Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June blog challenge Day 24 What's in my purse?

Boring. I'm organized and this answer is always the same:

  • my wallet
  • my checkbook
  • my planner
  • a small notebook
  • a pen or two
  • reading glasses
  • sunglasses
  • lip gloss
  • a tampon
  • compact
  • aleve
  • eye drops

See, what did I tell ya?

Monday, June 23, 2014

June blog challenge Day 23 Twenty facts about me

1.   I love God's Word and His Son, Jesus.
2.   I try to remember that God loves His children even if they do get on MY nerves.
3.   I am a very positive an optimistic person most of the time.
4.   The older I get, the higher my standards get--in EVERYTHING.
5.   The older I get, the less and less patience I have for drama of any kind.
6.   I like to prioritize my life.
7.   I like to make lists and work them.
8.   I LOVE to read.
9.   I like things that make me laugh.
10.  I sometimes have major anxiety when my house and car isn't clean and organized.
11.  I like to be organized and make plans.
12.  I hate when people can't make plans and stick to them.
13.  I have the three best kids in the whole world.
14.  I am still great friends with my ex even though sometimes he gets on my nerves.
15.  I like to do creative things.
16.  I suck at managing money even though my undergraduate degree is in Finance. I know what to do I just don't always have the discipline to do it.
17.  Even though I suck at managing money, I am still VERY frugal, especially compared to some people who should actually be even more frugal than I am.
18.  I am very healthy and try to do all I can to stay that way.
19.  I am not very environmentally conscious.
20.  As long as I have a job, I will get my nails done. I don't care if I have to eat ramen noodles to be able to do so!

June blog challenge Day 22 Bullet your entire day

  • 7:00 wake up to a text from my friend, Rhonda telling me she won't make it to church this morning. Decide to sleep in.
  • 10:00 get up, have coffee, watch TV, play on the computer
  • 12:00 have a light lunch
  • 1:00 decide I will cook all my dinners for the week and get ready to work out
  • 2:00 go to the Y and work out
  • 3:00 go sit by the pool for a few hours
  • 5:00 decide I will go to church tonight and leave the pool
  • 6:00 church
  • 8:00 do a little laundry and make my lunch for the next day
  • 9:30 go to bed
Pretty exciting, huh?

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June blog challenge Day 21 Something that makes me happy

My sweet dog, Madylan Penelope Quick (Mady) makes me VERY happy.

June blog challenge Day 20 The meaning behind my blog name

I believe God's Word. Especially in John 10:10 where it says Jesus came so that we may have life and have it abundantly! I believe God cares as much about our lives here on Earth as He does about our salvation. I believe He wants our lives to be happy and lived to the fullest. Therefore, my blog is about MY abundant life! I try to be in love with my life--every minute of it! No, things are not always perfect. But I acknowledge that I am blessed beyond measure. And I acknowledge the One who made it so.

June blog challenge Day 19 Another picture of myself

Taken a few weeks ago on a Sunday when Brooke and I were running around having fun and it was just too hot for makeup!

June blog challenge Day 18 Something I crave a lot

Chuy's creamy jalapeno dip!  Thank God I learned how to make it myself!

June blog challenge Day 17 My celebrity crush

Shemar Moore! aka Special Agent Derrick Morgan

June blog challenge Day 16 A photo of me and my family

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June blog challenge Day 15 Something I don't leave the house without

Duh. My phone!

June blog challenge Day 14 a TV show I'm addicted to

My life doesn't revolve around TV but there are some shows I enjoy. I like the Duggars and wish I could be more like them. I also enjoy most anything on Investigation Discovery. And I record Dr. Phil but sometimes it's a topic I care nothing about so...

My must sees are:

1. Survivor
2. Criminal Minds
3. Big Bang Theory
4. Sex and the City reruns

I absolutely LOVE Survivor and am proud to say I was rooting for Tony from Day One. I think he played an awesome game this past season and even though I did also like Spencer, Tony deserved the win and I'm very happy for him. And my goodness, look at him!

Criminal Minds is a close second. I love Mathew Gray Gubler's character, Spencer and of course, my #1 man crush--Shemar Moore! Again, my goodness--look at him!

June blog challenge Day 13 My favorite musician and why

I like a variety of music and therefore a variety of musicians. But hands down, The Beatles are tops and always will be.  The songwriting team of Lennon-McCartney is unrivaled. And they were groundbreaking in mixing genres. They have influenced so many talented musicians since their time and their influence continues.  I can't even tell you if I prefer early Beatles over mid or late Beatles. I go back and forth. And certainly since their breakup, while unfortunate, each has forged their own way (with the slight exception of Ringo but he manages to do okay, I think!)

I'll always be a Beatlet!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June blog challenge Day 8 A photo and song to match my mood

This was taken earlier today...

June blog challenge Day 7 My dream wedding


I do NOT sit around a dream about ever being married again, let alone have a pinterest board devoted to my dream wedding like most women do.

If I were to ever get married again, it would be done on the beach, Gulf Shores or Orange Beach, with just family and close friends. I'll be barefoot and wear a simple little sundress. That's about it. No elaborate decorations, flowers, matching bridesmaid dresses-heck no bridesmaids! I don't want ANY of that stuff. 

And after there will be lots of good food and a cake. And margaritas, not champagne. 

June blog challenge Day 6 A photo of an animal I'd love to keep as a pet

I'm not much of an "animal lover".

"I love my dog, I don't really care about your dog." ~~Ron White

The above quote is me to a tee! And Mady is almost the perfect dog. I don't think I can improve on her.

And I'm definitely not much of a cat person but Kayti's cat is the coolest cat. I've come to love her.

I do like gorillas, elephants and dolphins but I seriously doubt I could ever keep one as a pet.

But I do love to go horseback riding and maybe one day after I make my millions, I'll have a horse or two...

June blog challenge Day 5 A photo of myself two years ago

Trying to decide if I've changed much...except for the obvious weight gain!

June blog challenge Day 4 A photo of my best friend

I have come to a point in my life where I would have to say other than Jesus, I am still looking for my best friend. Of course I still love Dede and all my friends but we don't get to hang out much anymore. My entire life has been marked by friendships that are defined by my environment. I have lots of really good and dear friends but not a lifelong bestie, really. So I will just post a few pictures of a few friends that are very important to me and always will be. 

These are in no particular order:

Aldona and Angela...I have probably been friends with Angela for the longest--kindergarten! I met Aldona in 8th grade. I see Aldona once a week here lately for lunch and we email each other daily because we are both bored at work! Angela and I see each other every few months or so. Love them both!

Dede will always be special to me. She took me and my girls in when we had no place else to go. She's always positive, outgoing, encourages me and is just a ton of fun. She's been working a lot lately so I haven't seen her much. But I love her very much!

I've known Rhonda since high school but we have recently become very close because of some life circumstances. She is beautiful, inside and out. I admire her for her strength and how she has overcome some very difficult obstacles in her life. She is amazing and I love her!

Tammy and I become close in high school band. She is the least judgmental person I have ever met and will give anyone the shirt off her back. She will always be part of my heart.

This special lady was once my boss! We immediately bonded over a love of preschoolers! She never was "bossy" though and I fell in love with her almost instantly. She has prayed me through some very heavy stuff, never turning her back on me. Her heart is the biggest I've ever known. 

This guy knows me better than I know myself. And though we are no longer married and as our children grow up and move on with their lives, we will probably not be as involved in each others lives as we are now. But for now, he's still always there for me, despite how much we fight sometimes. I'll probably never have another man in my life that knows me like this one does. I am very thankful for the relationship we have.

There are many more friends that I have that I love very much. Some I've known for awhile. Some I just met. Some are no longer a part of my life and probably never will be again. But that doesn't make them any less special or me love them any less than I ever did.

Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times.

June blog challenge Day 3 My favorite store

I really don't care for shopping much so I can't say that I have a favorite store. Any place that smells nice is good--the Yankee Candle store (except the one at the Pinnacle closed), Bath and Body Works, even Rue 21 when I go with the girls because I certainly can't wear the clothes they sell!

June blog challenge Day 2 A photo of something I ate today


June blog challenge Day 1 A photo of myself and how my day went...

On June 1, I was at the beach. It was sunny and I had a fabulous time. Went back to the beach house and threw steaks on the grill. A perfect day...

Friday, June 6, 2014

Some favorite scriptures

Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. ~~Jeremiah 33:3

Be merciful to me, O' Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief. ~~Psalm 31:9

So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law. ~~ Galatians 5:1

When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He will produce this kind of fruit in us:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.~~Galatians 5:22-23

Search me, O' God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. ~~ Psalm 139:23-24

Create in me a pure heart, O' God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. ~~Psalm 51:10

For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts. ~~Isaiah 55:9

Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. ~~Matthew 6:33

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do NOT be afraid; do not be discouraged. For the Lord Your God will be with you wherever you go. ~~Joshua 1:9

Even youths grow tired and weary and stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. ~~Isaiah 40: 30-31

Save us and help us with your right hand that those you love may be delivered. ~~Psalm 108:6

Humble yourselves therefore unto His mighty hand that He may life you up in due time.  Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you. ~~ 1 Peter 5:6-7

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock in whom I take refuge. ~~Psalm 18:2

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight. ~~Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, June 5, 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 30 My daily routine

See Day 3! :)

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 29 My family

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 28 What do I want?

I want everything that I posted in Day 29!

I would also like for my parents to be healthy and financially secure.

I would like to be financially secure (more so than now).

I would like to lose about 85 pounds!

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 27 How I envision my life to be

I envision one day I will go on at least one mission trip per year. 
I will finally publish a book (or two or three). 
I will have a much better job that will allow me to use my talents and gifts to help others and balance my other life goals with a satisfying career. 
I will lead a small group and perhaps even become a public speaker.
I will have a house with a pool.
I will be able to give to missions, causes and people I care about.
I will live near the beach.
I may or may not meet the man of my dreams.
Either way, I will be happy.

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 26 Something I never get tired of doing

I never get tired of watching Survivor!!!

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 25 What made my day special

Well, for starters, I got up a few minutes early and went by Starbucks!

I exchanged emails with a dear friend.

I had lunch with another dear friend.

It was payday and child support day!

Best of all--my girls came home from the beach! They stayed three extra days with their dad but I had to come back to work. I missed them! I'm glad they are home!

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 24 Goals for next month

I started this challenge in May and even though the month was halfway over, I had every intention of getting it done by the end of May. But I digress. Here it is June 5 and I'm still trying to get it done.

So my goals for June? Finish this challenge for one! And perhaps start a new one. Other goals:

  1. Start my novel
  2. eat healthier
  3. exercise more
  4. catch up some bills
  5. visit 4 new churches
  6. go on 4 hikes
  7. plan another beach trip
  8. read 5 books
Hopefully I can accomplish those!

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 23 My most memorable vacation

Another difficult one! I have had many memorable vacations. I have had the good fortune to travel to many places that others only dream about.  I have been to Mexico, on a cruise, New York, Europe, Disney and many other fabulous places. New York and Europe were both fantastic and I hope to go back one day. But probably my most memorable vacations are the ones I took with my kiddos.

We went to Disney in 2002. We did Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Universal Studios. We had a great time. The same year, we went to Gatlinburg because Dylan's football team had won out and as a treat, they got to play in a tournament. It was snowy and the kids had a wonderful time. The girls even made the statement "this is better than Disney World!" Who'da thunk it? :)

This past Spring Break, I took my kiddos back to Orlando. They are grown/almost grown now so their ambitions were a little different. We did Epcot and both Universal parks. They loved Harry Potter world as all three are huge fans of the books and the movies. And getting to sample each of the countries in Epcot was nice. Dylan especially loved sampling the beer!

I have been blessed with three amazing kids. I love the memories we have been able to make together and hope that even though they are spreading their wings and going off in different directions that we will be able to make more vacation memories together.

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 22 Something I have never done that most people have

I think I have done a lot of things most people haven't instead of the other way around. So this was a difficult one to come up with. Since I've been trying to learn new and healthier foods I think I can probably come up with something I haven't eaten that most people might have especially since I'm a picky eater for the most part.

One thing I have seen a lot of on health food websites is quinoa so it stands to reason that many, if not most, people have probably eaten it. I think I can safely say that not only have I never eaten any I probably never will. I can't get past the way it looks. It looks like the stuff that diapers are made out of--that gel stuff that keeps the moisture locked in. Gross.

No, quinoa has never touched my lips and never will.
