The next night, her friend Lauren came over to spend the night and they had a good time. The three of them--Kayti, Brooke and Lauren played really well together most of the time. The next morning, we got up early because I promised to bring Lauren to church at NorthPark and the rest of us decided to visit again, too. I visited Lauren's parents SS class and I think I may have finally found my place. Of course I want Jeff to visit first before we decide and he had stayed home that day to work on my van, which he fixed, praise God! But then he met us at Fronterra for lunch with Lauren's family.
But more on NorthPark...the pastor was speaking about being a good steward of your family and he said something that touched me deeply. He said that too many parents drill it into their kids heads to "go to college, make a lot of money" and while there is certainly nothing wrong with those things, what we should be focusing on is teaching our children and encouraging them to follow God's plan for their lives. I was convicted! Since the day we brought Dylan home from the hospital, we have dressed him in Alabama Tshirts and talked about him going to Alabama one day and making lots of money so he doesn't have to struggle like we do sometimes! I apologized to him as soon as we got into the car and told him that I hope he knows that we will love him no matter what he decides to do with his life but we hope that he does indeed follow God's lead and not ours.
The next day, the girls and I were at the library and we checked out the following book:
The Legend of the Three Trees
The book is about 3 trees. One wanted to be a treasure chest. One wanted to be a huge ship that would carry a king and the other wanted to be a towering tree that would remind everyone of God's creation and pointing people to God.
The first tree was disappointed when he was cut down and made into a feeding troth for some animals. The second tree was disappointed when he was cut down and made into a simple fishing boat. And the third tree was struck down by lightening, forgotten and eventually taken to a scrap yard.
Years passed and long story short, the first tree ended up being the manger that held the Baby Jesus--the greatest treasure of all. The second tree ended up being the fishing boat that Jesus (the TRUE king) was on when He calmed the storm. And the third tree ended up being the cross--still pointing the way to God today!
It was a wonderful story that just went right along with your message that even though we have big plans for ourselves and our children, God's plans are even greater!!!
So I know God is speaking to me here!
Monday night, Brooke had her CampFire Thank you party:
Dylan was out of school the entire week of Thanksgiving but he still had wrestling. He lost his wrestle-off against the other guy in his weight class so he did not actually get to participate in the tournament they had on Wednesday but he still wanted to go and watch for a bit so I dropped him off and he hung out for awhile. Jeff got off early on Wednesday and then we went shopping for Dylan's birthday gifts. I borrowed an idea from my parenting guru, Lisa Whelchel but I tweaked it a little to better fit our family. Here's what he got for his birthday:
First, a plain birthday card that read "Dylan, we are overwhelmed when we think of the outstanding young man you are becoming. It has been our joy to be your parents. You are the best son we could have asked for. Thank you for the privelege of being your parents. Love, Mom & Dad and now...the presents!!
A savings account and a Dave Ramsey book--Part of being an adult is learning to handle money. I wish I knew so I could teach you! Seriously, good habits are best learned young. the older you get, trust me, the more difficult it is to change your behavior or correct your mistakes (and everybody makes them!) Please do better than we have in this area! Take advantage of the resources you have and the opportunity to learn. Read this book. Get into the habit of tithing to God first. He will supply your every need--and most of your wants! Be a saver. There is so much value in delayed gratification and her's some help getting started!
A Family Guy DVD--A sense of humor is very important and I'm so glad you have one. Too few people do these days and thought it is also important to make good choices regarding music, TV and movies, it is all about balance. Each of us knows when our line has been crossed. That line is a wonderful gift from God and I hope that we've done a good job of teaching you how to discern for yourself what things are pleasing and not to just follow the crowd on anything--good or bad.
An Alabama Crimson Tide toothbrush--You have been blessed with a fierce loyalty to the things you know and love. It is perhaps your most admirable quality. Don't ever lose it. Roll Tide!
A chocolate cigar--Hopefully you won't have to deal with friends trying to get you to smoke cigars (or anything else!), drink, do drugs or make other bad choice s. But the people you surround yourself with over the next few years will become increasingly important to the way your life turns out. You've always been very selective--make sure with each new relationship you ask yourself, "will this friend (or girlfriend) draw me away from the things of God or stand with me to make good choices?"
A photo collage with family pictures--Other than Jesus, there is no more important relationship in life than the one with your family. Your dad and I have both been blessed in this way and it is--always has been--our greatest goal to pass that blessing along to you kids. Value your family as your greatest treasure.
An Academy gift card--From today forward, we will listen to your requests and desires more. We want to be able to communicate with you openly and honestly about everything. Though we are your parents first and foremost, we are also your friends. No one loves you more and no one ever will (except for God). We will always be in your corner. Not only when you succeed but when you fail. We want you to know you can trust us as we know we can trust you!
On Thanksgiving, we went to Jeff's mom's for dinner and then to my aunt's for dessert. We got to see my cousin's stepson, Heath and his family! I had not seen Heath in quite awhile. He was ringbearer at our wedding and is just a few years younger than my sister, Melanie. He was a rebellious teen and they had a lot of trouble out of him but he has really grown up!
Me and the girls spent the night with Mom Thanksgiving night and my sister, Melanie did, too so we could all get up and go shopping together on Black Friday! We had a blast! We started out in Fultondale/Gardendale and then mom took us to lunch at Habeneros and then we hit the Galleria and other Hoover shopping. I, of course, spent more money than I had planned to but I did get some good deals on things I needed for gifts and to decorate the house. I'm not normally an enthusiastic shopper--people get on my nerves when I'm out like that but the day after Thanksgiving, when you would expect shopping to be at its worst, I actually enjoy it. I don't know if it's a spirit of the season in the air or what but I'm not as bothered being out that day. We had a great time and were gone most of the day. While we were out, my dad friend us a turkey and then Jeff came to pick us up.
Saturday was the Iron Bowl and Dylan had friends over to celebrate his birthday. Alabama lost but everyone still had fun.
Sunday, we went to Lower Shadow Lake to make our Christmas Card picture: I can't decide which one I'm going to use. Any votes?
Then we came home and put up the tree!
Yesterday, Dylan stayed out of school again and we drove to Oneonta so he could take his driver's permit test. (we tried at CenterPoint TWICE last week when he was out of school and both times the line was so long we were turned away) He passed--he only missed one question! So look out, everyone! There's another teen driver on the roads of Clay!
Today, we resume our regular homeschooling routine and continue our preparations for the Christmas season. I just love this time of year!
What I'm Reading This Week
It's Christmas, right? So I have to read something about Christmas! I actually read this book a few years ago when I first bought it. Yes, it's another Lisa Whelchel--are you noticing a pattern here? I just love her philosophy on everything--the Lord, family, being a mother, etc.
Since rededicating my life to the Lord five years ago, all I have heard is other Christians complain about how Christ is lost in the shuffle of the holiday hustle and bustle. They complain that stores say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" and they stop participating in holiday rituals that once meant alot to them as children. I've always found that very sad. I think God loves it all. Of course, with everything, there has to be balance but the intro to this book, The ADVENTure of Christmas says it better than I ever could. Lisa writes:
If you were to ask my children, "What is the meaning of Christmas?" they would dutifully reply, "The birth of Jesus." But I know them better than that. To these three little ones, Christmas is really about opening presents, baking cookies, decorating the tree, and stringing twinkle lights with Daddy.
Sure, we read the Christmas story, attend candlelight services, and quote the obligatory, "Jesus is the reason for the season" while simultaneiously wiping tears from their eyes and drool off their chins in the Barbie aisle of Toys R Us. But if you could see into my children's hearts, you would understand that, to them, Christmas is not only about the birth of Jesus--it's also about celebrating the birth of Jesus.
I recently learned that celebrating Christmas is not far from the heart of God. Feeling like Jesus had gotten lost in the frenzy of the holiday season, I asked the Lord to show me what I could do to teach my children the true meaning of Christmas. I was caught off-guard when He simply replied, "Don't do anything differently. Look in the middle of the celebration and you will find Me."
How awesomely true is that?! The Bible even tells us that in everything we do, do it for the Lord! So rest assured, when we visit Santa, when we shop, when we bake and do crafts, we are doing it all for the glory of God and celebrating His greatest gift!