gave it up. I didn't get the one item I went after but I'm not worried. Actually I didn't get a whole lot "accomplished" at all since our money is still tight but I had fun just being with my mom and being out in the hoopla. Go figure, it's the only day of the year I actually LIKE to shop.

And then Bama won on top of that! So I got to go home to a happy house!

Yesterday I slept in then got up to get groceries and we've been finishing up our decorating. My brilliant, talented, creative son is making some decorations for me. I'll post pictures when they are done.

I have a baby shower to go to today and the house still needs a good cleaning and there is laundry to finish and homeschool planning to do. And I get to go back to work tomorrow and see all my angels!

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Up early...

It's not unusual these days for me to wake up early on the weekends. Any day that I can sleep late, I'm not able to for whatever reason. I'm sure tomorrow I'll be snoozing away when the alarm goes off! Oh well, what are ya gonna do?

This morning, however, I was awakened by a bad dream and it's really bothering me so I got up to pray for awhile and then wound up on Facebook as usual. God help me.

But I am pondering so much in the wee hours of the morning I though I may as well jot it all down as this is the only form of journaling I do anymore.

I dreamt that my dad died. Not the bio-dad, sperm donor but the DAD. The MAN who raised me. It was shocking and terrifying to say the least but maybe God is trying to prepare me in some way because his health is not the best. He has problems with his back, feet and knees and he works SO hard and has his entire life. It's so sad that he's not able to enjoy the things he should now be enjoying now that the nest is empty (or sort of is). Go with me on this rabbit trail here but that's the one thing that bothers me about the whole Dave Ramsey kind of concept (saving for later, etc.) (and btw, I LOVE Dave Ramsey, don't get me wrong)

But my dad has worked hard his entire life and for what? Now he's too old and sick and hurt to enjoy it. He may as well "lived like no one else" while he was younger! That's one of my fears as well...not that I have anything to worry about. The opposite will probably happen to us--we'll live to be 150 and eat dog food because we spend everything we make somehow...anyway...

I'm not ready to lose my dad or anyone close to me. I suppose no one ever is. I think about my friend Lana, from high school whose mom just passed away. I'd been thinking how terrible to lose her mom so close to Christmas. I remember when my grandmother passed away and how MUCH my mom hurt to lose her mom and how it's just now 12 years later that my mom is starting to act somewhat normal again, though she's still not the same and never will be. And then I think about how close Lana and her mom were and how close me and my mom are and I just can't I wouldn't have been surprised to dream about my mom dying but my dad?

Maybe it's because we watched The Nativity Story last night and it made me think a lot about Joseph. Now that's a REAL MAN! Just like my dad. :) Not many men are willing to raise someone else's child when they don't have to. They think of it as "baggage" instead of blessings. They aren't willing to step up and think of that child as their own or even God's child. Thank you, Lord for creating men like Joseph and my dad. And I honestly don't know if my dad is saved or not. I've tried to talk to him but he's a VERY private person when it comes to such things. Could this be God's way of letting me know something? And if so, what? I don't know, I guess I'm still foggy from it all. It really does touch my soul though and make me think and ponder so many things.

Then my mind wandered over to my little Drew. He is having surgery tomorrow to remove his tonsils. I'm not worried, I know that God is with that kid. From the moment he first walked into the academy with his shorts and cowboy boots on, he has had my heart. He reminds me so much of Dylan when he was that age that it's almost like I get to step back in time and have my baby boy back for a brief moment or two sometimes. But yet he is so uniquely Drew! The things that child says and does--only a child uniquely blessed by the Lord and touched by an angel could be that way. He is definitely special.

Sometimes it really scares me how deep my emotions can run for some people. But I am thankful that I can feel that.

I have so much to do today though that the details of life will take me from being deep in thought to being busy as a bee as usual...

We are going through our Christmas stuff and seeing what needs to be replaced, etc. (I'm sure we'll need new lights, we usually do)

The girls and I have to do a little shopping. I don't like to shop on Sunday but I did jack squat yesterday so I have no choice.

Jeff & Dylan will be rearranging the garage (again) to put up Dylan's new workbench.

I have to finish shirts and laminate placemats for tomorrow's "Feast". That should be a hoot! I don't think Admin is anywhere near prepared...I just get the feeling they have no idea. A few teachers are stressed and worried about it but not me. It is what it is. I'm gonna take my prozac and go with the flow, as usual. I didn't stress about the Fall Festival and it was fine so this will be, too. We'll see. But it'll be interesting anyway.

I also need to go to my mom's. I need to take her some books and get some of her videos.

And then there's the usual--housework, laundry, cooking, etc.

Lord, all I ask is that You stay with me through the day and don't let me get so bogged down in details that I forget to thank, praise and worship you. Just like last night's movie reminded me--You really are the King of kings!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Moving along...

So I decided to get Kayti the children's version of Great Expectations and she likes it a lot better and is almost done with it! LOL Though she says she feels "ashamed" that she is reading the children's version! And she also asked me what she is supposed to be learning from it. I really don't know. I just remember it being my favorite story of Dickens when I read it and I think everyone needs to have an appreciation of a variety of authors.

I think the girls have finally lost interest in American Girls class and I know I'm kind of burned out on it. I'm glad we get a huge break before next semester and I have to decide what to do.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

one bad thing about facebook--I'm totally neglecting my blog! It's so much easier and faster to just do "status updates" on that thing. Of course, then I get caught up in the games (my farm is coming along nicely, thank you--you should see my "roll tide" spelled out in red hay bales!) and time just gets away from me until I'm tired of being on the computer. Yes, that does happen.

First, let me share pictures of Jeff's Grandparents 70th (yes, that's 70, not a typo) Anniversary party...

The "Great Roberts" as my kids call them...

Jeff and his brother and sister...

We had a great time. I really do love his grandparents!

I have been having SO much fun with my babies! Things are going pretty well at work now though I'm almost scared to say that because every time I let myself feel at ease, the bottom falls out and we have more drama! I just want to enjoy my class and make it to the end of this school year...please Lord. They are such a great bunch of kids and they have the most wonderful parents--I should be having the time of my life, not putting up with all this co-worker drama. Just please, Lord, help me keep my focus on those angels. I would love to share some pictures, but my computer has crashed and I'm borrowing my mom's so I can keep up with work, etc. and so the only pictures I have access to are the ones I'd already uploaded on facebook before the crash and naturally, I would not upload pictures of other peoples' kids onto something like facebook! But trust me, they are precious and I am one very blessed teacher!

Our family went on its annual Fall camping trip last weekend and we had a ...well, very adventurous time! I always like to go the weekend of Halloween if at all possible. The campgrounds are usually all decorated up for Halloween. It's not too hot or cold, the crisp Fall air smells's just tons of fun. It was LOTS of fun until the rain began that night. Our tent is apparently NOT waterproof! Although it is supposed to be. But Jeff says what do you expect from an orange and blue tent? haha I wasn't paying any attention to the colors when I bought the stupid thing several years ago but wouldn't ya know, that's the first thing HE noticed! It has served us well over the years until this weekend. At first it was not so bad. I got up to go to the restroom around 12:30 and I could feel a few drops but nothing to whine about. When I came out of the bathhouse though, it was a torrential downpour! I knew I could not run in the dark (even with a flashlight) and make it back up the hill without busting my you-know-what so I instead made a beeline for the Jeep. Once inside, the original plan was to wait until the rain got lighter and try to make it back to the tent. But I fell asleep. An hour later, Kayti arrives, saying her sleeping bag (also supposed to be waterproof) was soaked. Well then I didn't want to leave her in the car by herself. So she and I slept in the Jeep, quite uncomfortably I might add. I still have a bruise on my hip from the steering wheel, trying to sleep on my side! Early the next morning, here comes Dylan--drenched. His sleeping bag was not waterproof (at least his didn't claim to be) and it's a miracle he's not sick. We immediately began loading up everything and driving home. We had a great day--hot showers, a nice hot breakfast, hot chocolate and naps in a warm, dry bed!

Before the rain:

Later that day, we took the kids to some Fall Festivals/Trunk or Treats and then left them "home alone" while we went a block away to my sweet sister's Halloween party where we had a BLAST!

Meet the Hendersons aka Frankensteins with baby Frankenstein aka "Cooper" poking his little self out there!

Sister Mafia!

(how did I get so short-changed in the heigh department????)

Since then, Jeff and I have celebrated our 20th anniversary! Yes, 20 years we have been married! Wow! It still blows my mind that I'm even old enough to be married that long! I met him when I was 13 so I've more/less been with him more than half my life, literally! What a ride it has been! There are definitely some things I wish we could get a "do over" on but all in all, I wouldn't trade it for the world!

The same day of our anniversary, Dylan was tapped into Mu Alpha Theta--an Honor Society for Math students. Yes, an offspring of me and Jeff is a Math whiz! Unbelievable, I know! But I am SO proud of him!

Last weekend, my mom and my sister and I and some friends went to Christmas Village. We had SO much fun! Then it was back home to watch Alabama kick the crap out of LSU! ROLL TIDE!!!

And then yesterday, my sweet, baby boy turned 17! That is SO not right! I tell my niece all the time that *I* should be the one with a newborn baby boy--seems like he was just born yesterday! She should still be playing with her barbie corvette! I'm still trying to come to grips with how fast time flies and that in a little less than 2 years from now, he'll be a Freshman in college. Lord, I pray, please let all his plans, hopes and dreams come true! This kid has earned it and he is as special as you created him to be.

In addition to the computer crashing, my van is also broked-ded! It needs a new starter is all and hopefully, Jeff can get that fixed tomorrow. Today, me and the girls are spending a quiet day at home. I plan to clean, rearrange my living room furniture in anticipation of putting the Christmas tree up soon and then start on some Christmas planning. We need to schedule our annual baking day, make the necessary lists and get started on our Christmas cards. I also have some planning to do for work...Jeff is taking Dylan to weigh ins for wrestling and then they are going to clean out his Granddaddy's gutters. I'm sure they'll also do a little "shopping". Dylan wants a new work bench for his birthday. You should see the stuff that kid can make! He is so talented!

Hope you have a blessed weekend!