Sunday, November 11, 2007

And yet another busy week!

Every day this past week has been involved with something to do with the school play--rehearsals, dress rehearsals, cast party and finally the big performance! It went great! This play was even better than last year's. I like musicals but I'll take a comedy over that anyday and this one was great. All the kids did really good. Here are a few pictures:

This is Brooke as Vivian Nonsuave, a picnic girl, dressed in circa 1965.

This is Kayti as Mama Sheep.

They had a pancake/pajama party for a cast party. They played several very fun games, one of which was a scavenger hunt which had to be done while traveling with a group underneath a sheet!

Other family news...

We have adopted a soldier! I won't share his name just yet (would like to get his permission first) and I don't have any pictures but he is a young soldier with a pregnant wife and two small children and just beginning his second deployment. We are praying for him and his family and sending items of need and encouragement throughout his deployment. Please join us in praying for him and for all our brave men and women proudly serving our country.

What I'm reading this week

Lucky Man by Michael J. Fox

In this candid autobiography, he describes his life's accomplishments and his struggle with Parkinson's disease since his diagnosis in 1991. I have been in love with Michael J. Fox since his Family Ties days. Everyone told me I was nuts. During an era when my peers where pining for Erik Estrada on Chips or Van Halen's David Lee Roth, short little Michael J. Fox had my heart! I don't know why, just something about him was cute to me. I was elated and I felt my crush on him vindicated when he went on to be a big star in Back to the Future and other films. I can pick 'em! LOL

He is so talented and though I hate to hear about anyone's suffering, it really hits home when someone you grew up watching, someone who is so talented and such a great person is faced with the challenge of a dibilitating illness such as Parkinson's. But I totally understand his perspective of how an illness can be a blessing in many ways. Having been through Crohn's disease with Jeff, God uses everything in our lives to bless us and to teach us what's really important in this life. I'm glad he has learned that and is using his fame to bring attention to the need for better research. I really pray that better treatments and a cure is discovered in his lifetime.

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