Saturday, August 30, 2008

and life goes on...

Another week behind us, just normal homeschooling days Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday Kayti had her second day of CORE classes and is still loving it while Brooke and I went to Leeds to teach Discovery. All the classes did MUCH better this week so I guess they are getting used to being in "big" school! Thursday we did Music & Movement and that was a blast! The theme for the day was Bible songs/Praise & worship. Of course 5k got their regular music theory and we worked on recognizing a musical staff, treble & bass clefs. But I had the most fun with the 4's! They LOVED "Every Move I Make", especially the jump part and Melanie (my assistant) and I got a great workout especially since they all wanted to do it again (and again and again!)

Friday, Jeff worked (and he's doing much better, btw, thanks for all the prayers, emails, kind words, etc.) and we had Co-op. That preschool class is not as much fun as the ones at Leeds--there are only three of them but they are getting the hang of it and they are sweet. American Girls is great! We picked out Indian names and made headbands and they learned more about Indians and what was going on in the world during Kaya's time. And Home Ec was a blast! We talked about kitchen & food safety and we made some simple but yummy appetizers. I just love that group of girls!

Brooke made crystals in her science class, Kayti's Voices in History class talked about Helen Keller. Kayti is also loving the book club. They are reading Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares and even though she's seen the movie she seems to be enjoying it.

After co-op, we ate lunch in the cafeteria and then Brooke auditioned for the play. We are supposed to find out about parts by next week. This will be her third year to do the play and one of the activities Jeff really likes them to do. He's always really impressed by the plays saying they are even better than "real" school plays. (I hate that kind of remark but he's learning)

This morning Jeff had to replace his battery in his jeep and it's looking more and more like we are going to have to get another refrigerator! Bummer! But this one is not working right. The freezer is not freezing but is working like the fridge and the fridge part is not working well at all. We have most of our food in the deep freezer for now and Jeff is going to look at it in a little while but given that it is 16 years old (bought it when I was pregnant with Dylan), I'm not very hopeful. I would actually love to get a new stainless steel one but it's a little too close to Christmas not to mention all the other stuff that's in line ahead of something like that. *sigh* So we are looking for a good used fridge if anyone has one they would like to get rid of.

The girls and I have decided to try Community Bible study again this year. We tried it a few years back but it was just too much work given that it was our first year to homeschool. But every time the girls and I try to do any kind of study on our own, we end up not finishing, usually. We need that structured time! I know, I know a lot of you are thinking "they have enough to do already" but we like being busy. Trust me, we get PLENTY of down time and you would not believe the things I say no to on a daily basis. Trust me, I know my limits and when I'm about go over them.

We are headed to the in-laws tonight for the ball game. We got our gameday shirts, our wings and nachos and are ready to show them how to REALLY watch a football game! This should be interesting! After watching the Patriots play last week, I am READY for some football!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Co-op and Pep Squad!

Yesterday was the first day of Co-op and it went fabulously!!! Everything was a bit formal and "boring" due to it being the first day and everyone trying to get where they were supposed to be, meet the teacher, learn what's expected, etc. But it's going to be a FUN FUN FUN year!!!

I was worried about my preschool class--I only have three and all three were quite shy. But they have great parents and by the end of the hour they were having fun and giving me hugs. There is nothing better than a hug from a little one!

My American Girl class is HUGE! Sixteen little girls line the tables all anxious to be chatty and do something. This is going to be a great class and I've already decided that next semester, I'm doing Addy!

I think Home Ec will be fun, too. Awesome group of very godly teenage girls! I'm looking forward to getting to know all of them.

We went to lunch with some of our bff's--Lauren, Ashley and Ms Tere but we didn't get to stay long because Kayti also had her first Builders club meeting and was excited to see Celia and Erin from church. Their first service project is putting on some kind of talent show for the residents of the Village at Cook Springs (nursing home). I am always shocked at how reserved and shy my oldest daughter is given the fact she's performed her whole life! But I'm thinking her age might have a lot to do with it. There were a LOT of kids there professing to have no talent and not wanting to do anything! I reminded Kayti that she sings, dances, plays violin and could get together with a few others and do a skit or something. I also reminded her of when we used to go and spend lots of time with the Clay Seniors, the residents at Hearthstone and Alabama Living Center the first year we homeschooled and I was writing for Clay News. They just loved spending time with those folks and the seniors loved having them around. They love having anyone come and spend time with them, they could care less what we were doing. One of the ladies at the Senior Center even invited the girls to come and play piano and violin for her group on Valentine's Day and I told her they were only beginners and she didn't care! She just wanted them to come and it was a great experience for all. So we'll see what happens this time!

We ran a few errands, picked up Dylan and came home to cool our heels before heading to Columbiana for our first homeschool football game! I could tell the girls were a little unnerved when we arrived and saw the Hope Christian Eagles cheerleaders cheering in regular cheerleading uniforms. Somehow I guess I didn't explain very well that the rules we follow for ECHOS don't necessarily apply to our opponents. And they were shy to start out with but they eventually got into it and had a great time! And they looked so cute!

Kayti's pom poms STILL had not come in so she had her old ones from when she cheered for Clay and they are sort of the same colors but not exactly like the new ones so she was not very excited about having to use them. But Abby, sweet Abby, offered her one of new poms and so they both cheered with one old and one new!

And yes, sweet little Emma got into the groove and helped them cheer on the Patriots! We lost the game (50-something to 14!) but we still had a great time.

This morning we were set to go to Shocco Springs with the homeschool group. But something has happened to Jeff's back and even though he wasn't going--he was supposed to work today--I don't want to travel off that far and leave him here alone unable to even move! Anyways, it looks as if it's going to storm so I'll just take my $7 loss and deal with it. Brooke is upset but she'll have to learn to get over it. There will be other opportunities to go fun places coming up soon--actually MANY this year. And please say a prayer for Jeff. I don't know what this is but it's been a few years since I've seen him in this much pain (and that was when he was near death!) so I'm concerned.

So I get another "lazy" day. Ha! I have plenty to keep me busy, don't worry!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, for now we do anyway! LOL

Yesterday was the first day and it seemed to go very smoothly for Kayti and for the rest of us. We had to get up MUCH earlier than we are used to because we had to take Dylan to school and then head over to Moody so Kayti could be at "school" by 7:55. Despite being stopped by a train and hitting a patch of traffic caused by a schoolbus and then another patch of traffic caused by a garbage truck, we made it with a few minutes to spare even. Brooke and I walked her in and helped her find where she was supposed to put her lunch, belongings and her first class and then me and Brooke were off to work!

We got stopped by ANOTHER train but I still made it to work on time for my first day as "Discovery Room" teacher. It went VERY well. Brooke went in another room for a little while and worked on her math but then she came to help me. I have an assistant also and she is AWESOME! The 5k and 4k classes were a dream and they seemed to love it. I am looking forward to teaching them a lot this year. The 3k classes are still in the "baby" phase. Most didn't seem like they have gotten used to the idea of "school" yet, let alone doing something different. So that was challenging.

In talking to my mom, we are noticing a disturbing trend among kids these days, especially preschoolers (Mom works with preschoolers, too) It seems like the "it's all about me" attitude is getting so much worse and I'm concerned about that. I'm already well acquainted with quite a few who were raised as the center of attention and now that they are grown up and realizing it's NOT all about them, they are having an extremely difficult time. What's worse is that their pitfalls do not only affect them. They affect those around them and that's what concerns me most. Parents should be raising their children to one day be able to be on their own. As much as I love my children and would love to keep them babies for the rest of their life to make ME feel useful and fulfilled, it simply isn't healthy. Do I want them to grow up, move out and never come back? No, of course not. My mom is now one of my best friends and I hope one day my children will consider me in the same regard. Am I naive enough to think they won't ever or shouldn't ever need me again in some way? No, also not true. I still need my mom, A LOT and regretfully, I have had to borrow a little money from her from time to time. And I will gladly help out my kids should they ever need a little "help". Nothing wrong with that. But supporting them the rest of their lives like a lot of parents I know now do? To me, that amounts to more than a failure on the kid's part. It's the failure of a parent to show that child how to survive, how to thrive, how to give back and just plain old NOT be a leech on the rest of society!

Of course it's sad when we have to leave our toddlers in someone else's care. I remember that all too well (and I left mine in the care of my own mother!) You feel so many different things for leaving--guilt, anxiety, sadness, etc. And it is completely natural for the child to have those clingy feelings and for us to want to protect them from feeling that way. But we do them more harm than good if we show them that WE can't control ourselves. It's selfishness to put your own emotions over the well-being of your child and I see it all too often. It breaks my heart. Maybe I'm alone in that I take parenting way too seriously. I sure hope not. Am I a perfect parent? Oh please! But I try very hard not to let my failures and shortcomings take my eyes off the goal.

Another thing I'm seeing lately is this allowing your child to quit something they started. Whatever happened to what our parents used to tell us? "You start something, you finish it?" Twice this year I've witnessed this and the excuse is always the same--"I just don't want to listen to them whine/gripe/complain" :::Jaw dropping big time here:::

Do you think their boss is going to one day want to listen to it? Or their husband/wife? There are always valid reasons for quitting but in my opinion, that isn't one of them. I tell my kids all the time, there will ALWAYS be things that don't make us 100% happy. But if you committed to do something and especially if there are other people depending on you/counting on you/expect you to do your part, your "happiness" is not the top priority. Suck it up! Put your big girl/boy panties on and deal with it!

*sigh* just another symptom of the self-centered society we live in.

Anyhoo...I honestly didn't mean for this blog to start as a whine, vent & moan session! LOL

After I was through with work yesterday, Brooke and I had a "van" picnic and went shopping! I got Brooke & Kayti both some shorts off the clearance rack at Cato's and had to pick up a few things at Walmart. We hung out at the library for a while and then went back to Community to wait on Kayti to get out of school. We picked Dylan up and headed to Pep practice and dance practice during which time my headstrong teenage son and I had a brief and heated argument! You know, I used to think I was halfway intelligent until I became the mother of a teenager! Now I'm reminded quite often how stupid I really am! LOL Oh, he doesn't dare say that (he'd be picking himself up off the floor, I don't care how much he can "benchpress") but it's just that teenage attitude and mannerisms that remind me that I, too, "knew it all" when I was 16. Why couldn't all of life's problems have hit me when I had all the answers to them! LOL Wouldn't that have been groovy? *sigh* Just can't wait until next year when I'm the mother of TWO teenagers. I guess you guys will all have to pitch in and help me relearn to read, I'll be so stupid by then!

So today is one of our "down" days. Not down as in sad, just down as in NOT busy! It's 2:12 p.m. and I'm still in my pajamas. The girls are doing their school work and I am helping them (and they did get dressed) but we take things at a slower pace.

We finally made a decision about music lessons. Brooke really did not want a new teacher yet. So I am going to continue to give her piano lessons. I cannot work out Kayti's violin lessons with my new work schedule so I'm going to try and do that myself as well. I don't play the violin but I do read music and I think I can keep her going until we find someone else. Worse comes to worse, I can teach her piano, too. At least it's some form of music (music education is VERY important to me), it will save us some money and one less day of having somewhere to GO!

I haven't made any decisions about Camp Fire yet. I know Kayti really wants to be involved with the Builder's Club (part of Key Club/Kiwanis) this year and though she COULD do both, I'm not sure it's a good idea given her classload. I was also wanting to get Brooke involved in 4H but the club that meets through Community is based in Pell City. I'm not driving that far and I don't know if I want to start one (which seems to be the response I get when asked about having one closer) because I have enough on my plate as it is. So she may continue with Camp Fire. I love it and don't really have any reason for NOT wanting them to continue. But their lives are taking them in a different direction and I feel like I should just go with the flow.

Our family meeting went pretty well the other day. But it's obvious now that I have three kids that think I wasn't talking to them! There have been some bedtime issues, chore issues and some resistance to a few other things. But we're sticking to our guns. My home has always been a haven and I'm determined to keep it that way and lately I could feel it becoming more and more chaotic. I DO like to be busy. But the older I get, the more I'm finding that balance is key and attending Kathi's seminar helped me to confirm that. I'm so relieved that I don't have to feel guilty for not being involved in some things, even though they are worthwhile and good things (like church). I know it's important to serve God and thankfully He has shown me how I am to do that. I understand that some feel strongly that everyone should serve a church and I understand why they feel that way. I used to feel the same way--I resented those that came to be fed and never gave anything back. But now I understand why sometimes God chooses to have some serve the church and others serve in other ways. I love my church very much and I was once VERY involved in serving it. But it's not what God wants me to do right now and until He shows me otherwise I will keep doing what I'm told! (like I wish my kids would do! LOL)


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Today is the DAY!!!

Yep, not putting it off any longer. We are finally going to have our long-awaited FAMILY MEETING!!! We are going to have a "come to Jesus" meeting about a lot of things (not in the literal sense, my kids are all saved and I know it) and they are good kids for the most part. But this summer I've been slacking as a mom, letting a lot of things slide and lately I've been paying the price and ultimately, so will they. Put me down as one of those "lazy" parents like my girlfriend, Laine LOL (I'm j/k Laine, you are ANYTHING BUT LAZY!). It would be so much easier and REALLY lazy to keep letting this stuff go and doing things myself. But that doesn't prepare them for the real world and that's my job as their mom. I'm not raising kids, I'm raising "adults". There are way too many grown-up "kids" running around these days as it is, I don't need to add three more to the bunch, even though I DO love spoiling them sometimes.

I have revised our chore charts and we're going to talk about not only chores but changing our lifestyle just a bit. The past month or so, we've slipped from being in major Dave Ramsey mode to "kinda sorta" Dave Ramsey mode. We gotta pull back. I'm getting stressed about finances again, even though we're okay, I just don't like worrying about it and like good ol' Dave always says, the best way to deal with money is to PLAN FOR things. I should have that down by now. We've slipped from being focused on the eternal to focused on the here and now and that is never good. We need to make more of an effort to make sure our priorities are lined up according to God's plan for our family, not what we would like to do. I always ask God everyday to direct my steps. To put in front of me the things that need my attention most and to sustain everything else until I'm able to take care of it or for Him to just handle it. And He always does so for that I'm grateful. But I know a few changes can be made and lately God's been revealing to me what those changes should be. So we're going to make them. Today. Now.

I am feeling a lot better--thank you for all the emails, kind words and prayers. They helped. I know I am in charge of my thoughts and most of the time, I'm not a big dweller on the negative. This came out of nowhere and the only reason I give it any validity is because it came in the form of a dream and I've always been very sensitive to my dreams. I don't claim to be psychic or even prophetic but looking back on the most significant dreams of my life, there HAS always been some kind of foreshadowing of events, good or bad. I just wish I could interpret them going forward instead in hindsight. Nonetheless, God always takes away the bad and I'm very grateful for that.

Everything starts back this week (almost everything)--CORE, Co-op, homeschooling, first football game, my new job, music lessons, etc. etc. Dylan started school last week and though he has a LOT of challenging classes, he seems to be excited about it.

I went to my cousin's house Friday night to look at wedding pictures that Miss Jenny took. Oh my gravy!!! There were a GOZILLION pictures (okay not really but around 1200!) and they were all fabulous! I'm going to try and get a few of those uploaded in a bit, no way my slow computer that came over on the Ark can handle all of it (plus I'm still on dial up out here in the boonies) so I'll again have the challenging task of picking out a few faves. I cannot wait for her to do our family portraits. But we are waiting on it to cool off a bit. No way I'm repeating that wedding photo session, sorry little sis! Too hot and sweatty!

And to my faithful readers, who always reply via email but never leave me any comments here--this is the last email you will be getting. I'm changing my settings because I'm afraid the emails are pestering a few people. No one has said anything but the reason I did that in the first place is because I know not all of you have a google account. Well, after today, if you want to keep up with me, you'll have to get one. It's free, it's easy and it takes all of 10 seconds. This is a private blog but you've been given permission. All you have to do is log in with your google account to view it. Sorry but since that whole experience with myspace and nosy people who don't know the meaning of Matthew 18 (which our Pastor preached on last week, by the way and all I could do is sit there and go "uh huh", "yep" and "amen"! lol), I'm not going through that again. This blog will stay private. If you didn't get your invite or know of someone who didn't, shoot me an email and I'll add you. But don't forget to create that google account! I know my life is so exciting, you won't want to miss my daily musings! (ha ha)

Blessings for a great week!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I need some prayer...

I've been really depressed and agitated today. Had some disturbing dreams last night that I don't want to discuss right now but they brought up feelings and emotions that I thought had been dealt with a long time ago. I'm hoping it's just one of those things that will pass as quickly as it came.

Don't you just love it when well-meaning Christian friends tell you to "let it go" and you think you have and it comes back all of a sudden like that? Ugh!

So Lord, help me to let it all go AGAIN!! And bind the devil from trying to steal my joy by making me think about things I don't want to think about anymore.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Um...maybe we should move?

So Monday, I kill a black widow spider--yes a freakin' BLACK WIDOW SPIDER. And yes, I'm SURE that's what it was because it had the little red hourglass thingy on its back, plus I have a picture of one in my classroom! I was hanging some shelves in the kitchen (the kitchen is also my sewing room, office and schoolroom so we have to stay major organized in there!) and I had my head underneath the shelf adjusting the bracket and my eye glanced up and I thought, I didn't realize I'd splattered the paint when I painted them (they are painted black) and then after I readjusted my focus I saw it wasn't a paint splatter but a spider--a freakin' BLACK WIDOW SPIDER!! I about had a heart attack! I can handle anything but spiders. Other bugs (yes I know a spider is not technically an insect), snakes, even rodents--none of these things I am particularly fond of but at least when you see one you have a fighting chance! Spiders are sneaky and those are deadly.

I grabbed my nearest flip flop and smushed it (gross, it was so nasty!) and dumped it in the garbage. I had to call Jeff. I was having a panic attack, seriously. Then I found some spider spray in the garage (we get those wood spiders in there all the time) and doussed it. But I was still scared! Jeff is talking to me on the phone thinking the whole thing is funny because I'm still scared of something I squished and poisoned, like it would come back to life, crawl out of the trash can and seek revenge on me. could!

Oh and then I had to spend an hour sanitizing the shelf, the flip flop (and I still haven't worn them yet) and everything else. Eeewww!

So today, I'm emptying the dishwasher and putting away my glass bowls and I turn around--the cabinet shelf falls. One of those little notches fell out and the weight of the bowls made it give way. Huge crash, scared the girls and now I have no more glass bowls. We'll be eating out of rubbermaid for awhile.

Is my house telling me something? I guess I'll wait for the walls to start bleeding and then I'll be outta here!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Catching up again...

I spent most of this morning loading all my pictures from the camera onto my computer and trying to make a slideshow out of all the wedding pictures but it kept crashing my computer! Agh! Can you say, "time for an upgrade!" No, because I CAN say "I can't afford it right now!"

Anyway, I'll just have to share a few of my faves for now:

Isn't she the most beautiful bride ever? That's my baby girl!

Sister mafia!!! (and yes, somehow they got the height blessing and I did not!)

Two CRAZY old men! (My dad and Chris' dad)

The best parents ever!

All my "babies"!

The wedding party

The kiss!

This has got to be my favorite picture that's not Mia or my kids! Look at the look on his face! He is just breathless and awestruck!

and this is why!

The littlest princess and her prince charming!

The happy couple!

He loved her first!

At least THIS cake was the right colors! Hope no one got sick from me spitting on that gosh-awful Auburn grooms cake! (j/k lol)

Believe me, it was difficult to pick out those pictures as "faves". There were so many good ones and that was just from MY camera! I can't wait to see Jenny's (hint hint, Ms Jenny!)

We had our first faculty meeting for our homeschool group Saturday. We are so blessed! We have so many wonderful families and so much good leadership. I'm so honored to be a part of it. I went to a seminar on organization afterward. Yes, I know I'm pretty organized already but I'm kind of obsessive about that kind of thing. I'm always looking for new stuff and new methods and I did come away with some things but a good deal of it I already do. I thought I was weird or something but maybe not so much? lol

We had our last pool party today--yes, in the rain! We have enjoyed those so much!

Got most of my classroom put together. We'll be getting started next week and I'm excited! Kayti officially starts CORE next week but she's already been working on her stuff. Go Kayti! I'm so proud of her.

I cut Brooke's hair last night and while I'm not so sure about it, she seems to love it.

Kayti shaved her legs for the first time and of course, she nicked herself! I told her it won't be the last time either.

We are trying to take it easy the rest of this week. Dylan goes back to CCHS tomorrow and the girls and are getting some last minute stuff done before we really get cranking next week. We are reevaluating our activities and trying to decide which things we'll continue, which we'll drop and what new things we'll do (if any). I really want us to slack up some and not be so busy all the time. But it's hard. We all have too many interests and don't like to say no very often!

We're contemplating attempting Community Bible Study again. I tried it a few years ago but it just didn't seem to be for us. I don't know if it was because it was also our first year to homeschool and we were just overwhelmed or what. But I do like the idea of meeting with ladies every week and being on a regular thing and also that the girls can study the same thing I am but just on their level. But it's a LOT of work and I don't like approaching my time with the Lord in a dreadful way like that. I want to be excited about it, not resentful that like I have to do "homework" or something, if that makes any sense. So we'll see...

Okay, time for bed now!


Monday, August 4, 2008

Best Wedding Ever! (and a busy day after)

Yes, my baby sister is finally hitched to her long-time love of her life. They are in Mexico on their cruise-honeymoon as we speak.

I don't know what that child was thinking having an outdoor wedding in August (at Matthews Manor in Springville) that was NOT AT THE BEACH but oh my goodness, I thought we were going to all melt for sure. It was so hot and sticky! But then again, it wasn't that bad! lol The wedding was 7 p.m. but making the pictures beforehand was the kicker. But we made a few, went inside to cool down and made some more and we all got through it.

They did a cutesy little dance when the preacher told them to kiss the bride. They are so funny!

Then the reception was a blast. Everyone danced, toasted the bride and groom and I can't wait to see the video Melissa made for them not to mention the several HUNDRED pictures Jenny took on her super-duper camera. I took quite a few on my own little Sony but today I have not had time to recharge the batteries in order to get them off the camera and onto the computer. So I'll post some soon. Trust me, everything was beautiful, especially my "first baby"! (Well, except for Chris' stupid Auburn groom's cake! :::puking here:::)

Kayti and Brooke did so good as bridesmaid and flowergirl and my little Brooke hammed it up at the reception, dancing with Chris AND Brett! LOL

The slideshow I did seemed to be a hit. Jeff said everyone was moved to tears when the slides came up of Chris grandfather (who passed away last year) and Maw Maw (who passed in 1997 but it still feels like last year!)

So even though we're over the biggest hurdle of the year, there's no rest for the weary. Today I got a LOT done in my classroom and then I went shopping for more stuff. Shopping is not so bad when you're spending someone else's money. But I still try to live up to my nickname of Miss Thrifty. I spent a LOT less than I actually expected to and as soon as I get it all to work tomorrow and put in place, I'll pretty much be done. Good thing because I have to get shirts and stuff ordered for pep squad and stuff ready for CORE and Co-op!

But I'm still taking time out for our Tuesday pool party tomorrow!

Goodnight and God bless!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Reap the whirlwind...

That's what happens when you are the mom of three busy little bees! (okay, they're not so little anymore, but believe me they ARE busy!)

I LOVE my job and I LOVE those preschoolers but I so enjoyed my day off Wednesday (and today but I'll post about that one later). I had to register my teen for his sophomore year of high school. Two hours and $225 later (not including a yearbook!) mission accomplished. Then I set out to find something to wear for Mia's pending nuptials. I wanted something red (I know this is retarded and ridiculously anal but I like for us to all match, especially in pictures), something a little blingy, something not too hot or uncomfortable and something not pricey. That's not much to ask is it? Hey, if it wasn't my sister's wedding, I'd have went to the thrift store--yes, I am THAT cheap! But I struck out almost everywhere until my good friend (my daughter's bff's mom, so does that make her my bff, too? okay, a little ADD going on here) sent me to Cato's. I now have an outfit, complete with shoes. I just need to find a necklace and earrings but I'm not really worried about that.

We also had Art Wednesday afternoon and then I went home to cook. I swear my husband thinks I don't ever do anything anymore! But it's just so freakin' hot I can't get in the mood to cut that oven on and I won't do it before 7 p.m. We've always been late dinner eaters but we are now snackin', microwaving and sandwich-nighting it to avoid turning on more heat. But Wednesday, I did cook. Chicken and rice. :D

We picked up two more girls for the pep squad which is good news but now we really have to get on the ball with our practicing!

I worked on my classroom some more Thursday afternoon and then went to the Teacher store. I LOVE that store! I love the cool stuff and the way it smells and I could just spend a fortune in there. Forget clothes and shoes--give me bulletin board stuff! LOL But I actually only spent $5. I got us a world wall map for our American Girl class. Now, I did come out with more than that but that all went on the daycare's account. I did pretty good though. Even though I would LOVE to spend a lot of money, I generally am pretty thrifty and make a lot of the stuff I use. It really doesn't take a lot to impress preschoolers anyway.

Speaking of the job, we had a dinner meeting at my boss' house in Odenville Thursday night. Now you guys think *I* live in the boonies. Oh my goodness! But it was a great time of fellowship with all the other teachers. It's a good group of ladies and we have the best boss in the world. She is so passionate about preschool and so very supportive. I am REALLY looking forward to this year.

But my days off have let me know that I am ready to slow down some. I'm looking forward to a few pajama homeschooling days which should start in a few weeks.

I'll post some pictures of our outing today tomorrow! I am tired after CORE orientation and all the other things that we did today and I have to get up in the morning, clean house and make a cake for the rehearsal dinner. Yes, I know that's supposed to fall on the groom's family. But she knows I do cakes and asked me if I could make on in the shape of a Bud Light bottle (Chris loves Bud Light and I love Chris and his family so what can I say?) and I DO love to do cakes and practice so how could I say no? I'll get the girls to help me.

But it's early to bed for me tonight!
