Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Alabama Theatre

Last night, we took our annual trip to the historic Alabama Theatre to see my all-time favorite movie, It's a Wonderful Life.

Yes, I'm a sappy, nostalgic, nut but I laugh and cry every time I see that movie. How wonderful it would have been to have lived in such a time when right was right, wrong was wrong, roles were clearly defined and people genuinely loved and cared about each other.

And the theme of the movie--that friends and family is more important than money and success. Well, it may be a tad naive in today's "real world" but it's still a nice idea. Wish the whole world felt that way and not just a few of us suckers!

Anyway, my sister met us downtown to see it with us. I just LOVE that theatre. I would give anything to work there. Last year, the girls and I got to tour the place with the Clay Seniors. We got to hear interesting pieces of history about the theatre, stories about the restoration process, see parts of the theatre that the public doesn't normally see. It's all so beautiful! I'm glad we made it one of our Christmas traditions. It really puts me in the mood for this time of year!

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