yes, way past time for an update!!!
When I lost my job, the FIRST thing I let go was cable and internet. Despite what a lot of us think sometimes, including me, it IS a luxury and one we can manage to live without, even though it's frustrating sometimes, especially when looking for a job. That is why my blogging has been infrequent. Not that I dont have a lot to say! Ha, yall know better!
I am so amazed at how God has provided for us during the last month and how He has answered my prayers far above anything I could have imagined. It really is true that His plans for us are greater than our own dreams for ourselves! I'm still struggling a bit financially, especially with Christmas upon us but I am not pouting a bit! We are blessed so far beyond what we deserve and I am truly happy! And our money problems are only temporary as God has placed me with a WONDERFUL company!!!
Yes, I am back in the world of money, working for a financial consulting group! My bosses are a married couple and they are AMAZING!! So smart, so fun and so completely NORMAL! lol The two ladies I work with are equally awesome and I enjoy what I'm doing. It's a lot to learn and re-learn but I will get there quickly. It's also a lot of pressure at tims but hey...when I think of all I have been through and not just survived but THRIVED in my life, I KNOW I can handle it! I am beyond excited about this amazing opportunity to be in on the ground floor of an up and coming organization!
Yes, I knew when my boss cursed the second day I was there I was right at home. Not that I'm saying cursing is a good thing but hey...we all think it at times and it's such a relief to know I'm among like-minded people and I can just be myself!
Myself...yes, I am flawed. As much as I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, as much as I pray, try to live right, go to church, read my Bible, etc., I fall so very short. I'm not going to pretend otherwise and no longer will I be around people who do. No longer will I be judged by them either. And that's all I'm going to say about that. I'm finally comfortable with who I am. I've found the right balance between what's in my head & heart and what I need to share about that. So if you have something negative to say about it, save it. I'm not hearing it anymore.
Everyone is doing well, the kids are out of school for a few weeks, Dylan is home for Christmas though he does still have to work in T-town some so we won't have him home as much as we did last year. But we are proud of him. Say what you want about me, say what you want about Jeff but we made and raised one FABULOUS kid and we did NOT use that love and logic crap with him! We used love, limits, boundaries and consequences and we were not afraid to come down on him hard when we needed to. Fortunately for us, we didn't have to very often. And because we were consistent, he learned and has flourished!
My heart breaks for this wicked world we live in where someone can grow up thinking there are no consequences. There is no moral compass at all and empathy is being replaced with self-centeredness and thus leading to tragedies like Newton, Connecticut.
Yes, I realize I am more liberal than most. I don't believe most guns that are in existence are necessary. Do I think that the criminals will obey gun control laws? Absolutely not. Let's not be absurd. Guns are already out there and outlawing them only reduces safety, not increases. But I literally throw up in my mouth when I hear people arrogantly declare, "It's my right to have these guns." No, it's not. You ignorant fuck! You are so misreading the second amendment. You ARE NOT part of a militia! Maybe one day you will be.
It also sickens me that people compare guns to airplanes, cars or anything else having a USEFUL purpose. "Oh but I like to target shoot!" Target shoot for what purpose? So you will be better at KILLING something, whether it's an animal or another human. A gun's ONLY purpose is to kill. Am I against hunting? No. But do you honestly need an automatic or semi-automatic weapon to outsmart an animal? If so, you aren't very good at hunting! Ted Nugent uses a bow and arrow!
I know a lot of my friends disagree with me and I am BY NO MEANS saying we should attempt to round up all guns, melt them down and outlaw them. I myself, DO own a revolver that my dad gave me as protection against a certain psychopath. But I promise you, one shot is all I will need. And should I ever go off my meds and go crazy, I wont be able to kill nearly as many people as quickly as the Connecticut gunman was able to.
Disagree all you want. I will still love you! ;) But you won't change my mind anymore than I am likely to change yours. So get the hell over it.
Moving on to more cheerful topics....
I finally got started on my Christmas shopping yesterday and today, I'm done! I am so THANKFUL to have a family and to have raised children that know Christmas is about more than gifts because this year, from me especially, it's slim! But I'm glad to be able to get what I did. I'm looking forward not only to seeing my family Christmas Eve but to help my mom prepare tomorrow. She isn't getting around too well these days and my dad just had back surgery. He's doing well and I am optimistic that this has helped him a LOT! Now if we can find a doctor that will help mom....they are both way too young to have this degree of immobility.
I myself, have had a lot of knee pain lately. I'm not sure what happened with my last injections but they did not work so well. I know with my particular problem, it's a Catch-22. It hurts to move but the more I move, the better it will feel. That said, I need to start walking/running again. After the first of the year when I get caught up on stuff, I hope to be able to rejoin the Y and start swimming again in the mornings. That is really the best thing for me. But it will have to wait. Seems my entire life is a waiting game sometimes! I guess the Lord is trying to teach me patience. I'm trying to learn, Lord, I really am!
Hope each of you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Until next time, be blessed!