Sunday, June 21, 2009

Big-time picture update

Finally got all those photos onto a cd so I could share! Hope you enjoy!

My daughter is into black people, particularly children and babies. Most of you know that. She's also into special needs stuffed animals!

This is a teddy bear my mom found in some of my grandmother's stuff. We think it belonged to my uncle (who is now in his 50's). Brooke fell in love with this thing and brought it home to be "doctored".

This is her working on him...

This is him after his many "operations"!

Some pictures from Dylan's tapping ceremony (into the National Honor Society)

Some pictures of the last few dance classes...they are taking turns pretending to be Mrs. Michelle while the REAL Mrs. Michelle tries to get the blasted cd player to work right!

This is Jeff's best friend, Brian, back in April at his own 40th birthday party! He got these glasses that make him look really "old" and we were having fun cracking jokes with them! LOL

A picture of us at the same party...

Sometime this past school-year, Dylan took the PSAT which is a preliminary to the SAT and is the measure used for determining the National Merit Scholarship. He did VERY well! So well, in fact that he scored in the top 100 for Jefferson County, as did 16 other students, including some sweet friends from church, from Clay-Chalkville. They had a big ceremony at Birmingham-Southern College.

Picture from the American Girls class field trip to American Village:

You know it's getting close to summertime when it's warm enough to play in the hose!

Our newest neighbors, the Robin family:

Six Flags Fun:

Before the first ever ride on a roller coaster (the Scream Machine--which is the only one we could coax her onto!)...

After the first ever ride on a roller coaster...

Nashville fun...

Dance Recital fun...

Friday, June 19, 2009

My grown-up working man!

Check out my baby with his first REAL paycheck!

He was reluctant to take this job--I think he was afraid of going into the "family business" of daycare/teaching/tending to other people's rotten kids (his thoughts, not mine, necessarily--at least not all the time! lol) but I think he likes it. It's a gravy job for him really. He gets paid to play sports and keep a bunch of kids entertained--how difficult is that?

And his bosses (my bosses) just love him! They told me they are glad he's there that he has a great work ethic and interacts with the kids very well, etc. etc. I guess Jeff and I have done something right. Thank you, Lord for my son. Thank you for sending him first because if you'd given me either of these girls first, chances are, he wouldn't be here! LOL

Speaking of girls, some beautiful young girl celebrates becoming a teenager. I just don't know who it is....could it be....KAYTI????

Yes, it is! This Wednesday (at 10:08 p.m. to be exact) she will officially be a "teenager" though she has been acting like one for quite a while now!

She, too, has been working at the daycare this summer, though not "officially". She tags along when she feels like it and helps me in my classroom with whatever I need. She's helped me do bulletin boards, clean, fix lunch, read to kids, be an extra pair of hands and eyes at the playground, etc. etc. And I have paid her well out of my own paycheck. I enjoy having her around and I'm so blessed that she still wants to spend some time with her old mom!

She has decided NOT to have a big birthday party because she wants to save for an iPod. She's had a few cheap mp3 players and they always seem to tear up somehow. And I know it's not her--she's VERY careful and particular about her stuff. So she asked if we could take whatever we would spend on a party and just give it to her so she could save it towards her iPod. I thought that was a very mature decision. I am going to take her and let her get her toes done next week and either she and I will go out to lunch or we'll go out to dinner as a family. It's not something we do very often so it will be a real treat for all of us.

Speaking of mature decisions, my youngest made one as well. I was torn about whether or not she would do the dance team again this year. She really enjoyed it and I could tell a HUGE improvement in her dance. We enjoyed it also. It was a lot of fun and gave us and excuse to travel a little. And even though the expense is not that great since I am graciously given the opportunity to teach to help offset some of our dance expense, I discussed with her taking the year off. Take a year off to let mom & dad catch our breath from this financial mess we have dug ourselves into for such a long time. Take a year off to do some things as a family that we've been wanting to do but couldn't. Take a year off to focus on Dylan for a bit before he goes off to college in two years (we thought the first 16 flew by fast--I don't even want to blink for the next two!) I mean, for the love of Pete, she's only 11! She still has PLENTY of time to do this kind of stuff. But I wasn't sure what her reaction would be to all that so I left it up to her and to my surprise she "thought about it" for a few days and then she agreed. She's excited about going back to a regular class, even though she will definitely miss Hannah, and she's excited about maybe taking pre-pointe with Lauren. Sometimes your kids just blow your mind! You think they are rotten to the core and then they go and do something that just leaves you speechless--but in a good way!

She's been having so much fun at ASAP this summer, too. Don't ask me what ASAP stands for (besides "as soon as possible") but it's the name of our school-age program at the daycare. They go to the library, the movies, swimming and have all kinds of fun. She's also been to VBS at Northpark and Crosspoint as well as a few days at the Academy. They all did the same "boomerang australia theme". Baptist churches. Go figure.

Clearview always does something different for VBS but with me working I couldn't arrange transportation this year. Tina took her last year and I didn't want to ask her again and no one else volunteered so we missed it. That's okay as I am about vacation-bible-schooled OUT! It's always rough on me working for the Academy the week they have VBS because...well, let's just say it's unorganized and chaotic and leave it at that. I want my posts to glorify God as much as possible and not be a whine-fest so I won't say anything negative. But it's been a VERY challenging week. I will be so glad when next week, everything is back to normal. I have two new kids in my class that I just adore and I'm looking forward to getting to know them and them know me in my somewhat "normal" state.

That's about the extent of my excitement. I've been reading a lot since we have no idiot-box whatsoever anymore now that everything has gone digital. What was that about anyway? I have a difficult time believing that with all the problems our government is faced with, digital tv was a priority. Must have been about some money somewhere but I don't know what or where. I've heard the military had something to do with it but I don't know what that has to do with everyone else just watching their televisions. If someone could explain it to me, I'd love to hear about it. I guess. Well, I really don't care. TV is something I can definitely do without, I'm quickly discovering. And yes, I realize I've had a long time to get ready--I'm not asking for any "sympathy". Like I said, tv is not a priority, not for the Quick family. It really makes me sad to find out what a priority it is for some people. We like to watch what we like to watch when we're able to. But I'm certainly not going to plan my life around it nor am I going to run out and spend a bunch of money just because someone says I have to.

Anyway, I read, I plan out my curriculum for the Fall, we do puzzles (I'm becoming a sudoku whiz!), we swim, fish, etc. etc. Just a typical summer!

How is your summer going?


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Oh the power of prayer!!!

When you ask God for His infinite wisdom, He is always faithful to share it with you! I don't know why I always forget that but somehow I always manage to do just that! I should remember about Solomon, huh? LOL

Anyway, we decided to hang onto the van a little while longer even though since I last updated, the window on my sliding door shattered (Thanks kids!) But it should be an easy fix as soon as we have time to do it. I will fix that, put new tires on it and my dad and brother-in-law's father are going to look at the a/c (soon, I hope! until then, we have "natural" air conditioning!) But I really don't want anything else on my credit right now.

The house we were thinking about trying to get got a contract on it already so until God shows us something else...we'll remain where we are.

But another thing that has happened since that totally convinces me about the power of prayer is that last Sunday, Jeff's jeep died. He was on his way home from an errand and it just went dead for no apparent reason. He and my BIL tried to get it cranked and couldn't. Then they tried to tow it themselves and couldn't. So we called a towing company and had it brought home until we could figure out the next step and I had to take him to work and pick him up all week.

I didn't know what else to do but pray! I'd just decided that I didn't want to buy a new car right now--was God trying to tell me, 'oh yes, you do'???

So once again, I ask for His direction. Friday, Jeff is reading through the owner's manual and checks the list of fuses. Low and behold, there is one that is blown that runs the powertrain (whatever that is). Total cost for him to replace it? $5.00 for a box of several. I guess if you do the math it would come out to about $0.75! Is that not funny how a seventy-five cent part can shut down an entire JEEP for the love of Pete? But I'm counting it as an answered prayer! Thank you, Lord!! Keep answering me, please because I'm going to keep asking!

Just had to share!

On the note of sharing, please check out my new sections--favorite devotionals that I have found along the way and also other "testimonies" of my own. There are some new stories that I added recently and some more to come as soon as I get a chance! Thanks for reading!