Saturday, February 23, 2013

Getting kicked in the butt and discipline!

Nothing like getting a good kick in the butt by ol' influenza to make you stop, slow down, do a little reflecting and ultimately a blog will materialize!

I have been going going going like the Energizer Bunny for the longest time and it's been exhilarating! My job is going fabulously and I love it! Love what I do, who I work's absolutely amazing and so weird to work for and with people I not only enjoy being around but actually respect. I feel valued and it's new to me. But it's wonderful! And about time! It truly is motivating and I'm doing the best I can to keep up and learn as much as I can as fast as I can. I'm not only wanting to get licensed but I'm also thinking once again about the old MBA! Just trying to decide if it will be a good financial investment given I'm already carrying a large amount of student loan debt and how much value will it add towards my career. Where do I see myself in 5 years?  Well, I know I'll still be working! And most likely in the same industry. As far as for the same company goes, that depends on what they decide to do with it. If they are still around, I plan on still being there serving in whatever capacity they feel like using me. I do NOT see myself starting my own firm or business in any way. I'm just not cut out for it. I'll manage one, but I don't want the risk or responsibility. At least that's the way I feel about it right now. And I'm about to get into the reason.

Discipline. That's my number one problem with ANYTHING in my life.

Persona Finance--I KNOW what to do. I can manage your money for you, look at your situation, tell you exactly what you should change, keep the same, etc. etc. And I can tell my own self the very same thing. But it's like Dave Ramsey says--personal finance is only 50% knowledge and 50% personal behavior. It's the last part that kills me. Every time. I've gotten MUCH better about it over the last several years. I no longer spend more than I make. But I'm still not a disciplined saver like I would like to be. Baby steps.

Weight Loss and Fitness--Again, I KNOW what to do. I know what foods to eat and what to avoid. I know all about portion control and exercise and the timing of everything. I know about vitamins and drinking lots of water, etc. etc. But having the discipline to do it is another story. Again, I've gotten better. I've installed checks and balances to hold myself accountable and have enlisted mentors to encourage me and have even become a mentor to a few others. Hey, you ever want to help yourself, try helping others! It makes you want to do the right thing because people are watching you!

Prayer Bible Study--And yet again, I KNOW what to do. I know God longs to spend time with me every day and he wants my first fruits, not just whenever I find it convenient or am needing Him in some way. And He knows, ONLY He knows how many times He has allowed me to suffer my own consequences and tested me to SHOW me how much I need Him. And I don't mean to make it sound like a burden. I relish my daily talks with God just as much as I relish my daily talks with my mom or my children. But I'm human and my flesh is easily distracted. So God usually ends up with my leftovers. I'm also getting better at this. I go to bed most nights with His name on my lips and usually when I do, it's still there when I wake in the mornings. I've reminded myself when I wake at night, it's usually because I need to pray for someone and so I do. I try to spend time with people who already have the habits I want to cultivate in myself and I watch them and try to do what they do.

On these things, I imagine I will always be a work in progress. And I'm okay with that, just knowing I'm doing my best. But it's this utter lack of discipline that causes me to realize I CANNOT be successful at running a business FOR MYSELF. I need the accountability. I need for someone to hold me to a higher standard than I hold for myself sometimes. So I will always be working for someone and I'm okay with that--as long as it's someone I respect. I have learned over the years of many jobs and many experiences that personalities, while they can be improved on, cannot fundamentally be changed. The pieces have to fit or the puzzle isn't going to work. You can't force it, if you're an employer you just have to find the right pieces and if you're an employee, you just have to find the right puzzle! And I am pretty certain that I finally have. :)