Monday, March 12, 2012

Okay, so I failed...

I failed at both the things I tried to give up for Lent. I'm not completely devastated that I did, nor surprised. I am reminded every day how very short I fall of the glory of God. I am happy and at peace with the honest effort I did give it and I know that my failures were not really based on my weakness (although I AM weak, very weak!) but rather on other factors.

Facebook--well, there has been SO much going on and it really has become my source of news for family and friends over email. A friend's mother passed, another friend's child had major surgery and my own child is dealing with some emotional issues that required me to seek out my prayer warriors. How could I NOT take advantage of the useful communication tool that facebook is?

As for coke, I've managed to cut back a LOT! I let myself give in one day when my percocets made me nauseated! Coke is the ONLY thing that seems to settle my quesy stomach. Thank God I just dont often have a weak stomach!

I am no longer liking my job much. I still love my babies, very much, and their parents and like a few of my coworkers. But for other reasons, I'm actively seeking other employment. And for now, God seems to be steering me away from opening my own center. I still dont know what He wants me to do but I'm fairly confident that isnt it. But who knows. I'm still in prayer about it and He has been known to pull the rug out from under me in the past. The gift of discernment--I dont have it!

I finished the last of my knee injections Friday. I'll have to start another round in six months but for now, I'm glad to be done. I've noticed that I'm regaining some strength in them and I'm hoping the more I'm able to exercise, the better it will keep getting.

I am enjoying having Dylan home for Spring Break this week. I only wished the girls had their spring break this week also so they could spend more time together.

Brooke tried out for colorguard but didnt make it. She was disappointed but has already moved on to the next thing! That's just like her. She has her first soccer game this weekend.

Please pray for Kayti. I'm not going to elaborate at this time but I would really appreciate your prayers for her. I'm deeply concerned and her father and I are doing all we can to help her. Thanks so much.

Have a blessed week!