Sunday, June 7, 2009

Oh the power of prayer!!!

When you ask God for His infinite wisdom, He is always faithful to share it with you! I don't know why I always forget that but somehow I always manage to do just that! I should remember about Solomon, huh? LOL

Anyway, we decided to hang onto the van a little while longer even though since I last updated, the window on my sliding door shattered (Thanks kids!) But it should be an easy fix as soon as we have time to do it. I will fix that, put new tires on it and my dad and brother-in-law's father are going to look at the a/c (soon, I hope! until then, we have "natural" air conditioning!) But I really don't want anything else on my credit right now.

The house we were thinking about trying to get got a contract on it already so until God shows us something else...we'll remain where we are.

But another thing that has happened since that totally convinces me about the power of prayer is that last Sunday, Jeff's jeep died. He was on his way home from an errand and it just went dead for no apparent reason. He and my BIL tried to get it cranked and couldn't. Then they tried to tow it themselves and couldn't. So we called a towing company and had it brought home until we could figure out the next step and I had to take him to work and pick him up all week.

I didn't know what else to do but pray! I'd just decided that I didn't want to buy a new car right now--was God trying to tell me, 'oh yes, you do'???

So once again, I ask for His direction. Friday, Jeff is reading through the owner's manual and checks the list of fuses. Low and behold, there is one that is blown that runs the powertrain (whatever that is). Total cost for him to replace it? $5.00 for a box of several. I guess if you do the math it would come out to about $0.75! Is that not funny how a seventy-five cent part can shut down an entire JEEP for the love of Pete? But I'm counting it as an answered prayer! Thank you, Lord!! Keep answering me, please because I'm going to keep asking!

Just had to share!

On the note of sharing, please check out my new sections--favorite devotionals that I have found along the way and also other "testimonies" of my own. There are some new stories that I added recently and some more to come as soon as I get a chance! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I love how God is so patient with us and continues to rain down His love, grace and mercy on us! Oh I how I wish I were as faithful to Him as He is to me! Thanks for sharing your awesome praise! Keep on praying! I cannot wait to see what God does next for the Quicks!

    Praying with you and for you!!!
