Saturday, August 30, 2008

and life goes on...

Another week behind us, just normal homeschooling days Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday Kayti had her second day of CORE classes and is still loving it while Brooke and I went to Leeds to teach Discovery. All the classes did MUCH better this week so I guess they are getting used to being in "big" school! Thursday we did Music & Movement and that was a blast! The theme for the day was Bible songs/Praise & worship. Of course 5k got their regular music theory and we worked on recognizing a musical staff, treble & bass clefs. But I had the most fun with the 4's! They LOVED "Every Move I Make", especially the jump part and Melanie (my assistant) and I got a great workout especially since they all wanted to do it again (and again and again!)

Friday, Jeff worked (and he's doing much better, btw, thanks for all the prayers, emails, kind words, etc.) and we had Co-op. That preschool class is not as much fun as the ones at Leeds--there are only three of them but they are getting the hang of it and they are sweet. American Girls is great! We picked out Indian names and made headbands and they learned more about Indians and what was going on in the world during Kaya's time. And Home Ec was a blast! We talked about kitchen & food safety and we made some simple but yummy appetizers. I just love that group of girls!

Brooke made crystals in her science class, Kayti's Voices in History class talked about Helen Keller. Kayti is also loving the book club. They are reading Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares and even though she's seen the movie she seems to be enjoying it.

After co-op, we ate lunch in the cafeteria and then Brooke auditioned for the play. We are supposed to find out about parts by next week. This will be her third year to do the play and one of the activities Jeff really likes them to do. He's always really impressed by the plays saying they are even better than "real" school plays. (I hate that kind of remark but he's learning)

This morning Jeff had to replace his battery in his jeep and it's looking more and more like we are going to have to get another refrigerator! Bummer! But this one is not working right. The freezer is not freezing but is working like the fridge and the fridge part is not working well at all. We have most of our food in the deep freezer for now and Jeff is going to look at it in a little while but given that it is 16 years old (bought it when I was pregnant with Dylan), I'm not very hopeful. I would actually love to get a new stainless steel one but it's a little too close to Christmas not to mention all the other stuff that's in line ahead of something like that. *sigh* So we are looking for a good used fridge if anyone has one they would like to get rid of.

The girls and I have decided to try Community Bible study again this year. We tried it a few years back but it was just too much work given that it was our first year to homeschool. But every time the girls and I try to do any kind of study on our own, we end up not finishing, usually. We need that structured time! I know, I know a lot of you are thinking "they have enough to do already" but we like being busy. Trust me, we get PLENTY of down time and you would not believe the things I say no to on a daily basis. Trust me, I know my limits and when I'm about go over them.

We are headed to the in-laws tonight for the ball game. We got our gameday shirts, our wings and nachos and are ready to show them how to REALLY watch a football game! This should be interesting! After watching the Patriots play last week, I am READY for some football!


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