The girls and I checked into UAB Hospital Thursday night for the 2nd part of the Americo study they were participating in. This was a clinical research trial to help find a cause for juvenile diabetes. We heard about it from our homeschool group. To qualify, you had to be between the ages of 7-12, not in full blown puberty yet, not diabetic and Caucasian, Hispanic or African American. They got free physical exams, activity tests, DNA screenings for heritage, measurements, etc. and then each of them got a $150 VISA gift card! Plus mommy got $30 compensation for gas, time and parking.
I almost couldn't find where we were supposed to go. But fortunately, God let us run into my friend Jan from Bunco who works at UAB and even though she was on her way home for the night, she very graciously helped us find our way.
I was a little apprehensive about checking into UAB. I mean, that is where Jeff had his first surgery for Crohn's and they nearly killed him! Long story but they took great care of us. We weren't near any actual sick people and Alexandra (the study coordinator) was so sweet and brought them gameboys and of course they had tv. They also got to stay in the same room together in a queen-size bed. It was kind of a rough night for mommy. I couldn't get to sleep in the recliner as I could not get it to stay reclined! So I got in bed with the girls and that wasn't very comfortable either. But we did okay.
And of course, they fed us and for hospital food, let me say it was fabulous. The girls got kid food--cheeseburger, french fries, dessert, etc. plus a snack for later and mommy got pork chop, mashed potatoes & peas. The next morning, the breakfast was divine--pancakes, sausage, bacon, cereal, grits, biscuit, etc. However, the girls could not eat until they were through with all their tests. They had to get IV's which was the worst part of the whole experience. But even that wasn't terrible. The wonderful nurses used numbing cream so they didn't feel a thing. It was just difficult keeping their arms still for so long. They also did some kind of carbon dioxide test to measure how much carbon dioxide they exhaled within a certain amount of time. When the tests were finally over--around noon, they got to eat both breakfast AND lunch! They were thrilled and of course were even happier when Alexandra came by with their cards. Brooke couldn't wait to spend hers and would have done so before leaving the hospital if I'd have let her. They even had a security guard walk us to our car to make sure we were safe getting home.
Even though we were exhausted, we had to go to Walmart and get groceries for the big "snow" that was coming. Though I rarely put much stock in what the weather people say anymore, we needed groceries anyway. But I was glad I went because even though things didn't get too terrible, it did indeed snow!
I can take this kind of snow anytime. The power didn't go out and the roads were still safe. It just snowed enough for the kids to be able to play in it and have fun.
Their "snow brother", Brooke says before he was viciously decapitated by the neighborhood hoodlums!
Jeff also got another deer, his second for the season and I don't know what number that makes altogether. I lost count a long time ago. But he was excited and so was I--more meat for the freezer, even though I want to try and give up meat at some point!
He is planning on joining a club next season so he won't be at the mercies of publicly managed land. But even so, two for a season is not too bad and we still have one more weekend to go. So who knows, maybe Dylan will get one!
Saturday night, Brooke started to get sick. She started out complaining that her head was hurting but she's not one for medication so she went to bed early with a cold rag on her head. By morning, she was running a fever so I started giving her Motrin. She was really upset because she'd planned for her BFF Briahna to come over to spend the night that night. I told her we'd have to wait and see if maybe we could get her fever to go down. We couldn't. So not only did we have to cancel our sleepover, mommy also had to call her friend Lynne to come and get Kayti because Camp Fire had a trip planned to see the Pompeii exhibit that day. And since mommy was stuck at home with a very sick Brooke, sweet Lynne agreed to give her a ride. She didn't say much about the exhibit, just that it was interesting.
Brooke's fever reached its highest point later that evening. It had been consistently 103 all day, even though I'd been giving her motrin and tylenol and bathing her in a cold tub, letting her sip coke, etc. But nothing would make it come down and the last time I took it, I got a reading of 107. I think my heart completely stopped! There is nothing scarier than your child being sick like that. By that time, Jeff and Dylan were home and Dylan was feeling puney and Jeff said there is no way she could be 107. I took my own temp just to test the thermometer and I got a 97.5, which is what I usually am (hey, I'm cold-blooded, don't ya know!) and so I was freaking out. I called my mom and she agreed to come stay with Kayti & Dylan and we got ready to go to the ER. I went ahead and put her in the tub again and she screamed the entire time. I know it felt cold to her and the entire time I was thinking about a friend of mine from the 'net whose child is battling cancer! It was breaking my heart for her to be screaming about something that was supposed to be making her better, I could only imagine what my friend goes through each time her son has to have chemo or some other procedure done. Carrie, you are definitely my hero! I know that God gives us all the strength that we need when we need it but I honestly don't know how I'd handle it.
Before mom made it out to our house, Jeff insisted on taking her temp again and he got a reading of 102.5. Still high, but not nearly 107! I don't know what I could have done to get a reading of 107! So we ended up not going to the ER, just watching her closely, keeping up with the motrin, tylenol, etc. and by morning the fever had broken. (Thank you, God!!!)
But Dylan, even though he wasn't feverish, was still feeling sick and slightly nauseous. But I think he was just tired. Jeff forgets sometimes that even though Dylan is very smart, mature and athletic, etc. that he is still just a kid. And hanging out in the woods all day when the temperature is in the teens can really take it out of you! So he didn't get to wrestle Monday but that's okay.
Since Brooke had to miss her sleepover and her field trip, I told her she could call Bri and I let Kayti call her friend and we all went to lunch and shopping at the Galleria! I think they had a great time! We went in every kid and girly store they had--three Claire's stores, Libby Lou's, Build-a-Bear, KB, Bath & Body Works, etc. Then we stopped for smoothies!
They spent some of their UAB money and that made them happy. But they are trying to save the majority of it to get Mia, the new American Girl of the year 2008 and for horseback riding in the Spring. Brooke has fallen in love with riding since we went trail riding last year at Tannehill and she has become a fan of the Saddle Club show. Some days I think if these girls find any more interests I will absolutely faint. They are way too much like me!
We started on a new curriculum homeschooling yesterday. I added more Language Arts than what we were doing using Spectrum books and we are studying early civilization in Social Studies and Rocks & Minerals in Science while we wait on our Bob Jones books that we bought from ebay. Mommy did not want to pay full price until she gets a good idea of what they are about. I am still singing the praises of Saxon Math and have found a wonderful new Bible study specifically for tweens! We've also added some art and Spanish to our curriculum. Daddy wants us to test this year. Mommy still isn't a big fan of tests but we're thinking and praying on it.
There is more that God is showing me this week that I'd love to tell you about. But Brooke is pulling at me to get off the computer so she can get on Webkinz so I guess I'll give in and say enough for now. I need to start dinner anyway!