I'm doing very well with my physical therapy according to the PT's. I'm no longer using a walker at all and only use a cane sometimes. I'm able to bend my knee up to an 80 degree angle. I've had a few remarks from family and friends about pushing myself to hard but the PT says pushing myself is what I need to be doing. Letting things set up is what gives most people permanent problems. And I'm not an elderly person that only needs to worry about walking around the house. I do enjoy crafts and things that keep me still for a period of time but for the most part, that's not me and y'all know that! So it's looking like I'll have some Summer adventures after all and I could not be happier about that!
I won't, however, be able to get a garden going or chickens this year--that will have to wait and so will the completion of my dream backyard. But that's actually okay because those plans have had to change. Since Zamora Park closed to the public, I've decided to put in a pool next year. Nothing fancy, just a simple little pool for me to cool off with a float and adult beverages should I choose to do so!
I had considered for a brief moment, going to Highlands College for a ministry certificate. (I know, I said I was done with school! But are we ever really done with learning? Well, we shouldn't be!).
But I found a program online that's free and so I've been doing that one instead. I'm also planning to go to tax school in the Fall, either at Jackson Hewitt or H & R Block so I can make extra money during tax season, I still have a dream of getting my personal training certificate, too but obviously that's on the backburner for a bit while I recover. I'm also working hard on my crafts and things and would one day like to have a booth somewhere. But to do that I have to stop keeping and giving away everything I make so I'll have enough to sell!
I am ready to go back to work! It's nice being still for a bit, making plans and pondering dreams, etc. But it can get awfully boring sometimes. I miss my coworkers and being able to feel like I've accomplished things day to day. I have my follow up appointment Tuesday morning and hopefully the doctor gives me the okay to go back to work. The only thing that worries me is that I'm really sore the mornings after I have PT so I may have to make some adjustments somewhere.
Everyone else is doing well. I am blessed to have such great family and friends that have been by my side to help me through this. I can't wait to get back into a real gym and start working towards all my other goals. I feel like good things are ahead!
Be blessed,